Wednesday, 13 November 2019

How Do People Survive Without Food & Water in Deep Meditation

Here let me explain in a mundane way like say how things are explained in how stuff works.

Off course, Sadhguru explanation is like gold dust. It is actually crystal clear. He's made it too simple where folks think wait something is missing & they miss to understand the concept. Sometimes people just have to listen to understand things not think very deeply. Just basic common sense is required to understand this but in quest of being smart we forget sometimes common sense is enough to do the job.

For eg: How was aeroplane invented? You can say birds, or say  human creativity to fly, or inspired from something that fly or floating right...

How was vehicles invented? Inspired by our own legs. We thought how can we move faster, we ran. Then used other living animals like horse, donkey, etc. Then attached Bullock cart. Then we invented cycle, then rickshaw, then car with engine, then so on...

So how can we stay without food or water. Simple may be as preparation for famine man started to see what can be done, or curiosity to how long how a human can survive without food or water or inspired by animals which can hibernate. You know right frogs, polar bears almost go dead for months and then simply come back to life. Got it.

If humans can use aeroplanes to fly why not get inspired to hibernate using meditation.

Now how you do it, you create a pill, a machine, a injection or just meditate.

There are always zillions of ways to do the same thing.

So don't think mediation is crap or pseudo and it's all hoax.

If you explore you will know. Just saying yoga, Spirituality, meditation is one of the ways.

For eg: I am rich, you are world famous, a person is attained Enlightenment.

The feel all three have is almost same. But just intensity of experience, longevity varies.

Essentially we are all seeking same. Ways are many. Even a sadist, drunkard gets that same pleasure or feeling what a meditative person gets. Now the thing is you choose which one..not be compulsive..

Now just becoz someone is drunkard, sadist does he mean he is all evil, No. A sadist might be secretly operating but he might be good family man to society.

A drunkard might be useless but he might love his kid more than his own life.

Similarly a guru, Yogi or meditative person might be Enlightened but also have done huge unpardonable blunders in past or might do some really evil things or might already be doing very bad things or be short tempered etc.

But ignore the ill feeling about the people who are in Spirituality or meditation and actually see if it's good for you or no... that's it..don't care who the hell your teacher get what you want, you reach that ultimate and get to KNOW LIFE IN & OUT.

Do I go stop going to college because it is owned by a corrupt politician..

Hibernation is the closest example by the way. As I said you can invent a pill or injection or just meditate as well. I think already in future for astronauts or long distance travel it will be reality for humans to survive without food and water for really long periods of time. Only problem is people think by mediation it's hoax or not possible. Meditation, yoga is nothing special. Nothing is special in nature. Money, God, Intelligence, Power, Beauty all have its plus and minus. Same way meditation, yoga is, no need to think it's useless, not fit for today's modern world..or think it's divine as well..just look at it the way it is..

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