Preferably smash in Ganesha power spot.
Read about the procedure.
Take the coconut rotate over head, heart, neck, chest. It will take your Karma. This is brief explanation BUT MAKE SURE TO READ HOW COCONUT REPRESENTS A HUMAN, KARMA & THE PROCEDURE/RITUAL to do before smashing the coconut.
You are picking up a coconut on your right hand. And roll it over your head. And the coconut picks up your karmic impressions in the brain, the Karma impressions in the brain.
Come down to the throat to the neck, the two shoulders, the chest area down below, all over the body. Roll it over the body. Now, the coconut has picked up [ your Karma].
Now, a special instruction:
Those of you who need help with certain problems with the body, visibly roll the coconut over that place and the coconut will pick up. You Will see the miracle.
If you are in a confused state of mind, just roll over the brain and also the heart, the physical heart.
Do it one more time: "In the name of Ganesha, I break this coconut."
Then, Smash it [the coconut]. And feel a relief. The Karma is going away. The cells copying old memories are being stopped.
You can do it in Temple.
OR if you have place at your home.
But wherever you do, place should be free of unknown bad energies. So simply break in Temple, especially Ganesha temple.
But nothing comes close to smashing coconut in Ganesha powerspot.
I actually saw Astroved & Pillaicenter offering it on a paid service.
They have explained it beautifully and how systematic the process is managed and it's done in Ganesha powerspot.
Continue till your problem is smashed by Archetype Ganesha, on Chaturthi or 4th Waning Moon.
Still not convinced how it works?
It's like this 2+2 is 4. Some one said this. And it is a logic that works well in the world. That is you take 2 plus 2 items and add it becomes 4. But do you also know 0 + 4 is also 4. Yes, zero. So now for you zero has no value and you say mathematically zero in itself has no value except when added after a number.
Similarly, why do you say zero has no value, because every other number has a value to it. Like one, two and three and so on. That means one is one. Two= one and one.Three = one, one, one.
So now what you say zero has no value, why don't you say it is the power number that when zero combines with a number, especially after any number it becomes many times its value.
Same with coconut smashing ritual. See entire universe is a sound. That is there are instruments that show you the sound, reveberation that is emitted by every physical or non physical object in the cosmos.
For eg: Every object either physical or non physical emits a certain sound. You just have to hear or graph it using the equipments. You will see that there is a unique image generated of the sound from the object.Somewhat like what you see in the media player equalizer. Don't you see the equalizer and other graphics mimic the sound and dance visually.
So the concept trying to be explained is entire universe is nothing but sound arranged in various permutations and combinations.Some sound are as humans, some as planets, stars etc.
In short, do you know you opera singers breaking glass, because the sound frequency breaks the glass. In fact, you take any object, just keep on increasing the volume, even humans will be ripped off. So on one level it proves everything is different forms of sound in cosmos. Why coconut and why not a atom bomb or any cracking any other fruit, seed or etc. i have to find out or someone can explain.
But somehow the sound generated from smashing a coconut resonates with sound of the universe and the obstacle you are facing is gone. It's like when jet hits sound barrier, there is a explosion. Same way, coconut smashing, hits a certain frequency with cosmos and sets you back in motion in life without any problems.
See just ask is entire universe sound or no at one level. This is the level we are operating upon. With coconut smashing that is all we are doing. You might have money problem but how is coconut smashing helping, coz entire universe is sound, hence its connected.
I am saying entire universe is atoms.So if i discovered how to arrange atoms, than i can create money out of atoms taken from just thin air. Atoms are free right.
Same way if i know how i can arrange DNA, then i can create many people like you. Cloning...get it ...same thing on a larger level..if cloning by DNA is possible, why can't i create more people like you by taking your DNA's.
Now if cloning from DNA is possible, why can't i do the same with Atoms. Just that i do not how to arrange atoms to create money, animals or other objects. Plus for a human the atoms are just in innumerable and many combinations.
Same thing with sound, if i can just use the right sounds, i can create anything in universe, in that solving problems by re arranging the frequency is not a big deal.
Yes, in short 100 people who are facing problems and have tried every solution, just smash coconuts at Ganesha powerspots till your problem is solved and more importantly on the 4th Waning Moon, and even the insurmountable problems will be solved.
This is not magic or psuedo science. This is like Zero. Say is a poet dumb than a scientist. No. Can the world live without poets, yes. But even without scientists the world can live. So similarly, logic, facing problems in life and fighting is the known approach. But there are always many many many ways of solving problems.
