When faced with troubles, the obvious choice for most of us is to run away from the trouble or to dodge from them and when a similar trouble occurs in an organization most of us look for greener pastures but like pastures every organization too can face a drought run. So running from organization to organization is in turn going affect your own career progress in the long run.
Troubles are not always born out of the blue. There are instances where a small issue which was left unattended could have brewed into turmoil. So the first step in handling one’s career during organizational turmoil is to prevent it. All it requires us is to be conscious about our job and always be on the lookout for loopholes in the system because what affects the organization will invariably affect your career too. Remember nothing is perfect and there is always scope for improvement.
Troubles also have a bad knack of appearing without any notice like a physical damage, a sell out or acquisition or merger or even phasing out the existing technologies or even the recession. One cannot pre plan a solution for all these situations.
During such sudden turmoil the first thing to do is not to panic but it is easier said than done. Always look for opportunities even in such despair times. After all there should have been some value for which you were hired in the first place. This is where your experience comes in hand. In fact this could be the ideal opportunity to prove yourself and be the turning point of your career progress. This kind of attitude will always keep you ahead of the tide.
Meanwhile why is that only few face the brunt of a turmoil while the rest are safe. It could be because of your soft skills like your communication skills, professional relationship with your colleagues etc. Probably you had the talent but never revealed it your superiors or never performed at your full potential because of your shyness. Thus a good career is not always about good job performance but a few words of warmth also helps. So the next time you get up from your seat to have some water make sure you have a nice topic for discussion at the water coolant.
Then there are situations when you are faced against the wall. There is no other option but to quit. All this while life was smooth but now what next? Very rarely do we plan for such worst case scenario. Remember turmoil is a parcel of one’s career. Therefore take it in the right stride like the happy times and act with same attitude and confidence as you would do in the good old times.
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