Wednesday, 29 August 2018
What is the density of petrol?
What are some good questions to ask about my pre deviated septum surgery?
What can entrepreneurs learn from professional sports persons?
So the next time you are in a business situation or for that matter any situation, see it as a cricket match or a badminton match and think what you would do to win that game. I am sure you would win 7 out of 10 situations. Dont worry about losing that one game a.k.a situation.
Can vitamin pills (medicines) be consumed on an empty stomach?
What are the best home loan options available in India for a techie for 50 lacs, with a tenure of 20 years?
Private banks offer good service, fast processing and you might the get amount as you expect but beware of hidden charges, high interest rates, they are slow to reduce interest rates, have pre-closure charges, etc.
so if you are in a hurry, financially smart and have a keen eye for detail, and expecting your income to rise considerably in the future, or surely make profit from your home, then go for private banks but keep a tab on their charges every month.
If you just want a peaceful home to stay, and not get into any further trouble in the future, just struggle a bit till you get the loan from a PSU bank and be contempt.
As of now competition is tough and all banks offer interest rate in the range of 9 percent to 10.75 percent. This is one of the best times to buy a home loan with interest rates at a low point. If you are young and your spouse is earning or financially secure, go for floating rate of interest, as interest rates are expected to go down due to the market conditions.
If you are already having a lot of financial commitments and have saved very less money, and don't want to take any risks go for fixed rate of interest home loan.
What are the merits and demerits of SBI and HDFC home loans?
SBI home loans:
- Reasonable or lower interest rates.
- Some branches might have poor customer service.
- No unnecessary charges
- No pre-closure or part payment charges
- Over draft facility with SBI max home loan for loan account
- Overall You get what you see.. transparent home loan
- Time consuming
- Have to produce all the documents
- Might have to make down payments or margin payment, which is usually up to 20 percent of the home loan amount. For eg: if your home loan is for 30 lakhs, you might be asked to have a amount of 5 to 6 lakhs in hand.
- Lot of rules and regulations
- Might not get expected loan amount
HDFC Home loan merits
- Fast loan amount disbursal
- Prompt customer service
- Not a time consuming process
- Can bargain and also get higher loan amount
- Very slow to reduce interest rates if home loan rates come down
- Penalty is high if one month EMI is missed
- Hidden charges
- Pre-closure charges
- Pre-payment charges
- Highly expensive when compared to PSU home loans
What is ramar pillai doing now?
This the last update I could find, hope this helps.

SUPERGREEN BIKE: When he rode his TVS moped 15 years
ago on herbal fuel that he had ‘invented’, his wife was dutifully
sitting on the pillion. Today, he lives in hiding.
Remember Ramar Pillai, the wiry self-styled alchemist who could turn
water into gasoline? With crude oil prices so volatile in this day and
age, the 48-year-old is the miracle man the world needs. If only he can
get his chemistry right. Nearly 15 years after his magic fuel was
exposed as a combustible cocktail of petrol adulterated with cheap
industrial spirits, Pillai is threatening to strike again. This time,
armed with wisps of organic chemistry knowledge, patent applications,
and dubious certifications from overseas scientists.
Pillai first shot to fame in 1996, when he claimed to have
concocted a cheap herbal alternative to petroleum. Scientists and
politicians alike were taken in by his demonstration, using jerry cans,
plastic funnels, thistle funnels, burettes and the like. The final act
of his PC Sorcar-like show would usually involve Pillai driving a herbal
fuel powered TVS 50 moped, with wife in tow. But he always kept the
formula secret.
At the time, a senior advisor at the Central Government’s
department of science and technology had this to say: “Tests conducted
by Madras IIT found Pillai’s petrol to be ten times more efficient than
ordinary petrol.” Impressed, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi
promised free land for Pillai to grow his wonder herbs and set up a
factory, besides financial assistance for research. Riding high on fame,
he even set up a dozen retail outlets in Chennai, handed out franchises
under Tamildevi as a brand, and began selling his magic potion for
around Rs 15 a litre, a good Rs 20 cheaper than petrol then.
In a country in love with folk heroes, Pillai’s was a compelling
story of farm-raised genius. From Rajapalayam in south Tamil Nadu, a
town famous till then only for a fierce canine breed, the ‘Tamil Edison’
had no formal education but plenty of spunk. Even this writer was
intrigued enough to try his herbal petrol, during my student days, in a
65 cc moped. While the fuel works, it also screws up the engine badly.
In 2000, after a spate of consumer complaints and tide of scientist
disenchantment, Pillai’s luck ran out. The Central Bureau of
Investigation arrested him.
For a man who was once the object of curiosity of an entire
country, and the toast of his home state, Pillai now lives in near total
obscurity. His home, a few kilometres from Chennai’s Loyola College, is
in a crowded chawl that overlooks a fish and poultry market. I
ask a vegetable seller next to his house if Pillai stays somewhere
nearby. He has no clue, and is surprised to hear the name. Its fame has
survived, but as a butt of jokes. Tamil cinema comedians have lampooned
him, and tricksters have been nicknamed Ramar Pillai.
The original Pillai lets me into his two-room shanty after some hesitation. His house looks like a mechanic’s workshop. A huge puja
almirah coexists with a heap of nuts and bolts, carcasses of computers
lie scattered, and there’s an under-repair air cooler near some large
plastic drums of herbal fuel. Separated from his wife and two children
since his arrest, he now lives with a friend’s family who he claims has
adopted him. I suggest going to a municipal park where it may be easier
for us to speak privately, but he says being seen in public could be a
threat to his life. Instead, he settles down in a grimy easy chair—to
explain how he was shafted by a corrupt and greedy system.
So what went wrong? Talking about cases against him, Pillai’s
manner resembles comic villains’ in Tamil films. Exhaling sarcasm, he
questions the competence of cops to frame charges against a scientist.
