Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Marriage the NuTs & BoLtS of It

As i say the easiest way to know anything is understand it.

Say you know, understand a person, a subject, a job, a skill very well. Offcourse, there will be things which will still be out of your grasp like latest innovations or something hidden, but whatever you know if it does not give you the confidence when asked do you understand it or Not then you should know more about it.

Let us first understand marriage.
I am sure needless to say initially when man started off it was just for the next species to be born.

As and when civilization picked up, there were lot of things like social status, emotional compatibility and list goes on.

But fundamentally marriage is still for the next generation to be born.

Now coming to the crux of the matter but what to do for emotional and physical needs. Yes every person especially in their prime of youth will need to address this. Nothing comes close to having someone your age to understand you and share your feelings.

Emotionally needless to say, you can always have friends of the same sex, best buddies, good well wishers, parents, brothers. It's possible, there are many young people who always share everything with people more than their age. So somehow the emotional needs can be with a bit of effort be fulfilled.

Now for the physical needs.
First understand physical needs is like food. In theory you can survive without eating food but common its not possible practically.

If you don't eat food, the person will die.
Same with sexual needs. If you do not know how to HANDLE your sexual feelings. Yes for example there are many drunkards who are not all addicted to sex. Some are addicted to both. While sex addicts are many who have never touched a drop of alcohol. So getting the concept. It is not controlling sex.

See everyone can be a good driver but is there a guarantee there will be no accident even if you drive well. So you might be sexually very well matured and know to handle it but never be egoistic that i have conquered sex. Surely, whoever says they have controlled sex is lying. Either they got it nicely for being sexually doing something in life and have changed now or they are lying. You know drunkards, till their health is fine can't get over alcohol, once their health hits them back i have seen, after that even teetotaler will be ashamed by seeing the drunkards celibacy towards alcohol. But then what is the use? Health or life something would surely have been whacked.

Every species is created with this in built strong desire, else if there was no strong desire no one would think about having next generation. That means end of humans.

So this is how nature is created us. Now the point is first understand sex is not a taboo but at the same time it is not something that can be brushed aside the carpet.

But at the same time it is not a big deal, if you think so.

Yes, how can a person be without sex or marriage or partner.

See this is all based on your culture, off course genes as well (sex is inbuilt in the genes), but mostly your culture, your exposure, see one way or other everything today arouses feelings of love or sex. Just see the films, relations, dressing, everything.

Nothing bad. But just look at it. More than 70 percent of the internet everyone knows what it is.

So clearly sex, romance etc still is the number one thing on humans list. Simply because end of the day like all other living beings we are also one among them. We might have modern methods of living, business and what not but still we are a living species. Two days flood, we can live without our business, spouse, kids, even our clothes but can you live without your body. Whatever may be my knowledge, wealth, talent, recognition, end of the day i am human with FLESH and BLOOD.

Sit in a island for 1 month. Then say who really you are. Just think 10 years, you will dropped food, water everything needed. But just you have to be on that island for your lifetime. Get it...the similarly your sex feeling also exists but you are making a mountain of it because of society, what you read, your culture, etc. etc..if you are the only human on earth it won't matter even if you continously think about sex..So point is i am saying sex is sex, nothing beyond or nothing less.

So clearly we have to understand that sex exists. Now thing is how to handle.
Here no point in advising, because the mind will always say or find a way to beat someone else's advice. In fact your own plans only the mind will beat and make sure you lose.

Say if you are born in a desert will you say i will only eat vegeterian. Get it.

Similarly, say you had uncontrollable sexual feelings or say for eg there is a serial rapist. What if that person is a put in island. He has everything food, water,shelter etc. But nothing to do with sex and especially the opposite sex.

What can a serial rapist or a person with uncontrolled sexual desire do. Not much except for self pleasure in some cases.

So you see, right now the problem is you think you are in a place where you can get vegeterian food, so you ask. But stuck in the middle of ocean or put in a desert. What will you do?

I am not saying lock yourself in a place or put yourself in a  place where there is no arousal of sex at all. I am saying suppose you are in the middle of a stage giving speech. What will you do? Even if you are a alcoholic you can't drink.

So TRANSCEND or i say outsmart your brain. Yes, not outhink your brain but go beyond human logic, mind, brain.

Transcend Sex.

