God means beyond time.
You call God, Salvation, Heaven, Jesus, Allah or No God, E=MC2, as well, whatever.
EVERYTHING INCOSMOS IS ENERGY FORMS INCLUDING NOTHING. You can call nothing is potential energy. Yes, so from nothing also things happen.
Imagine you have full concrete block. If its full you can't put anything inside concrete block.
But a concrete with holes or hollow can be filled. Got it. So nothing also is equal to something.
No death, there is something that never dies.So as of today you will find 100s of people who can die at will.
Just sit there and simply die.
Ignore the spelling mistakes, get the concept.
Yes just search you will find.
Hope i need not say where an all and what kind of people.
These people can just sit there and die. Not suicide. Got it.
Now all one needs, ask these people who are to die at will about their next birth.
Infact you can ask these very people who are likely to come back or born again.
Yes some will exactly tell you what time, when and how they will be born.
Out of those 100 trust me even if 10 are born again. Think.
Now dont look for loopholes.
Yes there will be chances they might born as deaf, dumb or evil. That is mind.
They might not be spiritual in new birth.
Infact some would just want to be born as animals or trees or stone, water.
Or some might not be born again at all.
Or their timing of birth next birth could be wrong.
But now do this to 1000 or 10000 or 1 lakh people who are in STAGE to sit there and die at will.
You will see the truth.
Surely you will get proof.
It's not like Jesus they will get human body again without dying immediately.
Now don't compare as Jesus was only one who died and resurrected he is God. Remember He is also son of God, Father and only God. Yes each one also fits in a context that he is son of God, He is father and God himself. All mean same but some say he is God and some say he is son of God. Let it be, he is God or what each makes it out. But is that the point. One thing all are missing is all are ignoring that Jesus, Holy Father, Son of God all are beyond physical, emotional, mental, conscious nature.
Get the context and point. Your spirit is also beyond this. But again its not YOUR spirit.
Many people can die at will be born again as humans or what they said also or born again as stone, air, water or go wrong as well. But out of 1000 atleast more than 100 will be true but with some inaccuracies or in other context even 10 will be true and exactly born again. Point is death is not the END. Something never dies including your spirit which is not yours. Got it.
But you will see, most of them who died at will and who said to be born again were true.
Now, i am not saying about God or religion.
Just saying rebirth exists in different forms and timings might vary.
But out of 10,000 people who die at will, atleast 100 (worstcase but my guess numbers will be way more) will tell when they will be born again if they want to be born again.
Infact Google, search dig deep simple you will find proof for many people born again. Why go sofar. Logical loopholes apart, factual inaccuracies apart, exact details of rebirth might not be found for all.
When i mean with Exact details like timing of rebirth, place, may vary but as they said you will find something, someone, bornagain.
Its like you will find RESAONABLE PROOF of rebirth for all people who died at will and about what they said about next birth.
But beyond doubt rebirth can be proven.
Sunday, 13 January 2019
Atleast Die as YOGI Not as rogi
Here’s few who Transcended human Body, Mind, Consciousness, Emotions, Desires, Sins and even worshipping God himself. Trailanga, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi. Details may be exaggerated but its not impossible. Dig deep, atleast you will know they left body or died at free will. FACT, they left their body@ will. Even Gandhi– fasted for 21days.
Read their #Mahasamadhi Stories. #Vivekananda's & especially #RamanaMaharishi leaving human body is well documented. So if you have no death i.e leave your body @ will, Time ceases to exist for you. Hope you got the point.
Why can't a human quit his body consciously, tell me. Let's not goto Yoga or Jaggi or which method works. This is not Believing. This is Science.
Prove this wrong??? E=MC2. So anything in universe can be converted to anything right. So humans are also form of Energy in Universe. what i meant by "lets not goto" means first hope you agree E=MC2. Meaning anything in universe can be converted to anything. Ask any scientist. If you agree E=MC2 then we can GOTO to debate can person quit his body, Jesus, God yoga, isha, jaggi etc. Who is fake?
Fact: Humans are beyond physical world. It doesnt matter if its Hell, Heaven, Meditation, God or something new in future.
Ramana Maharishi death
On April 14, 1950 it was apparent that his physical end was near. In the evening, as the devotees sat on the verandah outside the room which had been specially built for Bhagavan’s convenience during his illness, they spontaneously began singing “Arunachala Siva” (The Marital Garland of Letters). On hearing it Ramana’s eyes opened and shone. He gave a brief smile of indescribable tenderness. From the outer corners of his eyes tears of bliss rolled down. One more deep breath and no more.
At that very moment 8:47 p.m. what appeared to be an enormous star trailed slowly across the sky passing to the north-east towards the peak of Arunachala. Many saw this luminous body in the sky, even as far away as Bombay and struck by its peculiar appearance and behaviour, they ascribed this phenomenon to the passing of their Master.
Vivekananda death
One day when Narendra was on the ground floor, meditating, the Master was lying awake in his bed upstairs. In the depths of his meditation Narendra felt as though a lamp were burning at the back of his head. Suddenly he lost consciousness. It was the yearned-for, all-effacing experience of nirvikalpa samadhi, when the embodied soul realizes its unity with the Absolute. After a very long time he regained partial consciousness but was unable to find his body. He could see only his head. "Where is my body?" he cried. The elder Gopal entered the room and said, "Why, it is here, Naren!" But Narendra could not find it. Gopal, frightened, ran upstairs to the Master. Sri Ramakrishna only said: "Let him stay that way for a time. He has worried me long enough." So he had already know knew to leave the body.
