Yup, let us not beat around the bush.
Keep aside heaven or hell for a moment.
Imagine there is just you, God and the Devil.
Okay Devil made you Sin, next what?
You are now Sinned, you went to Hell.
Bottomline is Devil- 1. God- Zero.
Is that all?
Now just come to current numbers.
So devil has so many numbers in hell.
God will have some numbers.
Humans are jokers.
Remember God is perfect. He surely has a foolproof plan.
And what about other creatures.
Agreed God created everything for man and I know God says use, consume everything in limit in the word of God or Scriptures.
But did you know if there is just one plant, one human, one God, One Devil. Just imagine.
Plants will win hands down.
Plants need not require a human.
But a human needs atleast few grass to survive because we need oxygen to breathe.
But again for grass to grow, soil has to have microbes in them. Just water and soil cannot grow plants, grass, trees. For example: Clay, or Desert Sand, not much grows in them.
So do you see the connection- germs in soil feeds soil, roots in plant feed on those nutrients in soil. We humans eat these plants to survive. So get the point, creation or God is inclusive. God is everywhere in everything in every form. Not just heaven or hell.
The plan is already foolproof.
Trees, plants, grass can survive even with just earthworms because even they give carbon di oxide.
Still not convinced?
So who is superior? Earthworms, Grass are way superior to humans because they dont need us. Get it.
Humans cant survive without flora on the earth. All air, oxygen is given by only plants/flora. Few creatures, organisms, do give oxygen but it is not sufficient for all life on earth.
Still not convinces, imagine we can survive without plants.Okay humans might start growing creatures like algae or spirulina to give oxygen, but what will we eat, if we there are no vegetables, flora, fruits on earth. Only non-veg, how long we will eat or eat only Algae etc. Get it.
God is in every creature. It is not about getting born, use all things in creation, live life, or even conserve nature and goto heaven by following word of God. In fact you dont have to conserve nature. If we control our needs, nature will grow itself.
So point is Flora or plants can survive even with a frog, earthworm, ant or just a useless pig which is there to give carbon di oxide. They don't need humans on earth.
Get the point.
Each creature, non living creature like mud, water, clouds all are equal. This is the point.
Did you know if moon is blasted, humans will die. Yes, no women will conceive if moon is removed from cosmos. Dig deep, find the truth. You will know even moon is connected to human life.
So like this our concept of God, Word of God is not wrong but limited to humans. We are not the only the superior in God's eye. You saw right, even useless moon is required for humans to have their next generation of species. Just Google it. See what happens if moon is wiped out from universe. Human women wont be able to concieve. Tough, but find the truth. As i said God has already made foolproof plan.
So if you feel humans deserve heaven, then as i said earthorms, deserve heaven, plants deserve heaven, moon deserves heaven.
I know they dont have spirit, they dont committ sin.
I am just saying, just look at who is superior. It is not right to look at this way but if going to heaven is the ultimate, then surely it doesn't make sense for inferior beings like humans to do all sin, then reform and seek forgiveness in word of God and goto heaven. Simply because, all creatures in soil if they die, humans are gone. If moon is gone we are gone.
But look at what we have done in the name of heaven.
The point is crystal clear even if all the hospitals, great scientific experiments, nuclear facilities, share market, Government meetings, conferences, even all words of Gods, are stopped right now. World will still run.
But if all Honey bees, all organisms in the soil, all trees are wiped. Entire Life on earth will collapse.
Point is bees, soil organisms, flora have more impact on ENTIRE LIFE on Earth than humans.
So who deserves heaven.
I am not saying, dont believe God, or Heaven. I am not saying environment is superior. Moon is superior.
I am saying cant you see God in everything. Did you know mountains also have a purpose on earth. Yes, ask US, why they get tornadoes and why India doesn't go so many. Ask if they had mountains like Himalayas would it be a better place.
Yes i know God created man immortal. But if you see creation everything else was already in sync. Rain, clouds, water, trees, animals. They were all perfect.
I am saying, live and let live.
Still if you want to go to heaven please go but dont feel the rest are all sinners.
Don't feel sad or force or even preach that the other person (in the wrong fear) that we will goto hell because he doesnt believe the Scripture or Word of God.
To be following word of God, be Good and reach heaven for sure is so escapism like.
Instead admit be fully responsible for all things you do. Its okay to go hell if you feel you deserve it.
Which is true freedom?
True freedom is not about heaven or hell or saving environment as well.
