Wednesday 29 August 2018

What is the best antiworm drug in India?

Prevention is better than cure. Note, this is for all worms.

I come from a Land where we follow Ayurveda and other forms of natural treatment. (Yes ayurveda too is not perfect, it has defects but is surely worth compared to allopathy as well)

This avoids side effects, less pressure on ecology because we take what is available in nature and most importantly make the body fight the disease.

I know it sounds like…gyaaaaaaan,…

for eg have you ever thought why doesnt everyone in a home falls sick, why only some were infected while others in the same conditions were fine?

Treatment suggestions:

Take 2 to 3 tablespoon of edible castor oil. You can take one spoon also but if you dont get any motions and worms are still in your system gradually increase the teaspoons. But always start with lower quantiy. But dont take more than 3 spoons for starters. For kids give even less , say half or one spoon. You will get loose stools. Dont worry your system is being cleaned.If loose motion dont stop, drink hot water to stop.

Take Asfoetidia, one of the best natural ingredients to kill all worms. Take about a size of peanut.

Try taking edible Turmeric or start adding it in ur diet. Just mix a pinch or two in milk and consume, every once in a while to prevent and take about half tea spoon to kill worms.

Or just go consult and doctor and get yourself a good tasty dewormer tonic.

I know some people might say i m sharing voodo medicine, i have nothing against but have u ever thought what animals do to control worms, or what our ancestors did, after all modern medicine came here just a few hundreds year back but humans are on this planet of more than 2000 years now. So please there was something which was good those days as well.

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