Thursday, 14 November 2019

Get rid of a bad habit

Get rid of a bad habit
Yes we all know it. Everyone has it.
Problem is not the habit.
Do you know?
For eg: Did you know, Google most of your high achieving celebrities, most of them have a bad habit. Yes they are all addicted to something or other. SRK, yes he is a chain smoker. Did you know that? More importantly do you know how pissed off he is with the habit and sincerely says others to not get into that rut.
So how is SRK successful? Yes, maybe you will say rare case.
Okay agreed there are always many ways to look at things.
I say glass is half full.
You say its half empty.
For someone he says 50-50.
Yes, another example.
Someone steals a bun from a shop.
For one person it is stealing.
For the person who stole it, says he was hungry, needed for his brother, kid, daughter etc.
Off course, you can say it is wrong and it is typical lying or poor example.
It’s like most bad students say teacher is bad that is why he could not score marks.
You can brush it off as a bad example.
All I am saying is there are always zillions of way the same thing can be looked at.
It is just that are you open to look at things from every angle.
So coming to bad habits.
First know the nature of human mind.
In human there is only addition of thoughts and multiplication of thoughts.
That is either information gets inside your brain from the time your brain developed.
And the information is processed in various permutation and combination or say multiplied in all probabilities.
So there is nothing called as deleting in the human mind.
Nothing ever gets deleted or removed permanently from the human mind.
So to break any bad habit, you have to replace it with another habit.
Yes it is simple but you are not able to understand or get convinced.
For eg: You are addicted to smoking.
Suppose I give you a pill which gives you the same ditto effect of smoking but no side effects of lungs etc. then what will you do.
Get it.
The point is not smoking.
The pleasure you get from smoking if you get it from something else in a healthy way, easy way with the same ease and accessibility as smoking, everyone will quit smoking atleast drastically it will come down.
The point is the pleasure we get from smoking.
Same applies for every bad habit.
I can advice for alternatives but the nature of mind will start playing tricks.
It will judge the advice I give.
You will try to tweak.
You will say let me do it and if it does not work, get back to addiction.
So point is everyone in deep addiction wants to come out. Ask them given a choice...
I have said how addiction works.
Now you decide and come out of it.
This also some people will say crap advice.
See that is the nature of the mind.
So do not fight the mind.
Distract it.
That is all.
Keep your mind distracted from smoking.
For eg what if I can hide the habit of smoking from your brain.
It is already possible with hypnotism, not successful fully for all but you get it right.
The whole point is telling your brain to take instructions from you.
Do not complicate it.
Point is you want to get rid of your habit.
How will do you it?
You want to reach a place.
What are the options?
Either you will go or not go.
You will walk, crawl, take a bus,rick,cab, plane, cycle, take a lift.
Somehow you will goto the place.
Or you will not go.
That is all.
Same with bad habit.
You want to go out of the bad habit.
You do not want to go out of the bad habit.
Offcourse no assurance you will reach the place.
You can even meet with accident.
You might take time to reach.
Does everyone who left to reach a place, reach.
No guarantee, you leave your home, no surety you will reach home back.
So do not complicate.
Here goes one last advice.
Suppose you have bad habit.
Beat a habit with a habit.
Yes, develop a good habit.
Ensure the good habit overtakes your bad habit.
Yes give the same amount of time, try, try but develop any other habit.
Sooner or later the pleasure you get from the bad habit, you will get from the good habit.
You will soon outlast the bad habit. Find a good habit that gives you pleasure like the bad habit gives.
Eg as I said, the pill, remember. So instead of pill find a good habit. Pill was just a metaphor.
What if right now I give you a pill that will forever make you forget smoking till you die.
Get it.
Yes, just that develop a good habit that will engross you so much that you will come out of the bad habit.
Just be sure that even if accident happens or you faulter seriously, do not get hurt.
As I said you want to reach that place or not.
Maximum what will happen you will fall.
As if now what is happening with you?
You are falling slowly that is all.
So atleast fall trying to get up.
Replace your bad habit with a good habit.
You are smoker, then try something else also that you will get addicted, just ensure it is a good habit.
In case you get addicted to one more bad habit.
NO problem, is there any rule you should have only one bad habit.
Two bad habits. Good. Sorry for joke but on a serious note, now all the more reason to develop a good habit.
Keep trying it will happen.
Just remember you can’t fight the habit or keep it on hold and stop yourself.
Do not do it. Get it, it will only get stronger.
Replace the bad habit with a good habit.
For example if I throw you on an island till you die.
Yes food, shelter everything will be dropped.
But there is no iota chance of smoking, tobacco, drugs or anything else at all.
What will you do?
Get it.
As I said replace your bad habit, keep trying.
In short what if in the whole world all the tobacco, smoking, drugs, alcohol, related substance become extinct.
Then what will you do.
Yes, all the alternatives like your whitener, everything is made extinct.
No substance to abuse, see you get it.
That is why I said I do not want to give advice.
I am saying there is a possibility to beat the habit.
Say for eg what if you are surrounded by 5 friends for the next one year.
From wakeup to sleep to shitting, everywhere.
They will not at all allow you to smoke.
You are always surrounded this gang for next one year.
See get it.
So think for yourself,
Start and do not stop till you reach your destination.

Ignore the language, grammar, punctuation.
Hope you got the message.

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