On 4 July 1902 (the day of his death) Vivekananda awoke early, went to the monastery at Belur Math and meditated for three hours. He taught Shukla-Yajur-Veda, Sanskrit grammar and the philosophy of yoga to pupils,later discussing with colleagues a planned Vedic college in the Ramakrishna Math. At 7:00 p.m. Vivekananda went to his room, asking not to be disturbed; he died at 9:20 p.m. while meditating. According to his disciples, Vivekananda attained mahasamādhi; the rupture of a blood vessel in his brain was reported as a possible cause of death. His disciples believed that the rupture was due to his brahmarandhra (an opening in the crown of his head) being pierced when he attained mahasamādhi. Vivekananda fulfilled his prophecy that he would not live forty years.He was cremated on a sandalwood funeral pyre on the bank of the Ganga in Belur, opposite where Ramakrishna was cremated sixteen years earlier.
He is said to have performed many miracles whilst alive, some of the most prominent are provided below.
1) On the river banks of Cauvery in Mahadhanapuram, he was asked by some children to be taken to Madurai, more than 100 miles away, for an annual festival. The saint asked them to close their eyes, and a few seconds later they reopened their eyes and found they were in Madurai.
2) While relaxing near a heap of grains, he began meditating. The farmer who owned the land mistook Sadasiva for a thief, and confronted him. The farmer raised his stick to hit the saint, but became a statue. He remained in this state until the morning, when Sadasiva finished meditating and smiled at the farmer. The farmer was restored to his normal state, and asked the saint for forgiveness.
3) At another time, while meditating on the banks of the Cauvery river, he was carried away by a sudden flood. Weeks later, when some villagers were digging near a mound of earth, their shovels struck his body. He woke up and walked away.
4)Long after all these happened when almost people had forgotten the memories of his wandering in their lands, once the naked sannyasi was seen walking right through a Muslim harem of a Nawab. As a brahma-jnani who sees nothing but brahman everywhere, he would not distinguish between the different human figures which cross his path nor would he be distracted by the sights or noises that his environment may present to him. It was in this state of trance that he was walking along. He, the naked sannyasi, walked straight into the harem, entering it at one end and walking out at the other all the while walking through a maze of inmates of the Nawab’s harem. The news reached the nawab, he had his men chase him, they cut off both his hands as he was walking along, the hands fell off and still he was walking along silently as if nothing had happened. The Nawab got scared, picked up the hands that had been severed, ran to the Sage and offered them in total remorse. The sage stopped his walking, the severed hands were restored to their place, the hands became normal and the sage walked away! There was no conversation.
5) In 1732, While SadaShiva Brahmendra was roaming near Pudukottai forests some soldiers saw him & mistakenly asked him to carry some sticks on his head. SadaShiva Brahmendra carried happily & when he kept that sticks in kitchen ground, it burnt. Then those soldiers understood that he was an great Saint.
6) There was a uneducated & born dumb man who was a devotee of SadaShiva Brahmendra. He served the Guru immensely. One day, SadaShiva Brahmendra kept their hand on his head & prayed to Lord to give him speech and knowledge. By the grace of SadaShiva Brahmendra that dumb man became educated & he started to talk. He started giving speeches & he was famous as “Akasha Purana Ramalinga Shastry”. Up to this 20th century, Ramalinga Shastry’s relatives were staying in Nerur. This incident is also mentioned in the Sri SadaShivendra Sthava
7) His most recent miracle(2004) is about the temple of Ageeswarar near Tiruvallur. You can read more about it in the below
Later he left Tiruvisanallur and reached Nerur, the surroundings of which were conducive and ideal for stay and penance with the river flowing southwards. A place where river flows southwards, is considered equal to Kashi ( Banaras).
Sri Sadasiva Brahmendra attained Maha Samaadhi on the Vaisakha Sukla Dasami with Makha star in the year 1755 A.D. Before his Samadhi,he mentioned that a Bilva tree would come over his Samadhi. He also mentioned that after 10 days, someone would bring a Shiva Linga and it has to be installed at a particular distance from his samadhi. Needless to say, it happened the same way.
He is said to have attained samadhi at 3 places:
Manamadurai about 60 km from Madurai.
Karachi, now in pakistan.
Paramahansa Yogananda Death
In the days leading up to his death, Yogananda began hinting that it was time for him to leave the world.
On 7 March 1952, he attended a dinner for the visiting Indian Ambassador to the US, Binay Ranjan Sen, and his wife at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. At the conclusion of the banquet, Yogananda spoke of India and America, their contributions to world peace and human progress, and their future cooperation, expressing his hope for a "United World" that would combine the best qualities of "efficient America" and "spiritual India." According to an eyewitness – Daya Mata, a direct disciple of Yogananda, who was head of the Self-Realization Fellowship from 1955–2010— as Yogananda ended his speech, he read from his poem My India, concluding with the words "Where Ganges, woods, Himalayan caves, and men dream God—I am hallowed; my body touched that sod." "As he uttered these words, he lifted his eyes to the Kutastha center (the Ajna Chakra), and his body slumped to the floor." Followers say that he entered mahasamadhi. The official cause of death was heart failure.
His funeral service, with hundreds attending, was held at the SRF headquarters atop Mt. Washington in Los Angeles. Rajarsi Janakananda, the new president of the Self-Realization Fellowship, "performed a sacred ritual releasing the body to God." Yogananda's remains are interred at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Great Mausoleum (normally closed off to visitors but Yogananda's tomb is accessible) in Glendale, California.