“It is the patent office that should have verified my claims.” He claims
never to have confessed to herbal fraud. “The politicians knew what I
had invented was very precious. They were upset that I refused them a
share of the commercial benefits. In collusion with scientists who were
jealous that a rank outsider had invented something like this, they
framed me.”
Despite all evidence of penury around him, Pillai himself looks
prosperous. He wears a thick gold chain around his neck and is looking
rather well-fed since I met him last in 1998. What has he been up to? “I
have read organic chemistry books from the BSc to MSc levels. My
problem was that I couldn’t speak to scientists in a language they could
understand.” He then whips out a dossier with copies of his patent
applications in India, and endorsement from Ivan Christensen, head of
laboratory testing at the Danish Institute of Technology. In a 2008
letter, Christensen wrote: ‘Ramar has demonstrated several quick methods
for producing bio-fuel. The fuel burned readily, and there is no doubt
that plenty of fuel can be produced at low price. For this reason, his
discovery is unique, and Ramar deserves some worldwide reputation, eg.
By Nobel Prize.’ Contacted by Open, Christensen acknowledges
the letter, but adds that he got carried away when he saw the
experiments first hand. “We all make mistakes,” he says, “I think it was
one of them. I’m afraid it is a blot on my scientific career.”
However, Pillai claims to be in talks with several governments in
Southeast Asia to obtain local patents and start commercial production.
“The Malaysians, for instance, have given me a lot of respect that’s
absent in India. I’m likely to get approvals from them in a couple of
months, and then you’ll see what Ramar Pillai can do.”
If that claim is not bizarre enough, Pillai says that it would
take little to create annual capacity in 15 days flat to exceed the
amount of petrol Indian Oil Corp sells in Tamil Nadu. But he needs to
stay alive, you understand. “Do you know the number of people who are
out to kill me?” he asks, with a touch of melodrama that wouldn’t be out
of place in a spy thriller, “I know they will get me one day, but I
have made such arrangements that within two hours of my death, my
formula will become public property and the names of all those who have
conspired against me and our country benefitting from my invention will
be out in the open.”
What are at the different vitamins and minerals required to heal the muscle and grow them, also what are there rate of intake per day?
Strange our ancestors dint bother about these and just ate what they liked. You can actually Google or even consult a dietician but the question how long will you will follow.
My suggestion stick to ur roots. Eat what our ancestors have been eating since evolution.
So go for something readily available and easy to cook and eat. Also you must note that people in the olden days were more physically active due to less machines. Not to forgt the manual labour they used to do.
I am sure your muscle repair is nothing compared to that kind of physical work.
Finger millets - you can make virtually make anything out of them. For all round nutrition. See wiki for the nutrients and I dare say if you will find any other food at such a price. Not too mention the agricultural benefits it has due to easy irrigation, low water requirement and grows instantly (thanks to the green revolution gone wrong, today we are full of rice everywhere and the effects are there for all to see - economical, environmental, health effects - just google india’s diabetic record and the rice connection)
Spirulina - Google how to grow them in your backyard and about its nutrients.
Soya - buy Soya beans, dry them in the sun or ligthly fry them in the pan to remove any moisture in them. Take it to your nearest mill or just use your blender (if you have good one) and powder them. Soya nearly has 36.49 g PROTEIN per 100 gm.
Offcourse you would by now have read the
MYTH: Men shouldn't eat soy.
Fact: The concerns about the estrogen-like activities of soy have caused some to worry that soy products could decrease a man's testosterone, but clinical studies don't support this fear. There are at least two reports of men who have experienced feminizing changes in their bodies (one of whom had Type 1 diabetes) after consuming high doses of soy, but even at higher-than-average rates of consumption -- higher even than what's typical among Asian cultures -- science has found no evidence to caution men against eating soy. In fact, men may even benefit from some dietary soy, as it seems to decrease prostate cancer risk.
Soy products, such as miso soup, tofu, and edamame, contain very weak plant estrogens called phytoestrogens that hinder the body's natural estrogen from attaching to cells. (The prefix "phyto" simply means "plant.") Normally, estrogens hook onto tiny receptor proteins in your cells that allow them to change the cell's chemistry.
Think of it this way: An estrogen molecule is like a jumbo jet that attaches to the Jetway of an airport. It discharges passengers into the terminal, which is suddenly a busy, noisy place. Phytoestrogens, being weak estrogens, are like small, private planes with few passengers and no cargo, yet they still occupy the Jetway after landing. When phytoestrogens occupy the cell, normal estrogens cannot. Plant estrogens do not eliminate all of estrogen's effects, but they do minimize them, apparently reducing breast cancer risk and menstrual symptoms.
For men and boys, the phytoestrogens in soy do not appear to have any effect on hormone levels and have not been shown to affect sexual development or fertility.
In Asia, where tofu, soymilk, and other soy products are commonly consumed, not only is the population healthier overall, but cancer and heart disease are much rarer than in the United States and Europe, and longevity is greater. As these populations differ in other ways—Asians eat much less meat and dairy products and generally exercise more, but also smoke more cigarettes and eat more salt—researchers have simply attempted to tease out the effects of soy itself. Also, it’s possible that the more processed soy products such as veggie burgers and veggie hot dogs are not as beneficial as the less processed soy products such as tofu and tempeh traditionally consumed in Asia. In general, the less processed your diet is, the more nutrient-dense it will be. Thus, replacing processed soy products such as veggie burgers and veggie hot dogs with tofu, tempeh, beans, and lentils may provide you with a more nutrient-dense diet.
A handful of individuals and organizations have taken an anti-soy position and have questioned the safety of soy products. In general, this position latches to statistically insignificant findings, understates how powerfully the research refutes many of the main anti-soy points, and relies heavily on animal research studies, which are medically irrelevant to human health.