Just saying ignore coconut smashing, just think even if you have the best solution of a huge problem you struggled, think is there an other way. You will see there is.. That's all
I am saying okay guys here goes one more psuedo science to be busted. Just assemble 100 people who have no solutions of solving their problem and start smashing coconuts at Ganesha powerspots till that person's problem is solved. Choose problems which the person facing but can be available to smash the coconut or someone else on his behalf can smash the coconut. Nothing else, the problems will just vanish and you will be surprised by the numbers. Surely out of 100 people many, many will get their problems just like that..try to prove it fake.. i will be happy as i said one more psuedo science busted and i admit i was a fool to write this..nothing wrong in admitting a blunder right...
More information:
The Moon moves quickly through its phases. Our days are based on the joint relationship of the Moon and the Sun.
Where the Sun represents our outward personality and how we present ourselves in the world, the Moon bears the soul’s energy and indicates our emotional and psychological patterns and tendencies.
The Moon is associated with a person’s emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods. It is associated with the past.
In general, if the Moon is in its Waxing phase, which means ‘growing’ into being Full; it is time to seek the limelight, to explore new things and concentrate on material things.
When the Moon is Waning or on its way from Full Moon to New or dark Moon then this is the time in which one must be more inward and reflective of the soul.
Obstacle Smashing Technology
Smashing coconuts is a spiritual technology that manifest results in both your material and spiritual worlds. The coconut energetically absorbs your lower vibrations. When it is smashed, the energy holding back your progress is forcefully disseminated. When this is done on Lord Ganesha’s 4th Waning Moon, the obstacle removing power is amplified abundantly.
Click here to join the Coconut Smashing Ritual on the 4th Waning Moon. These spiritual technologies are to help you overcome problems or obstacles which are unexpected or for which you are not responsible in life. Do not use these spiritual technologies to achieve ulterior motives or shy away from obstacles in life. Else you will end up facing twice the troubles in future. These for sincere seekers.
Dr. Pillai often refers to the coconut as an aspect of the divine. Only the coconut has three distinct eyes and this relates to the three eyes of Lord Shiva representing the holy Trinity of Evolution: Creation, Preservation and Destruction, or the trinity of ego, maya and karma out of where most obstacles rise.
Only when the physical world or maya is stripped or smashed away can one taste the sweet untouched nectar of spiritual purity and bliss. Smashing coconuts is a spiritual technology. The smashing of the coconut is symbolic of the removal of karmas that create obstacles on many different levels of spiritual and material evolution.
The coconut energetically absorbs your lower vibrations and when the coconut is smashed, it powerfully disperses your obstacles and hindrances. It is believed that smashing coconuts on Lord Ganesha’s 4th Waning Moon amplifies the obstacle removing power and ensures your progress.
Read about the procedure.
Take the coconut rotate over head, heart, neck, chest. It will take your Karma. This is brief explanation BUT MAKE SURE TO READ HOW COCONUT REPRESENTS A HUMAN, KARMA & THE PROCEDURE/RITUAL to do before smashing the coconut.
You are picking up a coconut on your right hand. And roll it over your head. And the coconut picks up your karmic impressions in the brain, the Karma impressions in the brain.
Come down to the throat to the neck, the two shoulders, the chest area down below, all over the body. Roll it over the body. Now, the coconut has picked up [ your Karma].
Now, a special instruction:
Those of you who need help with certain problems with the body, visibly roll the coconut over that place and the coconut will pick up. You Will see the miracle.
If you are in a confused state of mind, just roll over the brain and also the heart, the physical heart.
Do it one more time: "In the name of Ganesha, I break this coconut."
Then, Smash it [the coconut]. And feel a relief. The Karma is going away. The cells copying old memories are being stopped.
You can do it in Temple.
OR if you have place at your home.
But wherever you do, place should be free of unknown bad energies. So simply break in Temple, especially Ganesha temple.
But nothing comes close to smashing coconut in Ganesha powerspot.
I actually saw Astroved & Pillaicenter offering it on a paid service.
They have explained it beautifully and how systematic the process is managed and it's done in Ganesha powerspot.
Continue till your problem is smashed by Archetype Ganesha, on Chaturthi or 4th Waning Moon.
Still not convinced how it works?
It's like this 2+2 is 4. Some one said this. And it is a logic that works well in the world. That is you take 2 plus 2 items and add it becomes 4. But do you also know 0 + 4 is also 4. Yes, zero. So now for you zero has no value and you say mathematically zero in itself has no value except when added after a number.
Similarly, why do you say zero has no value, because every other number has a value to it. Like one, two and three and so on. That means one is one. Two= one and one.Three = one, one, one.
So now what you say zero has no value, why don't you say it is the power number that when zero combines with a number, especially after any number it becomes many times its value.
Same with coconut smashing ritual. See entire universe is a sound. That is there are instruments that show you the sound, reveberation that is emitted by every physical or non physical object in the cosmos.
For eg: Every object either physical or non physical emits a certain sound. You just have to hear or graph it using the equipments. You will see that there is a unique image generated of the sound from the object.Somewhat like what you see in the media player equalizer. Don't you see the equalizer and other graphics mimic the sound and dance visually.