Ramakrishna Death
Sri Ramakrishna was sinking day by day. His diet was reduced to a minimum and he found it almost impossible to swallow. He whispered to M.: "I am bearing all this cheerfully, for otherwise you would be weeping. If you all say that it is better that the body should go rather than suffer this torture, I am willing." The next morning he said to his depressed disciples seated near the bed: "Do you know what I see? I see that God alone has become everything. Men and animals are only frameworks covered with skin, and it is He who is moving through their heads and limbs. I see that it is God Himself who has become the block, the executioner, and the victim for the sacrifice.' He fainted with emotion. Regaining partial consciousness, he said: "Now I have no pain.
He had cancer but no pain.
Sunday, August 15, 1886. The Master's pulse became irregular. The devotees stood by the bedside. Toward dusk Sri Ramakrishna had difficulty in breathing. A short time afterwards he complained of hunger. A little liquid food was put into his mouth; some of it he swallowed, and the rest ran over his chin. Two attendants began to fan him. All at once he went into samadhi of a rather unusual type. The body became stiff. Sashi burst into tears. But after midnight the Master revived. He was now very hungry and helped himself to a bowl of porridge. He said he was strong again. He sat up against five or six pillows, which were supported by the body of Sashi, who was fanning him. Narendra took his feet on his lap and began to rub them. Again and again the Master repeated to him, "Take care of these boys." Then he asked to lie down. Three times in ringing tone's he cried the name of Kali, his life's Beloved, and lay back. At two minutes past one there was a low sound in his throat and he fell a little to one side. A thrill passed over his body. His hair stood on end. His eyes became fixed on the tip of his nose. His face was lighted with a smile. The final ecstasy began. It was mahasamadhi, total absorption, from which his mind never returned. Narendra, unable to bear it, ran downstairs.
Nirmalananda death 1996
He decided to shed his body in the month of January in ’96, and announced that he would attain Mahasamadhi. But there was a big ruckus all around. The rationalist society of Karnataka filed a case against him saying that this man is going to commit suicide, so they put two constables in the ashram.
When I (Sadhguru) went there, he hugged me and cried, “I have not even plucked a flower from a tree. Even for my pooja I don’t pluck a flower, and they have put police in my ashram.” Just the insult of that hurt him so much. Not once did he even pluck a fruit. He didn’t want to hurt the trees. Only if they fell down he ate them. Otherwise he wouldn’t touch them. I told him, “Don’t worry. What are the police going to do to you?” When the time to leave came for him, he sat outside on a small deck. About forty people were sitting in his ashram including the two constables. He sat in front of them and just left his body.
Details may be exaggerated but its not impossible.FACT, left their body@ will. Get the essence ignore the accuracy.
Now don't argue Jesus was the only when who went to heaven or he was the only one who reclaimed his body, flesh and blood and resurrected. Google Yuddhistra, he also went to heaven with flesh. Get the essence. Go beyond death and flesh or being resurrected or WHO,WHEN,HOW,WHERE,WHY WHAT.
Read their #Mahasamadhi Stories. #Vivekananda's & especially #RamanaMaharishi leaving human body is well documented. So if you have no death i.e leave your body @ will, Time ceases to exist for you. Hope you got the point.
Why can't a human quit his body consciously, tell me. Let's not goto Yoga or Jaggi or which method works. This is not Believing. This is Science.
Prove this wrong??? E=MC2. So anything in universe can be converted to anything right. So humans are also form of Energy in Universe. what i meant by "lets not goto" means first hope you agree E=MC2. Meaning anything in universe can be converted to anything. Ask any scientist. If you agree E=MC2 then we can GOTO to debate can person quit his body, Jesus, God yoga, isha, jaggi etc. Who is fake?
Fact: Humans are beyond physical world. It doesnt matter if its Hell, Heaven, Meditation, God or something new in future.
Ramana Maharishi death
On April 14, 1950 it was apparent that his physical end was near. In the evening, as the devotees sat on the verandah outside the room which had been specially built for Bhagavan’s convenience during his illness, they spontaneously began singing “Arunachala Siva” (The Marital Garland of Letters). On hearing it Ramana’s eyes opened and shone. He gave a brief smile of indescribable tenderness. From the outer corners of his eyes tears of bliss rolled down. One more deep breath and no more.
At that very moment 8:47 p.m. what appeared to be an enormous star trailed slowly across the sky passing to the north-east towards the peak of Arunachala. Many saw this luminous body in the sky, even as far away as Bombay and struck by its peculiar appearance and behaviour, they ascribed this phenomenon to the passing of their Master.
Vivekananda death
One day when Narendra was on the ground floor, meditating, the Master was lying awake in his bed upstairs. In the depths of his meditation Narendra felt as though a lamp were burning at the back of his head. Suddenly he lost consciousness. It was the yearned-for, all-effacing experience of nirvikalpa samadhi, when the embodied soul realizes its unity with the Absolute. After a very long time he regained partial consciousness but was unable to find his body. He could see only his head. "Where is my body?" he cried. The elder Gopal entered the room and said, "Why, it is here, Naren!" But Narendra could not find it. Gopal, frightened, ran upstairs to the Master. Sri Ramakrishna only said: "Let him stay that way for a time. He has worried me long enough." So he had already know knew to leave the body.
