Tuesday, 13 November 2018

If Jesus Died Today Then All Goto Heaven Right

Bro, What about all people who died the day before Jesus got crucified.

I know Since Jesus died for all Sinners they went to heaven. Vow so souls who never knew about Jesus or dint have chance to accept Jesus but did all Sins went to heaven because Jesus died for their Sins, back then.

Surely there were people who didn't know Jesus when he was alive and crucified. Like say India, Australia etc. whole world people dint know Jesus when he was alive and got crucified right.

This is a fact.

That is why Jesus himself said go and spread the word to whole world.

I will come back.

So till the day Jesus died all people went to heaven right. No matter what sins they did.

Yes some sinners went to hell.

And whoever believes in Jesus now will goto heaven. Those who don't believe will goto hell.

Yes, i know God will judge, so all believers will also not goto heaven.

Only righteous and believers will go, right.

So what i am saying, i want to send atleast one Sinner to heaven who will not believe in Jesus.

Because imagine if today in 2018, if Jesus died, all humans goto heaven.

Get the essence of what Jesus said. Don't get lost in words.

Word of God is perfect.

But our interpretation is wrong.

Plus God is not only what is given in Word of God. He is beyond that as well. It is just for our human brains limited understanding that he has given some description about him.

Tell me is word of God everything. No.

It has only what is required for our limited brains. God is beyond things told in Bible, Quran or other scriptures.

As i said i am okay to goto hell for atleast ONE sinner.

Because if Jesus died as of today, all will goto heaven for he died for all Sinners.

As i said lets keep it simple.
Jesus was never known to whole world when he was born, when he lived, and when he was crucified and resurrected.

This means there were people, even new born babies born on the day Jesus was crucified who all would go to heaven because jesus died for all their Sins.

Yes, people who never accepted christ went to heaven once he was crucified.

This is a fact.

This is a fact, whole world never knew Jesus when he was born and was alive and crucified.

And my point is it is not my mission. I am fine.

But my freewill what God has given, i will atleast tell God to send one sinner to heaven instead of me.

This is what i learnt from Jesus, the saviour. This is God - FOOLPROOF & PERFECT.

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