So the concept trying to be explained is entire universe is nothing but sound arranged in various permutations and combinations.Some sound are as humans, some as planets, stars etc.
In short, do you know you opera singers breaking glass, because the sound frequency breaks the glass. In fact, you take any object, just keep on increasing the volume, even humans will be ripped off. So on one level it proves everything is different forms of sound in cosmos. Why coconut and why not a atom bomb or any cracking any other fruit, seed or etc. i have to find out or someone can explain.
But somehow the sound generated from smashing a coconut resonates with sound of the universe and the obstacle you are facing is gone. It's like when jet hits sound barrier, there is a explosion. Same way, coconut smashing, hits a certain frequency with cosmos and sets you back in motion in life without any problems.
See just ask is entire universe sound or no at one level. This is the level we are operating upon. With coconut smashing that is all we are doing. You might have money problem but how is coconut smashing helping, coz entire universe is sound, hence its connected.
I am saying entire universe is atoms.So if i discovered how to arrange atoms, than i can create money out of atoms taken from just thin air. Atoms are free right.
Same way if i know how i can arrange DNA, then i can create many people like you. Cloning...get it ...same thing on a larger level..if cloning by DNA is possible, why can't i create more people like you by taking your DNA's.
Now if cloning from DNA is possible, why can't i do the same with Atoms. Just that i do not how to arrange atoms to create money, animals or other objects. Plus for a human the atoms are just in innumerable and many combinations.
Same thing with sound, if i can just use the right sounds, i can create anything in universe, in that solving problems by re arranging the frequency is not a big deal.
Yes, in short 100 people who are facing problems and have tried every solution, just smash coconuts at Ganesha powerspots till your problem is solved and more importantly on the 4th Waning Moon, and even the insurmountable problems will be solved.
This is not magic or psuedo science. This is like Zero. Say is a poet dumb than a scientist. No. Can the world live without poets, yes. But even without scientists the world can live. So similarly, logic, facing problems in life and fighting is the known approach. But there are always many many many ways of solving problems.
Just saying ignore coconut smashing, just think even if you have the best solution of a huge problem you struggled, think is there an other way. You will see there is.. That's all
I am saying okay guys here goes one more psuedo science to be busted. Just assemble 100 people who have no solutions of solving their problem and start smashing coconuts at Ganesha powerspots till that person's problem is solved. Choose problems which the person facing but can be available to smash the coconut or someone else on his behalf can smash the coconut. Nothing else, the problems will just vanish and you will be surprised by the numbers. Surely out of 100 people many, many will get their problems just like that..try to prove it fake.. i will be happy as i said one more psuedo science busted and i admit i was a fool to write this..nothing wrong in admitting a blunder right...
More information:
The Moon moves quickly through its phases. Our days are based on the joint relationship of the Moon and the Sun.
Where the Sun represents our outward personality and how we present ourselves in the world, the Moon bears the soul’s energy and indicates our emotional and psychological patterns and tendencies.
The Moon is associated with a person’s emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods. It is associated with the past.
In general, if the Moon is in its Waxing phase, which means ‘growing’ into being Full; it is time to seek the limelight, to explore new things and concentrate on material things.
When the Moon is Waning or on its way from Full Moon to New or dark Moon then this is the time in which one must be more inward and reflective of the soul.
Obstacle Smashing Technology
Smashing coconuts is a spiritual technology that manifest results in both your material and spiritual worlds. The coconut energetically absorbs your lower vibrations. When it is smashed, the energy holding back your progress is forcefully disseminated. When this is done on Lord Ganesha’s 4th Waning Moon, the obstacle removing power is amplified abundantly.
Click here to join the Coconut Smashing Ritual on the 4th Waning Moon. These spiritual technologies are to help you overcome problems or obstacles which are unexpected or for which you are not responsible in life. Do not use these spiritual technologies to achieve ulterior motives or shy away from obstacles in life. Else you will end up facing twice the troubles in future. These for sincere seekers.

Dr. Pillai often refers to the coconut as an aspect of the divine. Only the coconut has three distinct eyes and this relates to the three eyes of Lord Shiva representing the holy Trinity of Evolution: Creation, Preservation and Destruction, or the trinity of ego, maya and karma out of where most obstacles rise.
Only when the physical world or maya is stripped or smashed away can one taste the sweet untouched nectar of spiritual purity and bliss. Smashing coconuts is a spiritual technology. The smashing of the coconut is symbolic of the removal of karmas that create obstacles on many different levels of spiritual and material evolution.
The coconut energetically absorbs your lower vibrations and when the coconut is smashed, it powerfully disperses your obstacles and hindrances. It is believed that smashing coconuts on Lord Ganesha’s 4th Waning Moon amplifies the obstacle removing power and ensures your progress.
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