Thursday 25 October 2018

Imagine There are Just 100 people on the Earth would you still be free or bound

See, it's simple.
Imagine there are just 100 people in this world for now.

Yes, see none of your stocks, investments, assets, success, fight against injustice, most of the things go away.

It's like say currently there is a big injustice going like say the place you are living in is just being exploited fully, the water is polluted, the food cost is high, corruption is too much. So much so that you are not being even allowed to survive.

Yes, its like this if someone is hitting you, yes do what you can.

If you feel hitting him back is right. Do it.

If you feel running away is going to solve it. Do it.

If you feel you making him understand like Bro wait, I am sorry, something like that. Do it.

Or even if you have any other ideas also. Do it.

This is the point.

Based on our current knowledge and tolerant levels, there is only so much even an enlightened being can also handle.

It's like if you hit him he will also atleast feel sad why these  are people hitting me. Yes, he might bless you as well or forgive.

But just because a enlightened or person on spiritual also gets angry doesn't mean he is not spiritual. Remember he is in the body and world. How do you know if someone is spiritual because he is there in the material world.

So if you are spiritual and you get angry or you get attracted to material things its fine. But the point is now you are completely conscious of the actions, thoughts are you doing or thinking.

This is the difference.

What this means you are watching yourself but its no you.

It's like imagine God is watching you.

Yes now you are watching yourself.

Isn't this a place you want to be.

Isn't this what we all want to be.

See lets go through the usual route.

Say entire Universe somehow through science, super computer, knowledge or exceptional talent you just controlled the entire universe and everything is happening according to you.

See you feel happy but after some time, the nature of human is you will feel bored.

This is the where the problem starts, you start to do something where you will get entangled. You start to make a beautiful world and you know where it will end.

You forget that you had everything in control but still you wanted more.

This uncontrollable thing is what humans are all about.

Got it. You can call it mind, success, spirit, soul, life force, desire.

But whatever means like through spirituality, success, family, wealth, we achieve it, the dissatisfaction will always be there.

Because, yes even if you are after spirituality, you are always wanting it.

So there always be something you want.

Say you want to be spiritual and even if you reach there, you know what will happen, you will feel again is this all.

Becoz you are not understanding the whole picture.

There is nothing called as humans, You, spirit, soul.
Language is limited so we feel we have to get into something.

See thing is all humans  are already there. In the zone.

Problem is we are already there.

Just need to realize.

See its like this, you might nothing compared to Bill Gates but spirituality wise even you are same to him. Because this is what is common from an atom to the cosmos and everything in between. 

The rock, shiva, confidence, wealth, and even spirituality they are just tools. Because no matter how much you aspire to say, even be detached, the longing will never be fulfilled. Even the longing to be detached is an attachment. What if you lose it? You have a bondage, get it. 
Get it.

You will not exist. This is where it is. But you are watching yourself.

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