All i am saying is dont be so desperate about salvation or heaven. Just be free to face life.
Still not convinced...
Okay what if man drops his flesh and blood. Yes what if human found a way to live in robots. For example, what if man creates humanoids.
If life can be in person with coma, or a person on artificial life support then yes, today we can keep person alive with life support system but he wont move.
Yes, what if man finds a way to remove the mind, conscious, life,spirit, soul and put in machines. Say we become machines where man creates a technology to feed the mind or conscious or spirit or soul and feed into a machine.
Some what like say humans become like the robots in transformers.
Say i am now a machine but fed with human conscious.
Hope you know about Professor Stephen Hawking who lost his ability to speak in 1985. He was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a rare form of motor neurone disease, aged 22, and has relied on a computerised voice system to communicate and speak since the ’80s.
So its just one step away. If my thoughts can be spoken by a machine, how long before my spirit, life form, fed to a machine.
Then how does it matter if i sin. No pain. A new baby is born, i take the intelligence, consciousness or spirit in it and feed into machine.
Now i am a machine but with consciousness of man. I dont have to eat, worry about health, age, blood, sin.
No death, you can change into any machine you want. Whenever my machine gets old, i just change.
Offcourse, my spirit, soul, life or conscious is now in a machine in a chip. So if entire robot is crushed or zapped into ashes, i am gone forever.
But look at the situation. I have no pain, no morals etc.
So point is God, hell, heaven matters for a human spirit in a flesh and blood.
Imagine my conscious is now in a robot or machine. I will be worried about my existence but i have no pain, no blood, and no need to worry about food, water or worry about word of God etc. Infact i can have backups and almost be immortal.
I mean possibility is just limitless. Now you can survive in space, other planets. No food, oxygen or water.
Now the point is i am not saying Science is superior.
The human conscious, soul, spirit has no death or birth. This is the same force residing in every inch of the cosmos.
Say everything in cosmos has atoms right. Like that. Atoms dont die.
I am saying live and let live.
Dont you get it. Everything in creation is made of the same atoms. Including robots, germs, cosmos, humans. So where did this heaven come from.
Problem is because someone statrts Word of God is ultimate truth.
Scientists say there is a way things work but its not God.
Point is we all are same. Remember Atoms. Yes your phone, the ant, the bird, sky, planets, microbes, soil, rock, everything has atoms.
All of us are seeing different forms and giving different meanings.
I am saying all are same and God exists in entire cosmos.
Some are saying word of God and Scriptures give full picture.
Problem arises when i say i am right or other person says scripture or word of God is ultimate.
As i said word of God is true but that is not complete picture about God. Can anyone know God fully. Never. Even word of God says only what is required for humans. It is not wrong but it is for humans limited understanding.
In fact if word of God is ultimate truth, We all can checkmate God now only. Say entire world people can just accept the Saviour or Scripture and die at once now. Anyway world is getting to brink of collapse. Hope you see currently earth is no flourishing. Lot of good things are happening but is it enough.
Next few years you see people will no water to drink. Atleast lot of lives will be lost due to lack of water, like these problems.
Why we have to fight in end days when survival will become hell.
For example imagine I believe in God, i will tell God, God there is no water, no food, ozone layer gone, anyway earth will be unliveable in few years. So we put ourselves to rest.
God will take care of everyone in heaven even if i sinned by putting everyone to rest.
Let God send me to hell. Atleast i will go with fact knowing because of me all humanity went to heaven.
Remember i am sinned because of Adam so i demand i goto hell and i dont believe word of God or Saviour. But others cant to hell because i nuked the earth.
But that wont be fair. Some are still unaware of word of God, Allah or Scriptures. Oh okay, they will goto heaven because i nuked earth but i goto hell. Vow, i send whole population to heaven but i goto hell. God checkmated is it.
Infact, i insist i goto hell. Again i am not giving God the creator option. I am choosing hell. Again God checkmated is it.
But there are sinners till date, who know the truth but still committ sin. Okay, they will goto heaven because humans are sinned coz of Adam and their good luck earth got nuked.
So point is by accident there will always some people who goto heaven is it. What rubbish? God is foolproof.
Still dint get it. Imagine Armageddon. All babies born during just before collapse of earth will goto heaven.
What rubbish. Just because i was born 30 years before Armageddon i was stupid not to believe God and suddenly Judgement day happened. I goto hell for my sins as i was born 30 years earlier. Or i was shrewd and believed God and did some sins but i went to heaven.