Just look for organic, real-food sources and not genetically modified soya beans. and finally this i found on wiki -
Because of the phytoestrogen content, some studies have suggested that soybean ingestion may influence testosterone levels in men. However, a 2010 meta-analysis of 15 placebo controlled studies showed that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable testosterone or estrogen concentrations in men.[164] It has been hypothesized that soy foods and enterolactone may increase the development of prostate cancer although no significant associations were observed for the soy isoflavones.[165] Furthermore, soy consumption has been shown to have no effect on the levels and quality of sperm.[166] A 2009 meta-analysis of the research on the association between soy consumption and prostate cancer risk in men concluded that "consumption of soy foods is associated with a reduction in prostate cancer risk in men.
In fact I would be surprised if there is something as easy available as these diet options, nutritious and cheap diet.
But then here's a update I found on soya bean:
Be sure to know these things about soybean. Very important information Sure enough!
Friends, no Soybean was eaten in India 40-45 years ago!
Then how did it start to grow in India?
Knowing this, a settlement made by you Manmohan Singh
Will have to know about!
Friends, in this country in the 1991 period, in the name of globalization, such a settlement that you will go! Read the story of a compromise in the other video! So the agreement was that one country is its name, Holland will be brought to 10 million tonnes of dung (Tatti) pigs there! And will be dumped!
Such a compromise was done by Manmohan Singh once!
When Manmohan Singh was asked why did this settlement ????
Then Manmohan Singh said Hollyland's dung is very good in quality!
Then it was asked to say good how quality is in the quality ???
So Manmohan Singh said that Holland pigs have soybean accounts, it is great !!
Friends, like people in India, we raise cow like that
There is a big wrench that pigs for that!But there pigs are reared for meat!
The pig will eat as much as soyabean, and the meat will come out of it.
Then Manmohan Singh was asked that he goes soyabeen from countries such as Haaland where ???
So it goes from India only !! And most of the middle class goes to !!!
Friends, the world's scientist says if you planted soya bean in a field for 10 years, then 11th year you can not grow there! The ground becomes so barren!
Now let's see what Manmohan Singh did!
In order to feed soya bean in Holland pigs, soybean cultivation in Madhya Pradesh first!
How to make farming
The farmers were told that you will be given more than the price of soyabean crop!
Then the farmer began to grow soyabeen in the affliction of the poor greed!
And some doctors started speaking with bribe that it is very good for health
etc. Etc.!
So from India, Soyabeen started going to Holand! So that they eat their pigs, their fat increases and meat is more productive!
And after that Holland pigs eat soya bean which will make dung (tatti) they will be brought to India! That too 10 million tonnes of dung of pigs was taken by such a compromise Manmohan Singh!
And this settlement is done by a man who is given the voice of best finance minster in this country! 😛 😛
And people consider him a very economical economist !! Perhaps Manmohan Singh will have the same dung in his mind too!
Friends, the protein that is in the soybean is a different type of protein that does not remove the protein's body's escrea system and that protein gets accumulated inside it!
After that, after going ahead, he gets very upset! We have more options for protein! Like urad's pulses have a lot of protein, you can eat it! Apart from this and other pulses !! Have peanuts, black gram etc.
And in the end one more thing is that if you have a grandmother or grandmother in your house, you asked him whether his mother had ever fed them by making soya bean?
You will come true!
This game of soya bean is played for this!
It is not possible to write all the information in this article. Please see this video fully.
Is Aarogyam 1.5 Health Checkup kit trustworthy?
Could not find anything like 1.5 but found 1.7. Considering u wer asking for a complete preventive health check up, 1.7 is good at the price they are offering. Tests are trustworthy, they are a branded company but see how the lab is at your locality (staff, response, facilities, preferably avoid if you are not convinced they will carry out tests with care, however it is very rare and it can happen where the odd test results might be wrong, so feel sure about the place wer u test.
Here is a complete list of health test I would suggest for someone annually.
However, it is not complete, I would suggest you get the heart test - ECG, ECHO, XRay,(not telling about cardiac risk parameter)lung test and pap smear memmogrphy prostate (male) to find out if you are completely healthy.
You might save upto 1000 rupees if u do it a govt or aided hospital or by doing these tests at a small diagnostic centre or if you have a friend or relative at diagnostics or a doctor if they can refer for lesser price.
But my suggestion all these tests at a single place at this price is ok.
Disclosure - my experience, I m sure u can negotiate. Its a competitive business with lots of players in market today.
What can I do with the petrol pump problem legally without much trouble?
Suppose ur friend works at that pump, try and a make rapport, atleast act.
Most guys are uneducated, just be friendly, tip them once in a while. And then once you win their trust, they will not cheat you.
Just tell or bluff like that petrol pump last time they cheated you, did u see news those guys wer caught, ask him jokingly hope u guys r gud, question him how exactly the fuel works, once in a while ask him to give the nozzle to you etc. Hey how was the match yesterday, where wer u last week,
Oops I will pay 2 mro buddy, forgot wallet etc....
Second you can ask them to lock the fuel gun and them tell to fill up, and stop only once when the lock triggers. Tell them to hold it NOT too inside the fuel tank because this will trigger the lock unnecessarily if the nozzle touches the fuel in the tank.
Avoid petrol pumps at Highway or lonely places, these people will mostly rig the fuel machine or adulterate the fuel.
Try Shell pumps only.
Make sure you identify and fill petrol at the pumps you are familiar and established rapport with.
So by now you know which pumps give u rite fuel for ur money.
Plan and fill regularly at these places as you would have made rapport at these places.
You can follow the rules, make a complaint online or call the media etc but do these only if you are sure of stopping the issue at the pump and biting the bullet till the end and hope no backlashes in the future.
Coz it's simple, the oil companies know the pump is doing it, cops know it, the pump owner knows, it, the big shots of our country know about it, the rich , powerful people know it.
