Wednesday 29 August 2018

What life form is God?

There’s always an other answer but for some reason with a decent conviction I feel the image of God should reach a decent end with this answer. Not being overconfident but just with strong conviction, here’s my answer.

Firstly, we must understand that as humans we are part of a larger system and in this system God is probably far superior or the ultimatum.

So for eg: Can your mobile phone tell about other mobile phones or tell about other electronic devices. Your mobile phone, yes can your mobile phone no matter however smart and with artificial intelligence in the near future, it will never be able to do more than what it was designed to do by a creator.

Similarly, we as humans, no matter however smart and with abundance of self intelligence and consciousness will never be able to judge something superior to us.

Yet again I reiterate that humans are also part of a system, so for me to tell about the system or God or the entire creation or make sense of the creation I have to be out of the system and not inside it.

Your desktop computer cannot think, help or work beyond a certain capacity. Only if the so called feature is given it will start to do that.

So only if the humans are given the so called features to realize the creator we will be..or from an atheist perspective only if we find the missing feature, we will be able tell about God oops..or the Omnipower, Quasar or nature or whatever name one would like to give.

However yet one must come to the fact that not everything can be comphrended or made meaning of by the human mind. It has its own limits and there will be always things which we cannot explain. This is a fact we have to come to terms with and offcourse a fair bit of personal experience is also required on both to agree on this topic or not to agree as well.

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