Saturday 8 December 2018

Did you know you can leave your human body

In fact, who knows what you were in previous birth.

If you don't believe in rebirth, Google it. Think, its fake. Dig deep, find truth. Challenge, see if someone can do it.

Small girls in jains do it.

Not a big deal.

Point is not oh yes if you fast you can die, anyone can die.

Now point is E=MC2.

So its all energy.

In fact your life, soul, spirit is also energy.

Can you see energy. Do you know its shape, size, smell, color, age, sex, religion, status, character, cost, start or end?

This is all we are.


Human body=Energy.

Yes, can i create humans with human, a new human life. Again energy.

Can i create human body with human, yes babies. Again another Energy.

You didn't create energy.

Your sexual energy transformed to a human body and human life.

So don't believe human rebirth.

Say energy transformmed.

You are just thinking how can same person be born again.

I am saying why same person.

He got converted to Ash.

Became soil.

But only his physical body energy.

His life energy, soul energy, spirit energy. Don't know.

Took a different form.

May be went to heaven.

Got dissolved into Universe.

Became one with God.

Even if vanished into thin air. It became NOTHING.



Only if your room has NOTHING, Can you put inside things, go inside. If room is already a big concrete block you can't put anything in it. Got it.

So after leaving body, even if you become NOTHING, you know what it is.

I mean say you became Atoms. I am sure anywhere in universe you will find atoms, that's it.

So if few billions of atoms come together, we become humans, animals, stone, water, or Nothing. So until science or God or a guru proves let us say even nothing has atoms.

E=MC2. Surely, it didn't end.

Now that you know you yourself are a character in a video game, choose what you want.

But avoid a unfortunate ending. On the other hand, Its ok if you are ready for end anytime.

But point is it doesn't matter how many points, coins, superpowers etc you had when game ends. That is what i am saying.

I mean which is better knowing the game (life) or going on playing.

Its not wrong, chances are you will play a lot more, again your choice.

I am not saying its wrong.

I am saying some of the possiblities.

Infact, would you be reading this if you were on roads looking for food or would i be writing this if was struggling for my daily bread.

So point is atleast now that you have known the game, play wisely.

So imagine if you know you can choose to live your body anytime you want. Its a fact. Most humans Atleast few out of 100 humans can surely be taught to exit the body anytime.

Not out of fear, failure or dejection. Just pure freedom.

So don't compare to suicide, sacrifice, health issue or mental illness, mumbo-jumbo, mindwash,  spirituality or other hidden motives.

In fact even spirituality is waste once you achieve to exit your body at will.

Now apply same to anything in cosmos which includes your life, wife, kid, job, riches, status or even spiritual gyaan.

You just exit the game, and even heaven, moksha or spirituality doesn't matter.

I am not saying live lesser life, but will most of us cry if tomorrow Jupiter was nuked, if moon was gone. As i said body is energy.

Your soul, spirit, life is energy. No end, no start.

Then same can be applied to our lives. Atleast start trying.

Be in a posistion to know to play at will and, exit the game at will.

Ya, forgot to mention, only thing is here, it gets a little bit real. Atleast makes you feel so. But its not like you can't come out of it or not be affected by it. Yes whatever happens even if crucified or your hand is chopped off, you can still live happily.

Yes Google "Nirguna Kaya" or find what state of human life it is.

Read about Nerur Brahmendra swamy. It just happened in 18th century.

Places, proofs, lot of records exist.

In fact Jesus was 2000 years old. So comparing it, if it happened then, then dig deep. See if what i am saying is fake. That's all. It's upto you. But don't predecide and search. See if its truth and search.

Many people went beyond their phyical human body.

He reached peaks in human energy that he forgot his human body. Walked naked.

Someone cut his hand. He kept walking. Joint it again as if nothing happened. Floods washed him, was later found in dump.

So its possible but varies from person to person.

Now tell me, offcourse Life on physical, emotional even spiritual level hurts a lot but if moon gets nuked, Jupiter's gone, rich people go broke as well, does it matter. Yes, but know what i mean.

Btw you better cry if moon goes coz no life can be born naturally in womb on earth if moon is removed from space. Dig deep, find relation between moon cycle and menstruation and women conceiving.



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