So raise the issue if u can completely stop and change the system at the petrol pump else be smart. If not that pump find another pump and I m sure uve friends in life though uve enemies, similarly I m sure u can make friends with atleast 4 petrol pumps, be smart and patient.
The reason they do this is fuel is now a low margin business, the guys are paid peanuts, they are not educated, have low incomes, off course it's wrong but u questioning them also is not going to work always. So tip them once in a while.
Avoid peak hours if you wanted to be cheated less.
Take a can or bottle and go. Park ur vehicle nearby, take a walk at weekends with the can, send ur buddy with the bottle and u be nearby and unnoticed.
Demand for machine bill that comes from the petrol dispensing machine itself, I m not telling about cash receipts or bill for your card payment.
The machine bill will show the density and how much fuel is exactly dispensed by the nozzle. It is tough to rig the machine.
Inspite of all this you will still be cheated but that would 1 in 10 times.sodont wry, its like how u dint study for ur board exam or how u lost a 100 rupee that day. So once a while it's fine. If there is good bad will exist in this world. Question is how much of bad you want to face. And over few years this problem will still exist but not by a large margin.....just imagine
What are the best methods of pain relief especially after work out ?
Your intentions are right for a healthy living but the question is wrong. Sorry for being upfront. Human body was never meant to build muscle upon muscles. If we can't make a Ape like a man then why the hell humans who are considered to be Pinnacle of evolution want to become something else.
The very fact u r getting pain means ur body is telling to stop.Listen to ur body. REMEMBER HUMAN BODY NEVER LIES. Stop IT if ur feeling pain. However u could also have a high lactic acid which only means your level of pain resistance is low. Which is if u feel pain or ur muscles burning while doing a short run, cycling or any physical activity..its fine.
But if ur pain is coming after heavy workout, then it means ur muscles are not repairing or healing. See in short during a work out u r breaking ur muscles and then having a good protein diet so that u get the muscle size n shape u want.
Also apart from the glitz and glory and looks..I don't see one good damn reason of survival for a human body to build muscles beyond a point. Nothing against body builders..have huge respect for Arnold and the likes.
Just expressed my opinion who believes in simple living high thinking. Try to be as minimal as possible like how a bird, lion or even the great elephants who never eat, desire or try to become something unnecessary. After all we have one Earth, what are we leaving for our future generations.
Theyll be really cursing us. The big picture I m trying to give is if today our concern is about reducing pain after workout clearly says a lot about our other desires, needs as well.
However Considering the question is sincere then, yes there is a way to reduce pain or even remove it completely after workout.
Do yoga (don't require any equipments, Jst YouTube google, learn basics, preferably under guidance,jst don't learn anywrong in yoga or assume things in yoga)with stretching poses, after any strenuous physical activity or being idle after a huge time(physical inactivity), try to stretch ur muscles, have u heard of warm up and cool down. These will do the trick. Have u seen at ur pet cat or dog does when they first wake up. Always warm up or cool-down before or after any physical activity. This will relax and giv endurance to ur muscles and keep u pain and injury free.
Make sure u giv enough time and proper natural protein foods and other nutrients and a healthy calm mind as well. Make ur excercise as a part of ur life like how u eat sleep everyday inspite of all the problems in ur life and change it accordingly. This means you will not feel ur doing a favour to ur body as well and eat sleep and excercise with what u have for the rest of ur lyf.
Can land be considered as a product under consumer protection act 1986?
To an extent yes, For eg: If the land you are talking about is brought from a real estate developer and there has been deficiency in service like wrong pricing, cheating or not delivering the land as per your expectation, then yes. You can file against the builder or developer telling that there is deficiency service like you brought a TV from a showroom.
Otherwise also you can give try the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016
Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 - Wikipedia
The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 is an Act of the Parliament of India which seeks to protect home-buyers as well as help boost investments in the real estate industry.
An Act to establish the Real Estate Regulatory Authority for regulation and promotion of the real estate sector and to ensure sale of plot, apartment of building, as the case may be, or sale of real estate project, in an efficient and transparent manner and to protect the interest of consumers in the real estate sector and to establish an adjudicating mechanism for speedy dispute redressal and also to establish the Appellate Tribunal to hear appeals from the decisions, directions or orders of the Real Estate Regulatory Authority and the adjudicating officer and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
The Real Estate Act makes it mandatory for all commercial and residential real estate projects where the land is over 500 square metres, or eight apartments, to register with the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) for launching a project, in order to provide greater transparency in project-marketing and execution. For on-going projects which have not received completion certificate on the date of commencement of the Act, will have to seek registration within 3 months. Application for registration must be either approved or rejected within a period of 30 days from the date of application by the RERA. On successful registration, the promoter of the project will be provided with a registration number, a login id and password for the applicants to fill up essential details on the website of the RERA. For failure to register, a penalty of up to 10 percent of the project cost or three years' imprisonment may be imposed. Real estate agents who facilitate selling or purchase of properties must take prior registration from RERA. Such agents will be issued a single registration number for each State or Union Territory, which must be quoted by the agent in every sale facilitated by him.
Protection of buyers
The Act prohibits unaccounted money from being pumped into the sector and as now 70 per cent of the money has to be deposited in bank accounts through cheques. A major benefit for consumers included in the Act is that builders will have to quote prices based on carpet area and not super built-up area, while carpet area has been clearly defined in the Act to include usable spaces like kitchen and toilets.
Real Estate Regulatory Authority and Appellate Tribunal
It will help establish state-level Real Estate Regulatory Authorities (RERAs) to regulate transactions related to both residential and commercial projects and ensure their timely completion and handover. Appellate Tribunals will now be required to adjudicate cases in 60 days as against the earlier provision of 90 days and Regulatory Authorities to dispose of complaints in 60 days while no time frame was indicated in earlier Bill.
