Everything seemed to go well for the corporate citizens, until the recession happened. One can always blame the recession but the fact that the corporate world still goes on; people are still getting their money’s worth shows that circumstances alone cannot be blamed for their downfall. So what is it that made these people swim over the tide? Why didn’t the rest of them make the cut though they did their jobs well?
Just going through your job and doing the job well is not enough. Anybody with a decent qualification and training can do the job well enough. The major mistake everybody makes is the lack of planning. How could one be so thoughtless about one’s career when we put lots of thought just to buy pair of clothes or how we dress up every day?
Meanwhile some are always in the limelight and are preferred over the others irrespective of the same competencies and the same level of job performance. This clearly shows the lack of networking and that only work does not put you on the path to career growth. One must have a good social relationship with their colleagues.
Today’s job market demands constant renovation in all spheres of one’s career including their qualification, skills, persona etc. One must never be complacent even if things are going smooth in one’s job domain. A time could come where one fine day your services could no longer be required not because of your capabilities, but the organization has new technology or system in place to do your job, or they sold out the process. The list is endless. So always be on the lookout for other options. It is possible for a person to have multiple interests. So if you are a corporate trainer, you could also do a part time or guest lectures at educational institutions, have personal web/blog giving online career coaching. You could even double up as a personal career counselor and give career guidance or career counseling services to clients. This always gives you plenty of options to choose from during the times of crisis and therefore you always have an extra job option to rely upon in case if one of your job posting does not go as planned.
Any organization expects a certain level of job performance from its employees, which is the very reason one is hired. Similarly if you have an issue with your job like the team coordination, regarding the pay scale, the all important promotion or any other concerns, make sure you sort it out. There is no point in keeping quiet. Your organization has far important things to worry about than your salary hikes and promotions.
And just when you feel you got everything under control, don’t be. Never rest on your past laurels, always have a plan B and even have a plan C if possible.
Finally Change is the only constant thing in the job market so always review your career plans periodically because life always finds a way.
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