Tuesday, 11 September 2018

How can I get a good job, good income, and good career at age 23? What should my goals be? What do I need to hit the upmost top end of the success stratosphere?

See first thing is success is a mindset.

It is not a goal we reach and we become happy.

Till date we have had so many successful people on this earth since time immemorial but then most of human species are still struggling to be happy. Right.

I mean imagine you become successful but you don't have one single person standing with you.

Imagine you are successful but the entire surrounding you stay are full of people who are just rag pickers.

You get the picture what i am trying to say. Don't get carried by the word success.

It’s like this. Say you achieved everything after years of hardwork.

But just when you start enjoying the fruits of your achievements, the very next day, we die. So you see success is not the ALL.

Yes, the point you are asking is not wrong, it is in fact in every human to be happy and it is this seeking that we are trying to quench.

Some call it success, some get it in addictions, some get it in money, some get in doing everything for their loved ones, some get it in just being themselves.

So your intentions are perfect for a young person. You are not interested in just being, born, earn and dying.

But all i am saying is success is not the way to go.
In the process if you get successful well and good, but remember being successful has its limitations as well.

Start seeking a mindset/path/whatever method where you feel successful irrespective of what the circumstances are.

See it’s like this. Even if humans don’t do anything, there is everything in nature available for us. Right. Then what is the point of being successful, the success what we want to do is useless.

Yes, everything is there is nature. Just think about it. Not a single thing is required. Not even internet or telephone. Human mind is not even being used at 7 percent and hope you know about telepathy, you don’t need a phone to speak to someone.
Isn’t it strange, not a single creature on this earth requires anything which is not available in nature. They will do just fine and they are doing fine. Right.

I mean did you know that if honeybees pollinate over 90 percent of the plant species on the earth. So if all the honey bees got extinct we will have nothing to eat in next 3 years. Yes, not a single plant will grow.

No birds, butterflies or other creatures can do this.

So you see, i am not saying don’t achieve or go behind things. But know the reality and limitations of what you are doing.

If there is a situation where you have to overcome the odds, defeat someone bad, please go ahead but don’t lose your peace of mind over it. Don’t think you failed, as i said there is not single use of humans on this earth.

Even if we go extinct right now, nothing changes on the earth. Think about it.

Success is a mindset. Be successful irrespective of what the circumstances are. If there are some benefits take it in your stride and share some if possible.

An ant is successful in its own way. Yes, if all the ants were even the size of cockroaches, they would ruling this planet right now.

Cockroaches were there with the dinosaurs, they will be here even after all humans have died and ozone layer has been punctured.

So now tell me who is successful.

Lion is the king of jungle but Elephants can anyday become king of jungle right. Think about it.

So, don't think successful is only about being king of jungle.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

What is the purpose of life? How to get a perfect life?

Let me cut the long story short.
Out of the 100 crop species that provide us with 90% of our food, 70% are pollinated by bees. It's that simple.
Bees are the primary initiators of reproduction among plants, as they transfer pollen from the male stamens to the female pistils.

While bees are not the only pollinators we have (bats, birds, butterflies, and some flies can do this work, too), they're by far the best creatures for the job. In part, this is because they need pollen to feed their larvae, so they're biologically driven to gather the stuff. Other pollinators visit flowers only to suck nectar, and any pollen that sticks to them in the process is a happy accident.

"Additionally, most [bee] species are fuzzy, and those hairs attract pollen grains, making the bees even more likely to pollinate,"

Within just three months of our last bee dying off, producers would be facing record low harvest yields. In cities, grocers would be scrambling to explain to consumers why almond butter costs had tripled. Within six months, many farmers—especially small-scale operations—would likely face tough choices about converting their fields to wheat. By the end of the first year, "we'd have a very bland and boring diet.

Most importantly, a chain of reaction would have been set up which is irreversible. Not to forget we are already living in a world so soiled and toxic that we'd have much bigger problems.

Now coming to your point, even if the entire humans species is extinct right now, the earth will still go on minus all the pollution etc.
In fact the planet will become better right in a larger context.

So hope you got your answer.
The question is not about having purpose.
Why do we humans thing we are above the system, we are also part of a huge system, there is no special purpose.

We can't run faster than dog, fly like a crow, fight like a lion, strong as an ant.
Yes, we do have some benefits but compared to these creatures there are lot of drawbacks we have right. So why do you want purpose in the first place, when we are not even the best species.

We are just better than some species.

In fact, after the world goes extinct, cockroaches will still roam the earth and they have been here since the dinosaurs.

It’s just that we have complicated, we have to earn money to eat food.
No other creature on the planet does this. Get it.
Yes, civilization has a come far way and things can’t be reversed. You have to go with flow.

But to answer your question, there is no specific purpose for humans.
You are free to do whatever you want.
Thing is whatever we do, we don’t realize that we are part of the system and we need keep this in mind before doing anything.

That’s why there is always seeking in almost every human being. What is my purpose? Because we are doing the wrong things.
We are not realizing that we are a cog in the wheel, we are not the wheel. Yes, to an extent we can understand the big picture but that is just part of the complete picture.

It’s like no matter how much you learn about life, earth, galaxy, spirituality, etc, it will still be drop in the ocean, like that.
As far as perfect life is concerned, again there is no such thing.

Just a example: Imagine you did all the things and became successful but just when you are about to enjoy the rewards of your success, you die. Not being negative.

All i am telling there is no purpose of life. You are free to what you want. But keep in mind the big picture that you are part of a bigger system. So do i need to say what not to do…now..if we use your common sense, we will know what to do?

Now coming to perfect life, as i said you have every right to get a perfect life but there is no guarantee you will enjoy it. So again, perfect life is a mindset.
There are people with all troubles and still happy and there are people who have everything and very miserable. Perfect life is a mindset. Dot.