On 4 July 1902 (the day of his death) Vivekananda awoke early, went to the monastery at Belur Math and meditated for three hours. He taught Shukla-Yajur-Veda, Sanskrit grammar and the philosophy of yoga to pupils,later discussing with colleagues a planned Vedic college in the Ramakrishna Math. At 7:00 p.m. Vivekananda went to his room, asking not to be disturbed; he died at 9:20 p.m. while meditating. According to his disciples, Vivekananda attained mahasamādhi; the rupture of a blood vessel in his brain was reported as a possible cause of death. His disciples believed that the rupture was due to his brahmarandhra (an opening in the crown of his head) being pierced when he attained mahasamādhi. Vivekananda fulfilled his prophecy that he would not live forty years.He was cremated on a sandalwood funeral pyre on the bank of the Ganga in Belur, opposite where Ramakrishna was cremated sixteen years earlier.
He is said to have performed many miracles whilst alive, some of the most prominent are provided below.
1) On the river banks of Cauvery in Mahadhanapuram, he was asked by some children to be taken to Madurai, more than 100 miles away, for an annual festival. The saint asked them to close their eyes, and a few seconds later they reopened their eyes and found they were in Madurai.
2) While relaxing near a heap of grains, he began meditating. The farmer who owned the land mistook Sadasiva for a thief, and confronted him. The farmer raised his stick to hit the saint, but became a statue. He remained in this state until the morning, when Sadasiva finished meditating and smiled at the farmer. The farmer was restored to his normal state, and asked the saint for forgiveness.
3) At another time, while meditating on the banks of the Cauvery river, he was carried away by a sudden flood. Weeks later, when some villagers were digging near a mound of earth, their shovels struck his body. He woke up and walked away.
4)Long after all these happened when almost people had forgotten the memories of his wandering in their lands, once the naked sannyasi was seen walking right through a Muslim harem of a Nawab. As a brahma-jnani who sees nothing but brahman everywhere, he would not distinguish between the different human figures which cross his path nor would he be distracted by the sights or noises that his environment may present to him. It was in this state of trance that he was walking along. He, the naked sannyasi, walked straight into the harem, entering it at one end and walking out at the other all the while walking through a maze of inmates of the Nawab’s harem. The news reached the nawab, he had his men chase him, they cut off both his hands as he was walking along, the hands fell off and still he was walking along silently as if nothing had happened. The Nawab got scared, picked up the hands that had been severed, ran to the Sage and offered them in total remorse. The sage stopped his walking, the severed hands were restored to their place, the hands became normal and the sage walked away! There was no conversation.
5) In 1732, While SadaShiva Brahmendra was roaming near Pudukottai forests some soldiers saw him & mistakenly asked him to carry some sticks on his head. SadaShiva Brahmendra carried happily & when he kept that sticks in kitchen ground, it burnt. Then those soldiers understood that he was an great Saint.
6) There was a uneducated & born dumb man who was a devotee of SadaShiva Brahmendra. He served the Guru immensely. One day, SadaShiva Brahmendra kept their hand on his head & prayed to Lord to give him speech and knowledge. By the grace of SadaShiva Brahmendra that dumb man became educated & he started to talk. He started giving speeches & he was famous as “Akasha Purana Ramalinga Shastry”. Up to this 20th century, Ramalinga Shastry’s relatives were staying in Nerur. This incident is also mentioned in the Sri SadaShivendra Sthava
7) His most recent miracle(2004) is about the temple of Ageeswarar near Tiruvallur. You can read more about it in the below
Later he left Tiruvisanallur and reached Nerur, the surroundings of which were conducive and ideal for stay and penance with the river flowing southwards. A place where river flows southwards, is considered equal to Kashi ( Banaras).
Sri Sadasiva Brahmendra attained Maha Samaadhi on the Vaisakha Sukla Dasami with Makha star in the year 1755 A.D. Before his Samadhi,he mentioned that a Bilva tree would come over his Samadhi. He also mentioned that after 10 days, someone would bring a Shiva Linga and it has to be installed at a particular distance from his samadhi. Needless to say, it happened the same way.
He is said to have attained samadhi at 3 places:
Manamadurai about 60 km from Madurai.
Karachi, now in pakistan.
Paramahansa Yogananda Death
In the days leading up to his death, Yogananda began hinting that it was time for him to leave the world.
On 7 March 1952, he attended a dinner for the visiting Indian Ambassador to the US, Binay Ranjan Sen, and his wife at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. At the conclusion of the banquet, Yogananda spoke of India and America, their contributions to world peace and human progress, and their future cooperation, expressing his hope for a "United World" that would combine the best qualities of "efficient America" and "spiritual India." According to an eyewitness – Daya Mata, a direct disciple of Yogananda, who was head of the Self-Realization Fellowship from 1955–2010— as Yogananda ended his speech, he read from his poem My India, concluding with the words "Where Ganges, woods, Himalayan caves, and men dream God—I am hallowed; my body touched that sod." "As he uttered these words, he lifted his eyes to the Kutastha center (the Ajna Chakra), and his body slumped to the floor." Followers say that he entered mahasamadhi. The official cause of death was heart failure.
His funeral service, with hundreds attending, was held at the SRF headquarters atop Mt. Washington in Los Angeles. Rajarsi Janakananda, the new president of the Self-Realization Fellowship, "performed a sacred ritual releasing the body to God." Yogananda's remains are interred at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Great Mausoleum (normally closed off to visitors but Yogananda's tomb is accessible) in Glendale, California.