In short, suppose you have uncontrolled sex feelings. I say i have a pill, pop that. Moment you pop that you lose sexual feelings. Great right. NO side effects. No further sexual feelings for the day.

So sex is not a taboo, nor a sin.

Keep at it, somehow just find a way.

Preferrably find something that gives you more joy, pleasure than sex in life.
That's it.
Ask even a dumb person, any human, they always have interest in two or three things.

You too see what other things really interest you.

Initially tough, might even take years.

But if you find something that interests and sticks to you. That's it.

For eg:Say you have eating problem. You eat like hell. Suppose you ate stomach full, and i gave you the world's best dish.What can you do? You have to either puke the food you ate and then eat or just not eat.

Same way with sex.

Find another habit to replace it with. Gradually it will happen. That's it.

Now that sex is understood, a huge obstacle from marriage is solved.

Coming to the next point.

Everyone wants to marry and not divorce.

So understand one thing, you can die anytime, similarly divorce can happen anytime.

So i am not saying it should happen but if it happens, can't do much.

Say like insurance, no ones wants to die but its better to have insurance.

So first thing is to avoid maximum chances of divorce. First understand who you are and what is this life all about. In that marriage, kids, job, etc are just small parts. Sooner or later your spouse will atleast in old age leave. So think spouse left without dying.

See point is you are not the first person to be married nor the last person to be divorced.

Same way this is not first life you are married nor the spouse is exclusively yours.
Yes in this life, you have to give your life and everything towards your spouse.
But know this that your spouse was married to someone in their previous life also.

Great, previous life what nonsense is this.


Meet DNA Astrologers, Naadi Astrologer. At least 10 of them. Yes, you will find fake ones if you meet just one or three. Meet 10 of them. Look for genuine ones. If you get good astrologers also good.

So meet 10 astrologers and ask about your past life. Ask about your past till date in this life. You will see lot of predictions are correct. Some will tell your parents name, your profession, exact details of major events in your life which only you know.

So understand this. You are a human born in this life. Last life you have been a human or something as well, before that something else...

Find out if your previous life karma has any impact on your current life and especially in case you are putting efforts, you are righteous but still suffering.

Same school, same fees, same effort, same job but somehow you clicked but your twin did not. Logically you can say reasons. But what if both put same effort as well but somehow you clicked. Forget twins, it happens to many. Not all your classmates, batch mates come out with same results as you.

Efforts do make a difference but what the predictions about your past life till date. How did the astrologer know, especially the DNA and Naadi Astrologer say your parents name.

Yes there are fake astrologers who look up Google and find out your parents name and other details.

Some Naadi astrologers simply ask your date of birth details and then predict about you. Again fake.

So i said find 10 good astrologers. But astrologers are humans. You will find fake ones only more.

But if you put the effort you will see that after seeing 10 DNA and Naadi astrologers, you will know your past till date who predicted correctly and people who said some major events surely about happen in your past, future.

See if this affects your marriage.

Reset your karma, try to avoid the negatives they said and then choose your life partner.

See its like this, if you spoilt some one's marriage life in the past, you will surely face the results in this life time or chances are more.

I am saying let it be hoax, You use your common sense, do your duties and be a good spouse.

But surely if you feel knew this was going to happen in life would you avoid or no.

Maximum what you will lose say 10-20 thousand indian rupees, 2-3 months and confused with lot of fake astrologers. But what if you came to know things which later you regret....

Just saying find out if its true or fake...find out...see if you can really find out problems of your current life, what is the reason, inspite of ALL EFFORTS you are facing this problem.

See THAT your married life is completely known to you, atleast the worst happenings. Just hear and keep it. Later at least you will know someone warned you in the start.

Yes, inspite of this your freewill and how you manage your marriage life also play a fair percentage.

So inspite of someone saying you will have a good married life, you should not cross the limits and feel nothing will happen and abuse your relationship.

At the same time no need to worry that your marriage will end up in ruins by astrology. If you play the cards right, seek the right guidance, i have seen even worse marriage getting saved and living happily.

Just saying wearing a helmet wont surely save you but chances are high.

With DNA Astrology and Naadi Astrology surely major negative events in your life can be known.
This is what i am saying. Rest is upto you.

Always ask to see your spouse or fiance horoscope individually. Later you can do the horoscope matching.