RERA Rules
The Act under S.84 contemplates that within 6 months of the RERA Act being enforced, State Governments shall make rules for carrying out the provisions of Act. The said Rules are to be notified by the respective State Government.
As late as October 31, 2016, Central Government, released the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) (General) Rules, 2016, vide Notification by the Ministry of Housing & Urban Population (HUPA). The Rules so issued by the Central Government are applicable to the five Union Territories without Legislature viz., Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep and Chandigarh. The Rules have been issued after prior release of Draft for comments.
For Delhi, the Ministry of Urban Development is in the process of finalisation of rules while the state governments have to notify the rules on their own.
States like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu tag behind in implementation of the Rules, with their Rules still not notified. The saving grace being that they are at the advanced stages of finalising the Rules. Maharashtra has issued Rules for consultation also.
Uttar Pradesh is the one of the first States to publish Rules for its respective State.
Is there any company in India which provides term insurance for heart patients and diabetic patients who are with in 40 yrs of age?
Insurance through Home Loan
Hope you have a home loan, try applying for a home loan and you should get life insurance or at least till your loan is not closed.
Add yourself as co-pay, if your father, mother or wife or son or daughter is working. At least add yourself as co-pay and later try getting a insurance.
Health insurance
Star Cardiac Care Insurance Policy, this is a health insurance, atleast your health expenses are not affected.
Search for other heart and diabetes related health insurance and apply for them. so atleast you are not burdened with health expenses.
Open a Jan Dhan savings account, govt offers free insurance.
1 lakh Amount is less but something better than nothing.
Bank account life insurance
Try opening bank accounts, and get life insurance from few bank accounts. You should get these without any problems.
Get a job, get a life insurance.
Hope you are employed, pay extra premium and go for higher cover. However, you might have to undergo medical test as well through the employer.
Try for term insurance plans.
If nothing works, speak to the insurance company, tell the insurance company about your life expectancy with proper medical proofs and negotiate for a lower cover.
Like apply for insurance cover from 3-4 companies for smaller amounts.
If your condition is not severe, and you have all the possibilities of a normal life span you should get a life insurance.
Apply for a credit card. Get a life insurance.
Some credit cards also offer insurance for their customers along with the credit card by charging premium.
Critical Illness Cover
Declare pre-existing disease and you will get the policy. You will get a lump sum amount if any complications like death or hospitalization due to some other condition not caused by your heart and diabetes.
And see if you can apply for a non employer-employee homegeneous group, but you will have to include few other people as well.
Groups meaning– for this purpose - can be employer-employee groups or non employer-employee groups as defined by IRDA’s group insurance guidelines. (Examples are holders of the same credit card, savings bank account holders of a bank or members of the same social or cultural association and so on.)
Again see if you can put yourself in a group. For different type of groups, see the website.
These are just some of the options, think hard you might find a way.
Be honest, don't lie to insurance companies.
What life form is God?
There’s always an other answer but for some reason with a decent conviction I feel the image of God should reach a decent end with this answer. Not being overconfident but just with strong conviction, here’s my answer.
Firstly, we must understand that as humans we are part of a larger system and in this system God is probably far superior or the ultimatum.
So for eg: Can your mobile phone tell about other mobile phones or tell about other electronic devices. Your mobile phone, yes can your mobile phone no matter however smart and with artificial intelligence in the near future, it will never be able to do more than what it was designed to do by a creator.
Similarly, we as humans, no matter however smart and with abundance of self intelligence and consciousness will never be able to judge something superior to us.
Yet again I reiterate that humans are also part of a system, so for me to tell about the system or God or the entire creation or make sense of the creation I have to be out of the system and not inside it.
Your desktop computer cannot think, help or work beyond a certain capacity. Only if the so called feature is given it will start to do that.
So only if the humans are given the so called features to realize the creator we will be..or from an atheist perspective only if we find the missing feature, we will be able tell about God oops..or the Omnipower, Quasar or nature or whatever name one would like to give.
However yet one must come to the fact that not everything can be comphrended or made meaning of by the human mind. It has its own limits and there will be always things which we cannot explain. This is a fact we have to come to terms with and offcourse a fair bit of personal experience is also required on both to agree on this topic or not to agree as well.
Which is the correct religion or spiritual path?
You have asked a very sensible and intelligent question, so keep that in mind.
You will find the answer to your question when you listen or read the below transcript with some sense and intelligence as well and offcourse, with the grace of God. Without his grace, you will not have the chance to realize God as well…..
Here’s the short cut answer -
These words were used and said by Swami Vivekananda during his visit to Chicago on 15th September, 1893.
Here’s the easier answer, read below for the transcript:
Opening Address - Chicago, Sept 11, 1893
Sisters and Brothers of America,
It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which you have given us. I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world; I thank you in the name of the mother of religions, and I thank you in the name of millions and millions of Hindu people of all classes and sects.
My thanks, also, to some of the speakers on this platform who, referring to the delegates from the Orient, have told you that these men from far-off nations may well claim the honor of bearing to different lands the idea of toleration. I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance.
We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the earth. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the purest remnant of the Israelites, who came to Southern India and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny. I am proud to belong to the religion which has sheltered and is still fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation. I will quote to you, brethren, a few lines from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every day repeated by millions of human beings: "As the different streams having their sources in different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee."
The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever held, is in itself a vindication, a declaration to the world of the wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: "Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me." Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth.
They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal.
Concluding Address -- Chicago, September 27, 1893
The World's Parliament of Religions has become an accomplished fact, and the merciful Father has helped those who labored to bring it into existence, and crowned with success their most unselfish http://labor.My thanks to those noble souls whose large hearts and love of truth first dreamed this wonderful dream and then realized it. My thanks to the shower of liberal sentiments that has overflowed this platform. My thanks to this enlightened audience for their uniform kindness to me and for their appreciation of every thought that tends to smooth the friction of religions. A few jarring notes were heard from time to time in this harmony. My special thanks to them, for they have, by their striking contrast, made general harmony the sweeter.