Ramakrishna Death
Sri Ramakrishna was sinking day by day. His diet was reduced to a minimum and he found it almost impossible to swallow. He whispered to M.: "I am bearing all this cheerfully, for otherwise you would be weeping. If you all say that it is better that the body should go rather than suffer this torture, I am willing." The next morning he said to his depressed disciples seated near the bed: "Do you know what I see? I see that God alone has become everything. Men and animals are only frameworks covered with skin, and it is He who is moving through their heads and limbs. I see that it is God Himself who has become the block, the executioner, and the victim for the sacrifice.' He fainted with emotion. Regaining partial consciousness, he said: "Now I have no pain.
He had cancer but no pain.
Sunday, August 15, 1886. The Master's pulse became irregular. The devotees stood by the bedside. Toward dusk Sri Ramakrishna had difficulty in breathing. A short time afterwards he complained of hunger. A little liquid food was put into his mouth; some of it he swallowed, and the rest ran over his chin. Two attendants began to fan him. All at once he went into samadhi of a rather unusual type. The body became stiff. Sashi burst into tears. But after midnight the Master revived. He was now very hungry and helped himself to a bowl of porridge. He said he was strong again. He sat up against five or six pillows, which were supported by the body of Sashi, who was fanning him. Narendra took his feet on his lap and began to rub them. Again and again the Master repeated to him, "Take care of these boys." Then he asked to lie down. Three times in ringing tone's he cried the name of Kali, his life's Beloved, and lay back. At two minutes past one there was a low sound in his throat and he fell a little to one side. A thrill passed over his body. His hair stood on end. His eyes became fixed on the tip of his nose. His face was lighted with a smile. The final ecstasy began. It was mahasamadhi, total absorption, from which his mind never returned. Narendra, unable to bear it, ran downstairs.
Nirmalananda death 1996
He decided to shed his body in the month of January in ’96, and announced that he would attain Mahasamadhi. But there was a big ruckus all around. The rationalist society of Karnataka filed a case against him saying that this man is going to commit suicide, so they put two constables in the ashram.
When I (Sadhguru) went there, he hugged me and cried, “I have not even plucked a flower from a tree. Even for my pooja I don’t pluck a flower, and they have put police in my ashram.” Just the insult of that hurt him so much. Not once did he even pluck a fruit. He didn’t want to hurt the trees. Only if they fell down he ate them. Otherwise he wouldn’t touch them. I told him, “Don’t worry. What are the police going to do to you?” When the time to leave came for him, he sat outside on a small deck. About forty people were sitting in his ashram including the two constables. He sat in front of them and just left his body.
Details may be exaggerated but its not impossible.FACT, left their body@ will. Get the essence ignore the accuracy.
Now don't argue Jesus was the only when who went to heaven or he was the only one who reclaimed his body, flesh and blood and resurrected. Google Yuddhistra, he also went to heaven with flesh. Get the essence. Go beyond death and flesh or being resurrected or WHO,WHEN,HOW,WHERE,WHY WHAT.
Thursday, 10 January 2019
I could have ritten a book starting with foreword to bibliography.
But end of day why do you read a book to improve. It can be vocabulary, grammar, knowledge, skill or even anything.
So from my point i respect all of them; so at same time you see from my perspective the attempt i am making in this book.
In fact myself dont know how this book will turn out. But get the essence.
Book title: Yet to be decided.
Figment of imagination.
No Title
So for today who am i? #shitguru.
Yea, i mean look at it. I grew up in a village during my early days. They had no bathroom.
But folks used to shit in open, next few seconds pigs used to wipe the place clean. Ate it. Vow now flush, no water, no plumbing, no tissue, no bathroom, no tiles, no walls if you are fine shitting in woods. You could have four walls if you wanted but no drainage or sewage required.
Here now you can say pigs, attack, hygiene, safety, women. Trust me look deep, do search, this is how it was in the villages. I never heard of swine flu 33 years back.
At least never saw a endemic 33 years back due to pigs.
Am not encouraging open defecation. Just saying we don't need complex drainage, flush heavy water, sophisticated commodes etc if every human shit is fed to a pig.
Anyway shit is waste.
Again i m not saying its best option.
Just saying one possibility. All human shit goes to pigs. Atleast majority or sizeable human population shit is fed to pigs.
But yes keep pig population under control. Maintain a ratio of pigs and human population. Keep it as natural and minimal possible. We humans unfortunate have complicated a simple process of shit.
Hope now i need not say how i could have proof read, re edited few things, improved and sold to publishers or made a ebook.
Hope you got the essence.
If you dint get also good. That means i missed something while you expected something better or it dint suit your taste.
Point is okay i am waste, let it be. But can you feel hmmm, okay instead of thinking here goes one more...wisenut in the name of spirituality.
Offcourse in the name of spirituality you cant blabber anything but at same time all i am saying you are walking down the road, shitting in the bathroom or just going about your work and you could become spiritual right.
Not necessary you have to be with sadhguru, me or anyone else. Infact you could be spiritual but you need not realise it also.
For eg here i am writing about spirituality, sadhguru and many others are speaking about spirituality becoz some soldier is standing at the border and putting his life, his wife's love, his kids happiness, his parents support on line for us.
So follow anyone or anything or not follow. Point is can you see that its like i walk on the road, inhale air, i kill so many insects and inhale germs and kill them.
Get it. Even i am a sinner, atleast acknowledge this. Also now dont keepthis as a excuse that you are sinner and keep on doing shit things and ask forgiveness.
Law of nature,someone somewhere makes money it only means someone else who had money lost it. Offcourse you can say it was his poor acumen, destiny, wrong deeds but get the larger picture.
