Close your eyes, take a deep breath and try holding your breath, after a while you let go. Why did you do so? Is it just the lack of oxygen or the pain of your lungs bursting? Similarly what makes you eat? Is it just the hunger or the pain of an empty stomach? Like this there are many stresses that make us wake up in the morning to sleeping in the night and to do everything in between. So one or the other kind of stress is what makes us live.
Similarly once we are in the work place, why do we treat it differently? The problem is our ‘attitude’ towards work place stress. One must understand that the work place is no exception. Work place is where we are going to spend the most part of our life. So the next time your boss gives you a piece of his mind or the clerk slams the door behind you, take it in the right stride and act responsibly, do not feel stressed.
You are an expert at your job but you do not get the deserved recognition. Having a good social image is helpful. So your natural inclination is to do something that might impress others. Even Gandhi’s son was not satisfied with his father. So why are you worried about getting recognized at the office? Therefore pretending to be someone else might only do more damage to your image.
Meanwhile you have a huge assignment to finish and you are being paid peanuts? Well clearly you are feeling the stress because you are getting underpaid. So what do you do? Well in the first place nobody from the company forced you to join the job unless it was your family business. So finish the assignment and then think of an alternative.
Today if God were to look at the overall condition of his creations, especially – the humans, he too must be gushing with steam in his head. In fact we ourselves have to wonder why someone as perfect as God created us humans with so many imperfections? So do not think of the work place stress as an undesirable occurrence. You never know it might just bring out the best in you.
Lastly, nothing comes for free. End of the month you do not get your salary for warming your seat. So there are no excuses for feeling sad, depressed or angry in stressful situations at the work place. You are in the job to perform or perish.
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