As a person see how your spouse is. Do not be afraid to ask specific questions to the astrologer. If he does not answer, ask again or look for other astrology till you find the answer and understand about the person you are marrying.

It's like going to a doctor. Till you find the right doctor do not commit yourself for treatment.
But after that also know that things go wrong and you also have to take regular follow ups.

That means even if you know marriage will be good be prepared and take necessary actions to keep the relationship running.

But as i said, this is not the first time you married, had kids or made love.
Marriage is just a part of life.
The bigger part is to break the cycle of life and death. Marriage is one stepping stone to get you closer to that.

Still don't agree.
Google for rebirth stories. You might still not believe but you cannot deny it at all.

In short, think you want't prove REBIRTH  as hoax in the law of court or publicize to the whole world. Yes, to whole world, convincingly without a doubt you should prove rebirth as fake.

Search to this level and you will see that you cannot at all prove it 100 percent fake.

Find gurus who can just touch you and make you realize or see what you were in the past life.
Little tough, but Siddhas, rare gurus can help you tell what you were.

So the point is not you make money, live a good life, marry or something else.

The whole game is to TRANSCEND Birth and Death.

So what is this all life, Troubles, Obstacles, God, Hell, Sin etc all about?

The whole creation has no START or END. Let's First understand concept..

This is nature of entire Cosmos or Existence. No END or START..universe is ever expanding..its cycle...the whole creation is happening again and again....

It is this cycle we are afraid to come out and hence say this is crap. Science has said so. I am saying experience yourself. Forget science. If you are the only person on this earth. Even the most simple or advanced science will not help you. You have to experience it.

This is an process, everything in cosmos (planets, animals, stars, creatures, time itself) never ends or starts. But in this bigger cycle, once you get a chance to become a human by birth, it’s the human becoming the Divine is the final step, It is the PEAK, and not everyone on earth will resonate with it.

When one dies, you are no more but the SPIRIT which was in your body is Out. You maintain your astral body.

The laws of karma or say your actions will dictate when you return to earth, and what your experiences will be & what you will be born as become a rock, star, grass, mud, or just become empty space.

Poor actions in past life will be born as animal or lower God conscious...but God's essence is there in that animal as well.

*When you have transformed the body into light or leave your body at will, or attain mahasamadhi, you are free to choose and go anywhere.*

You will be able to choose if and when to return, and what you will experience….you are free. You are no longer subjected to the wheel of birth and death, unless you choose to have this experience again.

This is what God is. This is least hurting way of playing life again and again. Coz you know what you are playing.

So it's good to be confident as well. But Clarity is the key. It's like now that you know the whole game, just play course it will hurt as you have the emotions but remember including you, everything in cosmos keeps happening again and again...

Beat the cycle of life and death and choose what you want your experience to be...being human is the best shot you got...Nobody can stop you from this...not even Odds or God himself

So whatever the thing is realize that you are beyond scope of life and death, in that marriage is just a either way don't be surprised or make a big deal..happy or happily divorced...i know it hurts..but i am saying TRANSCEND yourself...

In short whatever you are till date in life is based on lot of things like your reading, seeing, memory, parents,society, country. laws, technology, civilization. I am saying say for next 10 years you are put in a place where only you are are there right...this is what you are everything else including your mind and body is just a add on.

For example, you can be made comatose and physically completely disabled but still breathe..get it..say you are in coma for next 30 years. You still exist..who is that..

Break the cycle..being born as human is the best chance..else no big deal, enjoy life, get married, have a great career, make money, do good to the society, be a great leader, be a good scientist, doctor, whatever, so what ever you want in life..but all this is because there are other people, society and other things...

World will run even if the entire humans are right just now made non existent from the planet. NO matter who the hell you are, be it Warren Buffett, Sadhguru or Baghdadis....

We are beyond all this, now is the best chance to realize there...ASAP,,,after that whatever happens in life...will just be play for you...

This is not all inclusive picture perfect one stop solution but just one among many many ways for someone looking for those do not agree, feel fully to disagree, i respect your views at same time, i am resonably sure that it will no doubt be helpful for folks. People are free to agree or disagree, just saying what if you are the only person on earth...get that TRANSCEND life and death, this is your chance, from here what happens will be play.. be it job, marriage, party, girl friend, business, money, fame, success, relationships, fun etc..

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