Say you became rich and achieved all without hurting a single soul. Lossible, yes. Yes its possible.
Now what if you die the just the next day. Just when you are about to enjoy your riches or even help people.
So get it. Being rich is good or bad is not question.
I am not saying runaway become ascetic.
I am not sating donate all.
I am not saying be rich, do pooja and be spiritual. This is the best.
I am not saying somehow you be rich or dont be rich or take life as it comes.
I am saying all the possibilities and list just goes on as well.
Infact a lot of unexpected things can happen.
You could be cheated.
Whole country went into war or loss.
Or simple whole population just got infected with a deadly virus.
So you are rich, poor, average or even spiritual doesnt matter to a virus. Get it.
Just a deadly disease is enough to bring even most spiritual, eichest, talented, good human being.
So be rich, successful, ambitious at same time just keep in mind that plug could be pulled of anytime. Or think you are just 99.99% rich, spiritual, good or successful.
I know know about astrology. Yes. It happens 100% but that is in a different context.
For eg: trust me you put a person with poor or average horoscope in a surrounding with only rich people.
Trust me out of 100 average or poor horoscopes surely many will become richer than those rich people.
Am i saying astrology is wrong. I am saying see the context.
Eg: i saw a person kill someone.
But someone saw that he took revenge.
Someone else saw that he killed in defence.
Someone else saw it was accidental.
Someone else saw it was fit of rage.
Someone else saw it was destiny. He did same in previous birth, like that.
Someone else saw the person was mentally insane who killed. He dint know.
Am i justfying rape. No.
All i am saying is 100% rape should not happen.
I want a 100% solution, remedy, punishment, law or anything etc to see that rape never happens in this world ever again. This is context i am saying.
Again, i am clear, i dont anyone to agree with me.
If you find a better solurion. Go ahead.
Infact, i would be happy if someone found a room, cabin or injecrion or pill that made people spiritual.
Becoz many have come, infact God, Jesus, Shiva, Krishna, Many sages, gurus have told everything and far intelligent than me.
But we are arguing jesus vs allah vs hindu deities. Yes there is no God word in any hindu books.
Lord, Deity, Paramatma is not God. But yes you can just say its also God. So Shiva, Krishna, Venkateswara is God but in a context only.
We are arguing yoga vs others.
As i said is there any rule that someone stealung, killing or watching a movie cannot become enligtened or spiritual.
Theoritically its possible. This is one context. Chances are less considering current times, situation, etc.
But chances are more if you get into yoga, jesus, allah, hinduism, meditation, worship or even lead a life of consciousness.
Now again experience will be different.
I ride cycle, trust me my balance, way of holding peddling atleast way its fed in my mind by myself will be different.
Yours can be same or different. So why argue?
Infact someone says bloody hell with cycle spirituality.
And what about one who has no limbs.
So no surprises tomorrow if some guru finds a new God, spirituality etc.
Point is are you able to connect.
If not connect also are you okay.
Just a small blood clot or someone hits you at your heel, achilles heel, remember you could die.
Still dint get it.
Say mukesh ambani richest indian. Nothing against him. Just eg.
I say lethim have all his riches.
Yes but let all his employees go work to soneone same as rich as him and for same salary. Just a eg.
Mukesh Ambani has everything but just if his maids to employees just join another mukesh ambani next building, is he still rich.
Be rich, be happy, be spiritual, dont be rich, dont do good, steal, beg, borrow, whatever but dont carried away. Just think hmm...okay...just hold that will know what i mean.
Still simple as you read this, everyone you know in family, friends, atleast all the people who are part of your job, life, enemies, even people who you dont talk but fought, spiritual path etc die.
Now tell me about your love, kids, money, emi, insurance, home, pet, wallet, talent, ideas etc...
Infact nobody cares about your spirituality as well. Not even your own brain, body or your spiritual energies after you die.
Get the essence ignore the rest
Not everyone becomes spiritual. Wait this is just one context.
It means that for eg, i was walking and got spiritual. Yes it can happen.
Buddha did no mantra, meditation, etc till he became Buddha.
It was three incidents and his horoscope which also indicated he would become a sanyasi.
But then what about people who do rigorous tapas, yoga, holy riruals, follow word of God or Allah.
Or what about Nerur Brahmendra Saraswati, Swami Raghvendra, Jesus, Krishna, Yogananda, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi. Not all did homa, believed in astrology, vastu or even Jaggi Sadhguru.
See how valmiki became spirituality.
Infact show a Shiva devotee superior than Ravana. So is shiva fake or is Ravana the best devotee or spiritual is not the point.
Point is Ravana also went beyond material at times but yes overall he was behind evil.
But again Ravana was destined to die at Rama's hands.
Jaya and Vijaya are the two gatekeepers (Dwarapalaka) of the abode of Vishnu, known as Vaikuntha (meaning place of eternal bliss).
In the first life, they were born as Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha in the Krita Yuga, to Diti (daughter of Daksha Prajapathi) and sage Kashyapa who were killed by Vishnu Varaha avatar (a boar) and Narasimha avatar (a man-lion) in the Satya Yuga.
In their second life, they were born as Ravana and Kumbhakarna and were killed by Vishnu's Rama avatar in the Treta Yuga.
In their third life, they were born as Shishupala and Dantavakra who were killed by Vishnu's Krishna avatar in the Dwapara Yuga.
It has been noted by many that the strengths of Jaya and Vijaya gradually declined with each subsequent birth. Vishnu needed one avatar each to kill Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu. Born as Rama he was able to vanquish both Ravana and Kumbhakarna. In his Krishna avatar the killing of Shishupala and Dantavakra is not the main focus but more to reduce the 'Bhoobhara" (The burden on mother earth by too many sinners).