Much has been said of the common ground of religious unity. I am not going just now to venture my own theory. But if any one here hopes that this unity will come by the triumph of any one of the religions and the destruction of the others, to him I say, "Brother, yours is an impossible hope." Do I wish that the Christian would become Hindu? God forbid. Do I wish that the Hindu or Buddhist would become Christian? God forbid.
The seed is put in the ground, and earth and air and water are placed around it. Does the seed become the earth, or the air, or the water? No. It becomes a plant. It develops after the law of its own growth, assimilates the air, the earth, and the water, converts them into plant substance, and grows into a plant.
Similar is the case with religion. The Christian is not to become a Hindu or a Buddhist, nor a Hindu or a Buddhist to become a Christian. But each must assimilate the spirit of the others and yet preserve his individuality and grow according to his own law of growth.
If the Parliament of Religions has shown anything to the world, it is this: It has proved to the world that holiness, purity and charity are not the exclusive possessions of any church in the world, and that every system has produced men and women of the most exalted character.
In the face of this evidence, if anybody dreams of the exclusive survival of his own religion and the destruction of the others, I pity him from the bottom of my heart, and point out to him that upon the banner of every religion will soon be written in spite of resistance: "Help and not fight," "Assimilation and not Destruction," "Harmony and Peace and not Dissension."
What is the difference between ordinary work and Karma yoga and what is the test for same?
Difficult times one must say..though you want to do karma, in this kaliyuga or modern age you will not be able to do that as well. For example, you can't fight against every evil in your society or do always what is right. Thereby you are not doing a karma (in this case not doing anything) for which you will face the consequences (Not trying to scare you, but you chose karma yoga, so you will face its consequences).
In cases, where you have the power to set something right (again what is right varies from person to person) and if you do something with the right intention, that is enough. Offcourse, sometimes inspite of doing something right with the right intention you will have to face the music. Eg: You foiled a murder but then your life might be in danger, you might be threatened or even avenged. So there you have it "karma yoga is doing -(can be not doing also- eg: studies, overdoing -earning money/fame or half heartedly - eg: work at office).
Also karma yoga is not expecting anything in return.
So, atleast do everything with the right intention and sooner or later, if not this birth, the next birth you will surely, eventually we will all reach there. Good will always prevail over bad. This is the only truth.
P.S: Some of you might not agree with this answer and others will have a lot of questions. The answer has to do a lot with realization and the experiences one gets. But end of the day there is nothing right or wrong, we will all eventually reach there. So don't worry. Only thing is it varies from person to person. But especially for those who are already conscious of karma, spirituality, soul and still stuck in the MAYA, like have anger, greed, procastination, lust (THEY KNOW THE TRUTH BUT STILL COME BACK TO THEIR WORLDLY WAYS) it will be a little tough, coz we know what we are doing is not upto the mark to reach the DESTINY but still in worldly ways.
But, as i said don't worry, you reached this far, you will cross the hurdle and be there....but ya don't stop the search and be SINCERE.
Are there any spiritually enlightened people living today?
hmm..sorry to be blunt but the reason you might be asking this question is either just out of curiosity or you also want to be enlightened. You could have come to the point directly.
Anyway, atleast you have the seeking for the ultimate. Good.
Enlightment as Jayesh Kumar put it is a mindset (again varies from person to person or say soul to soul).
It is not the end. And as Shreyansh Dubey also points out there are many who are and who teach you, guide you through the path to enlightenment, they dont make business out of it, they do it for free.
It does not mean once you are enlightened you will always remain there. You will have to always be conscious and strive to be in that state. For example: Ambani might be the richest man but trust me he has problems of his own. Even he will have sleepless nights atleast once. Similarly, when you reach enlightened stage doesn't mean you have conquered everything and can never go wrong henceforth.
Eg: Even Buddha was tested for his mental purity. He had to face temptations of every sort. He had to face Mara. It was only then, and not till then, that he had illumination under the Bodhi tree in Gaya.
Even Visvamitra and Parasara who were living on leaves, air and water who were enlightened were victims of lust, what should be the fate of worldly people?
There are many saintly persons indeed, but they are interested only in their own deliverance. Not caring for the big cities and towns, they go to the Himalayas or the forest to meditate with vows of silence [mauna-vrata]. They are not interested in delivering others. These people are also enlightened because based on their previous karma they will not like to give big lectures, start ashrams, satsangs etc. They also know that this is what is wanted of them.
Then there those who do not wish to be liberated alone, leaving aside all the poor fools and rascals. They wish to bring them back to shelter. They have real compassion and social service towards society.They are not selfish in enjoying their spiritual successes, unlike any materialistic person. They cannot tolerate the sufferings of humanity which is due to IGNORANCE of the self. Again this is based on their life experience, previous karmas.
But we must be cautious and ALERT ,should not get carried and cheated away from BOGUS and UNAUTHORISED " gurus and sadhus".
So, even if you get a list of the enlightened people now, it will be of not much help.
So, in your case start searching and you will find the enligtened. Because the person enligtened to me might not be enlightened to you.
Does spirituality have any sense in a country like India?
God has given us a great gift in the form of this human body. The only purpose of this human birth, which is very difficult to get, is to realize God and hence terminate this incessant cycle of birth and death.
So, if you see any activity performed with the only aim of realizing the ultimate will not affect the world. In fact, the problem of the entire human world is because of running behind other things.
For example: Tell me one thing the earth cannot run without - stock markets, nano technology, hospitals, schools, rocket science, mobile phones, governments, you see yes, there is not a single thing created by man is required on this nature. You could very well leave your job, family, business, money and still survive with what nature has provided. In fact, agriculture is also against the nature, your converting forest lands, using natural resources. Why did you have to be greedy, nature provides plenty to eat. we had agriculture to feed more people.