Common I can't fool God by doing few mundane sins like not studying, not being fully occupied in life, say i goto just a average job, have a few drinks every week and die. God is not average or neither is God a ticket to heaven.
Also the baby by fluke born just few seconds or hours or days or say 3 months during Armageddon goes to heaven as earth was destroyed on Judgement Day.
This is not free will. This is blackmail.
In fact why wait, because if you push humans to brink, there will be people who will be desperate to survive and choose to kill or do more bad things at Armageddon.
Atleast i did it peacefully. I take the blame because i want every human to go to heaven. I dont want them to Sin anymore.
So get it heaven or hell is not the point.
On their day any creature, force in nature can beat anyone.
Humans can also beat everything on our day. As i said Humanoids, remember.
But remember, everything is one and same. Problem arises when we start thinking we can sort it out or go to heaven and that's it.
We are missing point, that right here, right now everything in cosmos is connected.
And ya forgot to mention, cockroaches have been there before humans, they were there with the dinosaurs, they will be there even after ozone is punctured and after all life on earth is gone.
And here's one more:
World's most indestructible creature - the Tardigrade.
The tiny tardigrade has been named the world’s most indestructible species after scientists discovered it is the only creature that will survive until the Sun dies.
Although cockroaches are traditionally seen as Earth’s most resilient species, the eight-legged microbeasts are actually far hardier and will continue to thrive for around 10 billion years, come hell or high water, Oxford University has found.
Tardigrades, which are also known as space bears or moss piglets, are able to survive for up to 30 years without food or water and endure temperature extremes of up to 150 degrees celsius, the deep sea and the frozen vacuum of space.

Researchers from Oxford and Harvard University, found that their astonishing abilities would protect them from calamities which would wipe out all life on Earth. In fact the only forces capable of harming tardigrades, such as a gigantic asteroid, an exploding star or a deadly gammar ray burst will not happen before our own Sun dies.
Not only does it suggest that tardigrades will survive long after humans have died out, but it gives hope that life could exist on even the most barren and hostile planets.
“Life on this planet can continue long after humans are gone,” said Dr Rafael Alves Batista, of the Department of Physics at Oxford University.
“Tardigrades are as close to indestructible as it gets on Earth, but it is possible that there are other resilient species examples elsewhere in the universe.
“In this context there is a real case for looking for life on Mars and in other areas of the solar system in general. If Tardigrades are earth's most resilient species, who knows what else is out there.”
The water-dwelling micro animals can live for up to 60 years, and grow to a maximum size of 0.5mm. The only real threat to their existence would be from an apocalyptic event which would cause Earth’s oceans to boil away. But the scientists discovered that there are only a dozen known asteroids and dwarf planets with enough mass to cause the oceans to boil if they struck the Earth and none are on a collision course with our planet, Smaller space rocks would not harm tardigrades.
Likewise in order of an exploding star to boil away the oceans it would been to be 0.14 light-years away but the nearest star to the Sun is four light years away, so even if it exploded in a supernova it would not harm tardigrades.
Destructive explosions of electromagnetic energy known as gamma-ray bursts which are thought to be caused by neutron stars colliding or the formation of black holes could also be a threat to the little creatures, but again non could occur close enough to wipe out the species.
Dr David Sloan, Co-author and Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Physics at Oxford University, said: “To our surprise we found that although nearby supernovae or large asteroid impacts would be catastrophic for people, tardigrades could be unaffected. Therefore it seems that life, once it gets going, is hard to wipe out entirely.
“Huge numbers of species, or even entire genera may become extinct, but life as a whole will go on.”
In highlighting the resilience of life in general, the research broadens the scope of life beyond Earth, within and outside of this solar system.
Professor Abraham Loeb, co-author and chair of the Astronomy department at Harvard University, said it proved that life could survive in even the harshest environments, such as beneath the surface of Mars, or on the moons of Europa and Enceladus.
“Organisms with similar tolerances to radiation and temperature as tardigrades could survive long-term below the surface in these conditions,” said Prof Loeb.
“The subsurface oceans that are believed to exist on Europa and Enceladus, would have conditions similar to the deep oceans of Earth where tardigrades are found, volcanic vents providing heat in an environment devoid of light.”
Atleast dont say whatever word of God known is the only truth.
I am saying there are things beyond that as well. You are just stuck with a fraction of God's word. No human, even me can say even description about God. Not even word of God, Ancient Scriptures or Holy book.
So point is all are right. Problem arises when i say only i am right
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