So ignore Ravana, Jesus or Sadhguru what is the essence or rather the experience they are trying to say exists.
Jesus and Allah said heaven, vivekanada said Dharma, Ramakrishna said Devi or Goddess. Sadhguru says eternal happiness.
Again point is not exactly what they said but they all had and have an experience. This is the experience we all are seeking as well.
But did you know you could completely have a different experience.
Yes you can say all the above are wrong also. Why because what if there is just you alive on this earth.
Or wat if elon musk invents a spaceship that helps humans to anywhere in universe safely.
What if we find 7.5 billion planet earth in this ever expanding universe.
Get it whole concept of God, family, sin, ecology, Right or wrong changes. Get it.
Yes what if every human can have a planet earth for himself. Anyway soul, life, conscious, spirit is beyond earth and oxygen or dying right. Its eternal and beyond time, space and matter. Got it.
That means you have God or say no God on your planet. You are right in your context.
Yes no God as well.
Anyway point is what was common thing. All of them are beyond physical body, mental intelligence, death, success, failure, etc.
Isn't it. Get it. So why fight, argue about what.
Now not everyone becomes spiritual, second context, same statement.
In the sense for eg, if i am able to achieve everything what i want then, yes everything, just a eg, then sooner or later i will be happy.
Yoy say success, i say spiritual. Atleast common thing is to be unlimited. In spirituality it happens like you got the concept. That's it.
But again in spirituality also there are process like yoga, gospel, quran, faith, etc
In fact after few years there will be a new ones as well. Yes lot of them will be wrong also. Some superior methods, some fake, some inferior.
But remember E-MC2. Sooner or later we all will be converted to another form.
Eg: You die, your body (dna) becomes ash or soil. Plant grows, some one eats the plant. Your DNA enters the person. Chances are you can be born again.
Say if not DNA atleast atoms in your body.
Atleast theoritically possible right.
See google for proof on rebirth. Person born in one country exactly knows where he was born in another country in last birth.
In success, morality, hard work it is step by step.
So i mean what if all humans just vanish on earth. Anyway it will happen. Then what about God?
Or if all humans are just made to be like the zombies of resident evil or like severely mentally retarded species.
Get it. Even i my stuff written so far is waste because things are beyond material nature, psychological, emotional or conscious.
Ether, or æther, the mysterious substance once thought to suffuse the universe and be the medium that propagated light (and radio waves once they were discovered). Before that, it was the material that suffused the realm of the Gods.
You can call it subatomic bla bla etc.
It means that for eg, i was walking and got spiritual. Yes it can happen.
Buddha did no mantra, meditation, etc till he became Buddha.
It was three incidents and his horoscope which also indicated he would become a sanyasi.
But then what about people who do rigorous tapas, yoga, holy riruals, follow word of God or Allah.
Or what about Nerur Brahmendra Saraswati, Swami Raghvendra, Jesus, Krishna, Yogananda, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi. Not all did homa, believed in astrology, vastu or even Jaggi Sadhguru.
See how valmiki became spirituality.
Infact show a Shiva devotee superior than Ravana. So is shiva fake or is Ravana the best devotee or spiritual is not the point.
Point is Ravana also went beyond material at times but yes overall he was behind evil.
But again Ravana was destined to die at Rama's hands.
Jaya and Vijaya are the two gatekeepers (Dwarapalaka) of the abode of Vishnu, known as Vaikuntha (meaning place of eternal bliss).
In the first life, they were born as Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha in the Krita Yuga, to Diti (daughter of Daksha Prajapathi) and sage Kashyapa who were killed by Vishnu Varaha avatar (a boar) and Narasimha avatar (a man-lion) in the Satya Yuga.
In their second life, they were born as Ravana and Kumbhakarna and were killed by Vishnu's Rama avatar in the Treta Yuga.
In their third life, they were born as Shishupala and Dantavakra who were killed by Vishnu's Krishna avatar in the Dwapara Yuga.
It has been noted by many that the strengths of Jaya and Vijaya gradually declined with each subsequent birth. Vishnu needed one avatar each to kill Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu. Born as Rama he was able to vanquish both Ravana and Kumbhakarna. In his Krishna avatar the killing of Shishupala and Dantavakra is not the main focus but more to reduce the 'Bhoobhara" (The burden on mother earth by too many sinners).
So ignore Ravana, Jesus or Sadhguru what is the essence or rather the experience they are trying to say exists.
Jesus and Allah said heaven, vivekanada said Dharma, Ramakrishna said Devi or Goddess. Sadhguru says eternal happiness.
Again point is not exactly what they said but they all had and have an experience. This is the experience we all are seeking as well.
But did you know you could completely have a different experience.
Yes you can say all the above are wrong also. Why because what if there is just you alive on this earth.
Or wat if elon musk invents a spaceship that helps humans to anywhere in universe safely.
What if we find 7.5 billion planet earth in this ever expanding universe.
Get it whole concept of God, family, sin, ecology, Right or wrong changes. Get it.
Yes what if every human can have a planet earth for himself. Anyway soul, life, conscious, spirit is beyond earth and oxygen or dying right. Its eternal and beyond time, space and matter. Got it.
That means you have God or say no God on your planet. You are right in your context.
Yes no God as well.
Anyway point is what was common thing. All of them are beyond physical body, mental intelligence, death, success, failure, etc.
Isn't it. Get it. So why fight, argue about what.
Now not everyone becomes spiritual, second context, same statement.
In the sense for eg, if i am able to achieve everything what i want then, yes everything, just a eg, then sooner or later i will be happy.
Yoy say success, i say spiritual. Atleast common thing is to be unlimited. In spirituality it happens like you got the concept. That's it.
But again in spirituality also there are process like yoga, gospel, quran, faith, etc
In fact after few years there will be a new ones as well. Yes lot of them will be wrong also. Some superior methods, some fake, some inferior.
But remember E-MC2. Sooner or later we all will be converted to another form.
Eg: You die, your body (dna) becomes ash or soil. Plant grows, some one eats the plant. Your DNA enters the person. Chances are you can be born again.
Say if not DNA atleast atoms in your body.
Atleast theoritically possible right.
See google for proof on rebirth. Person born in one country exactly knows where he was born in another country in last birth.
In success, morality, hard work it is step by step.
So i mean what if all humans just vanish on earth. Anyway it will happen. Then what about God?
Or if all humans are just made to be like the zombies of resident evil or like severely mentally retarded species.
Get it. Even i my stuff written so far is waste because things are beyond material nature, psychological, emotional or conscious.
Ether, or æther, the mysterious substance once thought to suffuse the universe and be the medium that propagated light (and radio waves once they were discovered). Before that, it was the material that suffused the realm of the Gods.
You can call it subatomic bla bla etc.
What is SpIrItUaLiTy 2.0 ?
As i said earlier, lets get straight to the point.
What if there is just you and God on this earth.
Then wat happens to yourGod, Bible or Allah or Shiva or say even if you say No God.
Get the point.
So see everything is right only in a certain context.
For eg: i know stealing is wrong, dacoity is wrong, raping is unpardonable but imagine, just a eg, if no person on this earth steals, rapes or does dacoity, then actually you dont need any police.
That means no courts, no lawyers, fact is a whole lot of judges, law order and other related things is completely gone.
Not being smart or sadistic or gone mad, just saying.
For eg: i am sure most of us have lived or live in a family or places where none of them have raped, done robbery or stolen.
Like that i mean.
Am i encouraging wrong things, no. I m saying lets go beyond right or wrong.
You can say this as consciousness or spiritual or just say as an athiest a eutopian world.
Am i saying this is the ultimate answer, no.
I want everyone to find their own answers.
In fact say my answer is wrong.
In fact if you get no answer or not interested is also okay.
Why becoz, simple if my finger print only doesnt match with any human on earth not even my twin or mom or dad then why should you agree to my answer.
But point can u agree to disagree.
Its okay i dont understand your answer but still say ok. I don't get your answer but i respect and thats about it.
Ignore the grammar, punctuation but hope you still got the point if not atleast instead atleast okay no issues i dint get your answer.
Or you got a better answer.
Vow even i want that.
In fact i will be happy if you find a answer which no human, sages, saints or God who have landed upon earth told till date.
I mean isnt God undefinable, he's infinity, so how can wordify, or define God. Its like can you say end of numbers.
If you say you know start of numbers who said numbers start from zero.
What if i say it starta from minus infinity to minus zero to zero than one two three and to infinity.
I say in fact there is no start and end to numbers.
Now brush up don't say minus one, minus two....minus infinity is numbers. Please think.
Ignore the gramar mistkaes hpoe yuo gto teh menaning.
If you dint also good because i understand your point that you dint understand.
So can we co-exist. That's it.
As i say, what if there is just you one single human alive on earth.
What if there is just you and God on this earth.
Then wat happens to yourGod, Bible or Allah or Shiva or say even if you say No God.
Get the point.
So see everything is right only in a certain context.
For eg: i know stealing is wrong, dacoity is wrong, raping is unpardonable but imagine, just a eg, if no person on this earth steals, rapes or does dacoity, then actually you dont need any police.
That means no courts, no lawyers, fact is a whole lot of judges, law order and other related things is completely gone.
Not being smart or sadistic or gone mad, just saying.
For eg: i am sure most of us have lived or live in a family or places where none of them have raped, done robbery or stolen.
Like that i mean.
Am i encouraging wrong things, no. I m saying lets go beyond right or wrong.
You can say this as consciousness or spiritual or just say as an athiest a eutopian world.
Am i saying this is the ultimate answer, no.
I want everyone to find their own answers.
In fact say my answer is wrong.
In fact if you get no answer or not interested is also okay.
Why becoz, simple if my finger print only doesnt match with any human on earth not even my twin or mom or dad then why should you agree to my answer.
But point can u agree to disagree.
Its okay i dont understand your answer but still say ok. I don't get your answer but i respect and thats about it.
Ignore the grammar, punctuation but hope you still got the point if not atleast instead atleast okay no issues i dint get your answer.
Or you got a better answer.
Vow even i want that.
In fact i will be happy if you find a answer which no human, sages, saints or God who have landed upon earth told till date.
I mean isnt God undefinable, he's infinity, so how can wordify, or define God. Its like can you say end of numbers.
If you say you know start of numbers who said numbers start from zero.
What if i say it starta from minus infinity to minus zero to zero than one two three and to infinity.
I say in fact there is no start and end to numbers.
Now brush up don't say minus one, minus two....minus infinity is numbers. Please think.
Ignore the gramar mistkaes hpoe yuo gto teh menaning.
If you dint also good because i understand your point that you dint understand.
So can we co-exist. That's it.
As i say, what if there is just you one single human alive on earth.
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