No animal or plants, nothing in the world goes against nature. Lion is still doing what it was doing since existence, ants are doing what they do since existence, it is only humans in the hope of good future have started accumulating everything thereby disturbing nature and then also do forest conversation, fight for animal rights, save environment.
We were never supposed to dominate nature or even manipulate nature, we forget that we are also part of nature. So what if we are humans and are slightly smart then other creatures by thinking.
I mean we thinking creatures, humans from last 5000 years of thinking with some of the best brains, what have we done to this earth, today its a fight out there..what have we brought this earth to.
Realize everything is maya, the humans and for that every creature is beyond just this body, look deep who are you?
Just look up the sky, see the stars, moon, sun, even the small plants that stand in the heat or in the cold, they are stronger than us. Tell me most humans survive standing in ice cold water survive the next day, most fishes will survive. Trees will survive, plants will survive, So what are we humans thinking we are superior of, if we simply can't stand in rain or sun or ice cold water. Just see the plant in your garden standing in the rain from the time it was sown, most of us will die even if we stand for few hours.
Yes, if there is one thing that is permanent then is your spirit, your not just a name, not just a employee or husband or a wife or a brother or a sister..come out of it, the human spirit is beyond this..that is why inspite of everything at their disposal still humans find no satisfaction..because we are all running behind something..the running behind will continue until we find the true self..spirituality is relevant everywhere...keep spirituality as the primary and LIVE your life according to it..i am not telling be will find the difference...once you reach this state, you will know why spirituality is not only relevant but it is the answer to all the problems.
In short, nothing is of use in this world. Not even the greatest of inventions, not even the greatest of theories, we are just complicating. This cycle will continue until we realize the ultimate truth.spirituality...
I saw this pic on quora on some other question..understand this is what a human is …not just a physical body with intelligence and relations and attitude, jobs, salary packages, gizmos, etc…he is beyond that..this is WHO WE ALL ARE?

I mean what is the size of the earth on this universe, who are we in this entire universe, just a speck….the universe is beyond comphrension. so do you think all this just for earning money, name and fame. Not even the moon is bothered about the earth…I mean just think about it..The sun can just annihilate the entire earth in a fraction of a second, and here we fighting for promotions, rights and what not..independence..
So now that you know the entire world including yourself is illusion and the spiritual self is the ultimate truth, you will not create problems in the first place, and even if problems are there, you will not worry in the second place.
Wake up, friends, from this mire of illusory Samsara now. Passion has wrought great havoc in you as you are drowned in Avidya. How many millions of fathers, mothers, wives and sons you have had in previous births! This body is full of impurities. What a shame it is to embrace this filthy body! It is mere foolishness only. Give up Moha for this body.
Remember that you are not this perishable body of flesh and bones. You are the immortal, all pervading,
Keep an eye on yourself, tell yourself all this is just a illusion, its a big dream, you just be a witness to everything around you..very soon, you will realize the truth..and that nothing matters..not poverty..not corruption..not malnutrition.
Is operation the only solution for a deviated nasal septum?
What is the difference between sinusitis and a deviated septum? How do you treat a deviated septum other than with surgery?
What would be the cost for surgery on a deviated nasal septum in a city like Bangalore?
I have DNS (deviated nasal septum), but I have not faced any problem in free breathing until now (22 years). Will it be a problem in the medical tests after AFSB for the Indian Air Force?
Is a person undergoing surgery for a deviated nasal septum going to be in much pain after the procedure?
Should I have my deviated septum fixed?
If I am getting my deviated septum corrected, can the surgeon shape up my nose a little bit if he's willing?
Can a deviated nasal septum lead to rejection from the SSB?
What are the side effects of deviated septum surgery?
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.
However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.
Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.
See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.
Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.
So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.
Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year. But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.
Also Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don't give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.
This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti and I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing.
So read my other answers if your sinus is chronic or has been there for more than six months for a holistic solution.
Off late i also found something called Salt room therapy. While relaxing in one of treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing. The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.
Dry salt air is more powerful than moist air. The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood. Inhaling particles may reduce inflammation and mucus in the lungs, improving most respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinus congestion and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Could a deviated septum have been the "real" cause behind so called intellectual agonies/anxieties of so many intellectual figures which they've sublimated into art/philosophy/aesthetic bliss?
Somethings cannot be proved or always debatable. Yes i have noticed a similar pattern where people with DNS are always under agony. One is coz of the poor breathing which is like though it is painless and almost invisible or the person gets used to it. But yes poor breathing leads to a lot of problems. Its like if your breathing is poor, leads to poor health, leads to poor life quality, leads to anxiety.
But everything has exceptions. I have seen, read about people become brilliant at some art, got a super talent after a major accident.
Similarly you have to understand people with DNS breathe differently, and they too seem to have a easily have a creative bent of mind. (yes breathing is poor when compared to normal, but who defines what is normal).
Now as i said this is debatable if you want, or believable if you want to.
We think honey bees are good for just nectar, breed, make honey, and die. But in larger picture, if there are no bees entire world will collapse within seven days. Google it. So go to deep of anything, then you will know what i mean when people with DNS have poor life is, some are talented, some are just sick, some are normal.
So read my other answers if your DNS is chronic or has been there for more than six months for a holistic solution.
Off late i also found something called Salt room therapy. While relaxing in one of treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing. The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.
Dry salt air is more powerful than moist air. The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood. Inhaling particles may reduce inflammation and mucus in the lungs, improving most respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinus congestion and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.
However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.
Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.
See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.
Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.
So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.
Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year. But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.
Also Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don't give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.
This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti and I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing.
Should I get my deviated nasal septum operated?
Is nasal specific technique a legitimate alternative to septoplasty for correcting a deviated septum?
Should I get my deviated nasal septum operated?
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.
However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.
Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.
See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.
Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.
So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.
Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year. But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.
Also Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don't give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.
This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti and I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing.
What is the best therapy for Deviated Nasal Septum?
What is the worst thing about having a nasal septum surgery?
Read on Google, heard pain, infection, bleeding and re-occurrence are common drawbacks.
Can a person with a bent nasal septum on the left side has a capacity of 50 percent succeed in sports?
Yes but it depends. See DNS means breathing is usually less and rapid. Compared to normal person you are breathing less. Say can you lift a weight, long jump etc without taking a deep breathe. So DNS affects your ability. But conditions apply, usually if you are young, always been active, if you are strong person, might not show any difference. But if i was physically weak, or if DNS is huge, if my deviation is huge in nose breathing is even more restricted. So lot of factors count but yes we can say after diagnosis whether your DNS is mild, severe or moderate and is it going to affect your sports.
So read my other answers if it is chronic or has been there for more than six months for a holistic solution.
Off late i also found something called Salt room therapy. While relaxing in one of treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing. The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.
Dry salt air is more powerful than moist air. The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood. Inhaling particles may reduce inflammation and mucus in the lungs, improving most respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinus congestion and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.
However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.
Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.
See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.
Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.
So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.
Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year. But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.
Also Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don't give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.
This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti and I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing.
I have a bent nasal septum. For 22 years I had no problems in breathing. Suddenly at 22 I started feeling like my right nose is blocked, and I get severe headaches due to that. The doctor said to go for septoplasty. Is there any way to breath normally without surgery?
Can deviated nasal septum be cured by medications?
Is a septoplasty the only cure for colds, post nasal drip and hypersalivation caused by a deviated nose septum?
Which is best homeopathy hospital for Nasal Septum Deviation?
I am 15 years old. I've got nasal septum deviation. At what age should I perform my surgery?
Can you fix a deviated septum via external means?
So read my other answers if it is chronic or has been there for more than six months for a holistic solution.
Off late i also found something called Salt room therapy. While relaxing in one of treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing. The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.
Dry salt air is more powerful than moist air. The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood. Inhaling particles may reduce inflammation and mucus in the lungs, improving most respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinus congestion and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.
However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.
Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.
See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.
Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.
So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.
Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year. But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.
Also Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don't give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.
This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti and I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing.
Why is my deviated septum not cured after two consecutive surgeries?
I have a deviated septum. I suspect it is impacting my quality of sleep. What are the risks associated with having it surgically fixed? Has it paid off to get it fixed in people's experience?
See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well. Yes healthy breathing makes all the difference between a energetic, active and healthy lifestyle. See all the creatures that breathe deep and but take less breathe per minute, like turtles, whales, elephants, all have long healthy life span.
Infact if you breathe deep and less you can have a long life. Read or google on deep breathe, free radicals. Even to lift a weight we take a huge deep breathe get it. So yes it pays…big time.
So read my other answers if your sinus is chronic or has been there for more than six months for a holistic solution.
Off late i also found something called Salt room therapy. While relaxing in one of treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing. The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.
Dry salt air is more powerful than moist air. The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood. Inhaling particles may reduce inflammation and mucus in the lungs, improving most respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinus congestion and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.
However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.
Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.
So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.
Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year. But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.
Also Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don't give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.
This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti and I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing. Yes, I am back and Breathing and alive…it pays..
A few years ago a doctor told me that my nasal has been deviated. Now I have problems with smelling things and at times even in breathing. Do I need to undertake an operation?
A few years ago a doctor told me that my nasal has been deviated. Now I have problems with smelling things and at times even in breathing. Do I need to undertake an operation?
I got punched in the nose and my nose is slightly deviated. What should I do?
Is it possible that a nose surgery for my deviated septum changes the appearance of my nose? If so, how?
I feel nasal blockage one of my nostril is blocked for sometime and the other for sometime. Now I feel relief with FLOMIST NASAL SPRAY as suggested by an ENT specialist. what is the reason for the blockage?
What are my options and their costs/risks as a 55 year old in good health for correcting a deviated septum which also makes my large nose look slightly bent and irregular as well?
So read my other answers if your nasal septum deviation is severe or chronic or has been there for more than six months for a holistic solution.
Off late i also found something called Salt room therapy. While relaxing in one of treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing. The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.
Dry salt air is more powerful than moist air. The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood. Inhaling particles may reduce inflammation and mucus in the lungs, improving most respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinus congestion and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.
However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.
Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.
See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.
Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.
So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.
Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year. But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.
Also Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don’t give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.
This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti and I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing.
Is it still possible to succeed in your college academic studies even with a deviated septum?
So read my other answers if your nasal septum deviation is severe or chronic or has been there for more than six months for a holistic solution.
Off late i also found something called Salt room therapy. While relaxing in one of treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing. The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.
Dry salt air is more powerful than moist air. The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood. Inhaling particles may reduce inflammation and mucus in the lungs, improving most respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinus congestion and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.
However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.
Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.
See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.
Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.
So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.
Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year. But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.
Also Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don’t give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.
This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti and I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing.
Can a deviated septum make me constantly tired?
How do I detox my lungs and sinuses? I have asthma & sinusitis due to a deviated nasal septum and my lungs and sinuses feel clogged up all the time.
One of my nostril is always blocked due to allergic rhinitis, it has been years since both of my nostrils were open.How can I eliminate the blockage?
Who is the best ENT surgeon in for deviated nasal septum?
So read my other answers if it is chronic or has been there for more than six months for a holistic solution.
Off late i also found something called Salt room therapy. While relaxing in one of treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing. The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.
Dry salt air is more powerful than moist air. The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood. Inhaling particles may reduce inflammation and mucus in the lungs, improving most respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinus congestion and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.
However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.
Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.
See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.
Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.
So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.
Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year. But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.
Also Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don't give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.
This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti and I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing.