Monday, 30 July 2018

What is oil pulling for sinus infections?

Image result for oil pulling sinus

Google for oil pulling.

Its a age old practice where you take gargling quantity of EDIBLE OIL and gargle for 10–15 minutes.

You will start to puke or you can spit it once you feel oil has become full watery and white but atleast 7–8 minutes it takes.

Now what oil pulling or gargling does is:

Oil is like grease, so makes all germs stick to it. You spit it out.

Compared to mouth wash or even brushing teeth, the viscosity of oil and gargling action plus time of 10–15 minutes is better than brushing your teeth.

Do this for 3 days, you will notice teeth becomes sparkling white.

Now while gargling with oil in your mouth, the oil by default starts to pull your sinus.

Sinus, mucus is slowly drained into your mouth.

By swishing and swirling, and moving your jaw, you are creating a lymphatic circulation around your sinuses. This is the reason why many have had effective results with clearing and, draining of the sinuses from oil pulling.

You are working your facing muscles big time. Sinus will start to circulate, it will drain because of all the gargling movement.

You can spit out.

Infact, after oil is spit you might feel your nose airways little wide open and fresh.

You might spit out lot more mucus, clearing your sinus for a few days as a habit.

You have to try to get this, otherwise its hard to believe.

Best part:

Teeth clean

Gums strong, super strong

Zero bad breath.

No separate brushing required.

Just clean tongue.

Floss bonus.

No sinus problems, if you do this for 1 month. It will go.

Till death teeth will no do apart.

Facial muscles workout.

Try gargling, your face muscles will start to ache, you will pause in between gargling for few seconds. But in one week, you will see glow in face, less wrinkles.

Now i recommend only pure unrefined cold pressed oil like sesame oil, or groundnut oil.

Coldpressed un refined, Groundnut oil has zero cholesterol, google it.

Cocount oil can be used but with sinus and cold weather avoid it.

Otherwise just even refined sunflower or olive oil can be used nothing major difference.

You might swallow few drops of oil, dont worry but try to avoid swallowing.

Do this first thing in morning, like you can do this simultaneously while passing stool and do oil pulling and spit out when your done, so time saved for separate oral regime.

Wonder how mankind managed for 1,000 years till these toothpaste came but today not a single days passes till one uses or rather consumes toothpaste and brush, i must say.

I mean world will not stop even if all the brushes and toothpaste disappear tomorrow.

So give oil pulling a try for a few days.

So starting at Sunrise tomorrow, try Man vs Oil for a few days. Your toothpaste and brush can wait for a few days. Go back to natural ways.

Nothing against toothpaste and brush companies but its just too good a practice.

Yes, people can point out drawbacks in oil pulling but just look at it.

Sinus permanent cure, free mouth wash, white teeth, floss effect, zero bad breath, Super strong gums, life long teeth guaranteed.

Try it, to know it.

Here's the killer, Plus 95 percent of health issues will not come for those practice from young age, its never too late even if your 40–50 or 60. Google oil pulling ayurveda benefits.

Forget oil pulling, forget everything.

Just use cold pressed un refined oil for cooking. No one will get sinus.

Sinus is Vata imbalance.

The below video is in Hindi. You can try caption options to understand the content in english subtitles.

See best cure for vata, it will be given as consumption & use of Unrefined cold pressed oil.

This means NO more Sinus, Arthiritis, Cold, ear pain problems.




Friday, 27 July 2018

What products are there that get rid of oily skin and pimples?

natural acne treatment

How can I treat my acne scars? I have tried almost every product. Even benzoyl peroxide doesn't work for my skin.

How does Erytop gel work for acne?

What products are there that get rid of oily skin and pimples?

And the truth behind most skin care products. There are some good ones but its just i personally i don't recommend any of them. For my approach is to use the best of what you have? Nature has given has everything.

It's just that we need to look for it. Look at animals, they were hear before us, they are still with us but no medicines, no cosmetics, no surgeries, no healthcare as such but still a vast majority of animals are in superb health condition right.

Yes, animals do get wiped out in some cases but look at the success rate, animals are healthy overall. Get the point.

So are humans not animals, in fact we should be making better use of nature with the BRAINS we have.

Coming to the topic, I know this answer repeats a lot of things and is way too big. Trust me, its worth all the struggle reading through this answer than going through years finding the right cure. That is why I have included everything here..

No point, searching everywhere finally to find a simple solution. This is not just an answer, it is an experience i have shared. Don’t just feel you read this answer, you will find solution, take your time, but be really focused and committed when you read this answer.

Only then you will understand the acne problem completely. If you know the problem completely, then you can only find the solution.

What this answer will do is give you all the possibilities regarding acne problem and you can choose the remedy or you can even create your own remedy for your acne.

Comment or post me if you need any further information.

Trust me, its worth all the struggle you will go through for years finding the right cure for your skin problem. So anyway you have decided to find a cure for your skin care, then think reading this answer is one of those tough tasks. It is really big ..big answer. I have included everything here..and lot more.

I just wished someone had told me these when i was desperately searching for answers. So this answer is written with that in mind. If someone is really looking to get to the core of their skin problems..then here goes…

See, in case of acute or tropical pimples or acne. Say which is because you had oily food or went out in the dust, or just occasional eruptions, stress, these ointments work. In case you have a lot of pimples or acne then you are in a never ending battle.

Some days, it will work, some days it will not work. You have to change your lifestyle, have healthy food, follow natural remedies. Build your immunity over a period of time and give your skin the best chance to recover.

However, let me tell you the other side of the story with regard to Erytop Gel?

Did you know before Erytop there was something called Erythromycin in India? Yes, where is it now. You might find Okamycin from Cipla. In fact, get me one ointment with only Erythromycin as the main ingredient for pimples. Even if you find, it will be less.

Erythromycin was a good ointment and costed around 30 to 40 rupees during 2007’s in India for 20 gm. Yes, it was costly for a small tube but it was better than some costly remedies.

Then the government of India gave subsidy. One of them was the government lowered the prices of drug formulations for bacterial and fungal infections. The ointment I was using Erythromycin became as cheap as 9 rupees for a single tube. Even the medical store guy said it is because of government subsidy.

However, only after one month, entire market I could not find the medicine. The new one was Erytop and in gel form. Vow and the price was higher than erythromycin. I looked for other good acne remedies in the same price. Great, the game was now costlier. There was nothing in the same price with the same quality.

Don’t you get it. It’s a whole a trap. Forgot to mention about antibiotic drug resistance as well. The skin care specialists, nothing against them but most doctors know that acne/pimple issue will just go off if the person just takes good food, water, less stress and a healthy lifestyle and give some months time.

However, here we have micro abrasions, creams, costly treatments and so on. It’s never ending. Now coming to the point. The erythromycin cream was working but the medicine was no longer available. In fact, my acne was severe, I had them all over the body, thighs, face, back, neck.

I could not live without them. I could not go out. I had pricks even if ventured out in the sun. The tube hardly lasted a week. It was working but it never cured my acne. I always had bigger pimples or acne after few days. The medicine should have at least reduced the was not.. It was good quality but i never got cured.

One day i had no soap, had just shikakai my grandma brought. Bathed in it. No foam but i made a paste of it and applied on my body and scalp. It gave a scrubbing effect naturally, because its like rubbing mud. Felt really good. Felt all my pores breathing. then my skin din’t feel dry or oily after bath. Because it was natural ingredient.

Soaps used to remove all the oil and moisture also. Mild soap could not remove the oil. Strong soap made my skin dry. Pricking was always there with the soaps after bath. Never felt better. With Shikakai, yes, the pricking was there a few days but that’s because my skin was still sensitive and the oil secretion was more.

Now my skin started to cure itself because no more abuse with chemicals. Offcourse, diet and lifestyle played a equal role. I always took good food, exercised, even when i was taking those other medications. However days passed, I was using soap after bathing in Shikakai. Just made some foam and wash off to take away the shikakai smell. Finally, i experimented with chicpea powder, later occassionally i used even salt but very mildly. Then moved on to sandal powder, neem powder and any safe natural ingredient.

Today i am completely managing with just bathing with any natural ingredient. Even rice powder is enough. Same is used for my hair as well. I am 98 % cured. See its like this some people are just susceptible to skin conditions.

So considering that i had a huge battle with skin problems from age of 14, now I am 32 and hardly take any extra care.

Hope you get the entire picture. Unless you have skin disease, i don’t mind taking medicines and meeting a doctor. But Acne or pimples are something related to your age, lifestyle and the way you manage it.

I have tried homeopathy including German medicines, including holistic homeopathy, classic homeopathy, remedial homeopathy, met many skin specialists, tried even imported medicines. They all work but the battle is never ending, especially as i said your pimples are anything from moderate and above..

So first learn why you are getting pimples. If there is no reason, then surely it is just that age, hormones are a factor but the acne/pimple condition can be completely controlled without much fuss. No matter how crazy your hormones, if you are male or a female and have no other major health issues, only hormones is not a thing to worry at all. No matter even if your sexually aroused.

Yes, in that case porn stars, prostitutes should have most of number acne/pimple problems. Yes, your sexual feeling do cause some amount of problem but teenage is also a time when the body is at its starting stage of peak condition physically.

So it can take some amount of erratic lifestyle, behaviour. I am not encouraging any sexual behaviour but all i am telling is you don’t have to feel guilty that pimples are because you are sexually more active.

In fact, for this i suggest something for addictions. See given a option, ask any person who is addicted to something. Give him to two buttons. One button will completely make him forget that he had the addiction and other one will ensure he can still be addicted.

Surely, most would just like to just press the button and forgot that they even had such an addiction. So, THIS MEANS YOU JUST NEED FIND SOMETHING MORE FUN, MORE ENJOYABLE, to be more direct, MORE PLEASURABLE.

However, this time, ensure that whatever you find as more pleasurable is of useful for your life. It need not make you successful. But just ensure that it improves your quality of life.

You should not regret it, like the previous one. Don’t stop till you find something pleasurable and that improves your quality of life. Remember it need not make you successful. Don’t be result oriented.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

IIT Job Vacancy Exam Major Loophole - No Transparency

Dear Sir/Madam,

Without much ado i would like to bring to your notice about certain serious discrepancies in IIT job vacancy exam at Palakkad.

This is about Computer Proficiency Exam conducted for Junior Technical Superintendent (CE) and Junior Superintendent on 9 July 2018.

There is no specific hall ticket seating arrangement.

Any candidate can sit at any system in Lab and complete their exams and come out.

There is no proof on which system which candidate sat. As a student i cannot prove which system i sat.

They just ask us to type the computer number name in the file we work itself.

Which means after exam, anyone in the IIT having access to these can just change the name of the files and change system number in the file.

Also would like to bring to your notice there were quite a noticeable students including who could not complete the test, as the systems were not comfortable


I mean if am lying, i suggest you just pull up the details of all the candidates shortlisted for the second round of test held on 9-July-2018 and ask them.

Not one or two, Many of them will tell the same complaint.

I know you can say why dint you question during exam.

Third round was written test, even if i did raise the point, they can easily target me in third round. Same with others why they kept quiet.

Its clear, whole system is favoured for malpractice and tough to raise complaints.

Remember IIT is autonomous, they can choose who they want, candidate wont know.

They could just restigate me from further exam.

We all know how our people are, most of the times we just to have to keep quiet or shout in anger or I have to take risk and raise my voice like this.

I know i am at risk here as well but at least the loopholes i pointed are genuine.

My question why is it made impossible to raise a grievance in the first place.

Especially common man like me with lots of already existing daily troubles, how will we get the courage to fight against such meticulous schemes and elaborate plans.

Not to forget fear of backlash.

As i said still not convinced, just ask all the students selected for second round, i guarantee you will find students who will tell they could not do ppt, because the software was manipulated.

Anyway just compare my profile to all the people applicants that itself will the whole story.

I am not being over confident but it surely will tell the story.

Exactly see how hard it is just to prove a small point. It is hard to believe what i say.

It is really disheartening, sometimes i feel why should i even work in this country.

For writer like me, all i need is just clear english IELTS exam and move to Canada etc easily.

Anyway let my claims be false but the loopholes are there:

If job vacancy is at IIT palakkad and if exam is also at IIT Palakkad, what is the guarantee existing staff will not engage in Malpractice.

Exams should be conducted by one central body. In short the exams should be in a system like Banking exams like SBI Probationary exams. No chance for malpractice. Everything should be computerized. 

Any vacancies should be sent to one central interview test board.

This board will create test, students should go to other state to avoid malpractice by existing staff.

Which ever institute has vacancy send the requirement to central exam body, the exams should be done in other state and give test.

All should be computerized. Unique login, password, seating arrangement should be done to every candidate.

In short it can be outsourced. Just  see how MeritTrac company conducts test for private companies. You can also keep exam in other states.

Everything from login to test to results is done by this third party. There is no chance for manipulating the computers.

I dont know what else to say, it really doesnt make sense.

It is really sad state of affairs. It was a post which required basic computer knowledge and good english.

Today, even school kids are adept at these, except for may be the aptitude test. Young kids might find aptitude tough.

It is really more silly, someone who clears aptitude test but failed in basic computer, but the truth he was made to fail in computer proficiency test.

I am not worried about this job but today a genuine candidate lost an opportunity not because he failed but was made to fail.

If we cant correct this basic level of corruption, how do you except things to change at the larger level.

I understand in a democracy even citizens have to stand up.

I have done that by bringing this issue to your notice.

You just to question the staff and find out the truth, you will find it.

But you have be really seeking to get the true information out.

Whatever, at least please rectify the loopholes.

Let my case be a lost one. I dont want to leave such a environment to my next generation, where we have to fight to just get a job.

Animals are far better, hardly most animals stock food but still everyday most animals find food.

God's grace, For me this is just a job, for someone else it could have been everything.

That too IIT was the last place i expected these things. One of the premier institutions.

The points in this mail sound unusual but this what it is. Please ignore the way it is written, what is written surely makes a lot of sense.

Hope as a citizen i have done some justice and i hope i need not fear my civil servant, with all due respect, isnt it..what i voted be served.

Unfortunately today in the intention to polish and present things, the main point of the issue is left out.

The least that can be done is the exam centre should have no influence from the IIT.

Even written test should be valuated by the independent exam centre.

Till the candidates reach the final interview stage, IIT should not know about the details of candidates. They can choose candidates from Interview.

Only reason i have written it like this, i believe that whoever is reading this is adept at understanding the concerns in the content than the way it is written.

Atleast, there should be one Person independent from IIT to oversee entire exam and be available in the exam hall in case candidates have issues.

This should be announced to all candidates in the exam hall that they can raise a query to the independent auditor.

Jai Hind.

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Emotional Intelligence and Your Career

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I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou

Ever wondered why you were not considered for the interview you went, for that foreign trip from your office, or for that all important promotion? You did all the work on time, you were punctual and you hardly took a leave. You even wished your superiors every time you crossed. What more, you even had the right qualification. And being a sensible person you probably gave yourself a huge dose of reconciliation ranging from it was not my day to a better destiny. What if these misfortunes happen on a regular basis? You have the talent, yet you are not considered.


All of us like smart people, but do we like smart, intelligent plus arrogant people? This where the smart quotient or the IQ takes a back seat and gives way for the EQ - Emotional Quotient. So being smart is not the only factor. To be successful in a society, especially in a corporate society, you have to be emotionally smart and learn how to deal with the society – that is the clients, colleagues, superiors, competitors etc.


The good thing about EQ is you do not have to go through books, write exams or score marks. It is already inbuilt in all of us. As humans one must understand that all of us are unique in our nature and there is none like us on this planet. In simple terms, Bill Gates (no offences) might be the richest in the world but even if he tries out of his skin he just cannot be like you in behaviour, attitude and persona. He might be slightly better or below par. So you already have the talent. The only thing is recognizing the talent and using it your way. So stop following the herd or the worrying about the end result.


Then, you have to realize what your qualities are like – your behaviour, attitude, and personality. Whether, you are a shy introvert or the extravagant extrovert or the normal ambivert. Are you the eternal happy go type or the critic who takes everything with a pinch of salt in life? What is it that motivates you? What upsets you? Basically do a soul searching about inner you.


So once you realize the "True You", you will know what to do the next time you go for an interview, apart from carrying your credentials. You will know if you are really enjoying the job or just doing it.


End of the day you might be an expert in your domain. But if you end up having emotional attyachar, then it is time to check your EQ.

Not giving up!

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All of us want to taste success, yet only a few of us become successful. Off course if you are born with a certain talent or a Godfather, then being successful is an exception. But how many of us are gifted with such fortune? The question is then what do you do?


Well, then there are three magical words for you – “Not Giving Up”. Though these words clearly specify what they mean, they rarely get the required action from us. Just a few months back life seemed to go pretty well for most of the MNC staff. They had good jobs, fat pay and a great career ahead, until the R-day happened, the Recession had arrived.

Suddenly there were pink slips flying in the air, depleting bank balances and long queues in front of the most hated buildings– the Government and PSU offices. The Youngistan which dreamed of conquering the globe were now at the fringe of becoming desi babus.


Meanwhile there was a spirited bunch of yuva who were almost waiting for this disaster to happen. And boy did they come out with flying colors? The recession saw a huge spurt in the enterprenual talent, self employment opportunities and these youths were now even working from the comfort of their homes during recession. What made this people stand up when the rest fell like a pack of cards? Did they all have the raw talent? Or Godfathers to back them?


One thing that made all the difference was their mantra of “Not Giving Up”. Firstly the best thing about ‘Not giving up’ is you do not need any special talent or a Godfather to put it into action. You have to identify the problems or the obstacles that are in your way of getting up. Ask yourself, “Why do you feel down and depressed towards a certain situations”? Worry is a good thing. Worry shows that there is something which is not right. So do not give up, just go ahead and find the reason why you are worried? Worry becomes a problem if you just worry and do nothing about it.


Now that you know why you are down, make an action plan. Once you have made a mental plan, put it into action.


On the other hand some of us set goals, may be you even started doing great but then the usual trouble of keeping up the momentum crept in. In this case identify what your major goals are; do you really want that goal? Never set goals for the sake of rewards. The outcome is not in your hands. Instead, you must be passionate about your goal and must be willing to go to any lengths. As they say, “If you do not know what you are living for? Find something to die for.”


Lastly, it is good to be mad about something in life but you must realize that life always comes out with unexpected twists and turns. So to be on the safer side, have a ‘realistic’ mindset on what is really possible under the present circumstances. We often give up on our goals because they are beyond our capabilities. It is best to have a goal that fully utilizes our capabilities then going for a goal that is unrealistic and extravagant. Part of ‘Not Giving Up’ lies in having reasonable goals and the possibility of achieving it.


Finally all said and done, you must always be ready to expect the unexpected. You must constantly review your goals, plans and see where you are heading and then make changes accordingly. Not giving up is not all about getting up after every fall. It is about thinking why you fall and how to prevent the next fall…

Be Obsessed About Your Career

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Everything in life has an obsession tag to it. Take for example: a simple food chain. The sunlight helps the grass to grow, the grass feeds the deer, and the carnivores eat the deer. At the end of the day the lion hunts at any cost and the deer knowing its life is in danger, it still goes out to graze every time it feels hungry, such is their obsession for survival. If mere animals can show such high obsession for a basic instinct such as survival, what about our careers that determine the course of our lives?


Similarly have an obsession why you are doing a job? It could be for fame, money or your inner satisfaction. Ask yourself are you committed to do anything to achieve that goal. Never join a job because it is a good company, it is a good source of income or your dad said so. Yes they might advice for your good, but what if the organization shuts down, or the job loses its sheen.


Your choice of career must be a necessity to you. You must be obsessed about it as you go about your daily chores and yet feel no remorse.


The word ‘work’ itself is some what heavy. We sometimes get bored to do work but never get bored to eat and sleep. We never feel them as burden. So never consider work as an additional part of your life because it is anyway inevitable. You might as well binge on the work you do. At least it is not going to cause you any indigestion.


The good thing about obsession is that you are totally fixated on something to the exclusion of everything else. So the best part about being obsessed about your career is a guarantee that you will never feel the burn out or the burden about your career. So be obsessed about your career, you will do anything for it. But there is a flip side to obsession. Obsession is good only if it is in moderation. In fact as the old saying goes “Too much of anything is a bad thing”.


As human beings it is quiet possible for all of us to have some kind of obsession and so what if you could not to be a cricket player because of the corrupt system or the risks involved? But who ever stopped you from being a cricket commentator on TV, radio or the web. You could even be a referee, fitness trainer or a coach. Obsession must not lead to desperation at any cost.

Remember: The lion never hunts unnecessarily or the deer never binges on the grass.

Does Training help?

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Some things are easy to us; we could almost do it with closed eyes. While there are things that are far out of our reach and we hardly manage to pull it off even with our full concentration. Why does this happen? There can only be two reasons – one your own attitude towards the task ahead of you or either you have not figured how to do it?

The former is not a problem, you can build your attitude in no time at all, but sometimes a ‘Never say die spirit’ is not enough to make a dead man come alive. Instead if you were really possessed to get a dead man alive, you would have ‘trained’ to become a doctor and then once you know the tricks of the trade, you never know you could have made a dead man alive.

Similarly there are instances in our careers that require us to have some assistance that is training. One might attend all the flying classes and learn all the theory of becoming a pilot and score high grades but there is a world of difference in actually training to fly and learning the theory of flying. Learning does not make one perfect, only practice makes a man perfect.

So if your natural talents and qualifications are not getting you in the right places then training is the way to go. Based on the nature of your job, training can be classified into two types.

  • Off the job training

  • On the job training

For example to be a journalist you compulsorily do not need a formal education, that is not say that education or theory does not help. The theory will only give you an extra edge but to be a successful journalist you need to have the hands on experience of all the situations a journalist goes through in his career. So if you want be a media person, make sure you get an internship opportunity or some sort of prior experience before your actual job. Also media organizations can afford to give all their newbies a ‘on the job training’ as it does not incur too much cost.

While in some cases you yourself have to find a suitable training opportunity, like in the case of a new trend or technology in your job domain which is entirely different from what you did all these years. Also some jobs cannot risk ‘on the job training’ due to various constraints like the risks involved or the cost factors. You do not want to just study jewellery designing and then apply for a job without any prior trial and error experience.

Also the confidence of having experienced similar situation during your training goes a long way in your actual job performance and significantly reduces the chances of mistakes. In today’s fast paced world where novelity is the name of the game, where things change drastically, where today’s technology is tomorrow’s archive – Training does help.

Disastrous Career Mistakes

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Everything seemed to go well for the corporate citizens, until the recession happened. One can always blame the recession but the fact that the corporate world still goes on; people are still getting their money’s worth shows that circumstances alone cannot be blamed for their downfall. So what is it that made these people swim over the tide?  Why didn’t the rest of them make the cut though they did their jobs well?

Just going through your job and doing the job well is not enough. Anybody with a decent qualification and training can do the job well enough. The major mistake everybody makes is the lack of planning. How could one be so thoughtless about one’s career when we put lots of thought just to buy pair of clothes or how we dress up every day?

Meanwhile some are always in the limelight and are preferred over the others irrespective of the same competencies and the same level of job performance. This clearly shows the lack of networking and that only work does not put you on the path to career growth. One must have a good social relationship with their colleagues.

Today’s job market demands constant renovation in all spheres of one’s career including their qualification, skills, persona etc. One must never be complacent even if things are going smooth in one’s job domain. A time could come where one fine day your services could no longer be required not because of your capabilities, but the organization has new technology or system in place to do your job, or they sold out the process. The list is endless. So always be on the lookout for other options. It is possible for a person to have multiple interests. So if you are a corporate trainer, you could also do a part time or guest lectures at educational institutions, have personal web/blog giving online career coaching. You could even double up as a personal career counselor and give career guidance or career counseling services to clients. This always gives you plenty of options to choose from during the times of crisis and therefore you always have an extra job option to rely upon in case if one of your job posting does not go as planned.

Any organization expects a certain level of job performance from its employees, which is the very reason one is hired. Similarly if you have an issue with your job like the team coordination, regarding the pay scale, the all important promotion or any other concerns, make sure you sort it out. There is no point in keeping quiet. Your organization has far important things to worry about than your salary hikes and promotions.

And just when you feel you got everything under control, don’t be. Never rest on your past laurels, always have a plan B and even have a plan C if possible.

Finally Change is the only constant thing in the job market so always review your career plans periodically because life always finds a way.

Only Innovative Organizations Survive

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If one were to go through the Forbes list of top companies, there is a constant turbulence in the rankings. In most cases the employees are the same, the organizations do not change much, they do the same business, then what is that changes the fate of these organizations in a matter of 365 days of which  the working days are even less. The reason is the lack of innovation.

Change is the only thing that is constant in the universe and today’s corporate world is no exception. Organizations must realize this need to constantly renovate if they are to survive. Employees are the most important part of any organization. So if they are satisfied, the organization is sure on the path to growth. Though appraisals are a good method of satisfying the employees, the duration of these appraisals need to be considered. And one year appraisal is too long a time to appraise the employees. Year end appraisal or annual appraisal should be a thing of the past because today’s employees are expected to perform day in and day out. So doing a performance appraisal once in a blue moon is only going to leave the organization feeling blue.

Appraisals are only part of the solution. Along with the appraisal organizations must also look into the career progress or the career growth of the employees. An organization might need the employee for a job opening but an employee joins an organization for a good career. So organizations must innovate and create new job positions, restructure its human resource or create new job postings in its domain. This will make the employees work for a higher career goal apart from the appraisal clause, but again money and power is not enough for one’s survival.

There is always scope for improvement, that should be the mantra of an organization and it must not make the mistake of resting in its past glory. Organizations must look into the under achievers or average performers as well. Find out if something is required from the organization side else give suitable career guidance, job tips for the improving the self confidence of the under achieving employees. For this organizations can have dedicated in house career counselor or counseling services.

The organizations must not only focus on becoming No1, it must also encourage a social atmosphere. A little bit of fun can go a long way in building goodwill among the employees. For this organization can have common eating place for both the supervisors and the team members. They can also arrange for fun activities like secret santa, celebrating birthdays, personal happiness like marriage etc without disturbing the work schedule.

First impression is the best impression. Even the new job entrants must not be taken lightly. They too must be encouraged from the start. Organizations can assign an ‘office buddy’. The new job entrant can ask the office buddy regarding any problems he faces at work. This way the new job entrant does not feel left out nor takes time to gel.

Lastly the good old suggestion box must be necessity even if it’s biting the dust, because ideas are the starting point of innovation.

Moving With Times

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Ask even the most successful CEO, is he done that? Been there, seen it all? The reply in most cases would be a prompt no. And yesterday’s richest man is no longer today’s wealthiest man. So in this cut throat competition, there is no scope for sitting back and relaxing. One has to be moving with times.

It’s easier said than done. In good times, our careers are on the growth track and nothing goes wrong. Whatever job you take up is an instant success. This was case with most of the corporate citizens, whose career growth was on a bullish run and did not seem to tire at all until that fateful day arrived. Things had taken a turn for the worse. Pink slips were in the air. Suddenly job loss numbers were out numbering quarterly results. Everything turned upside down. The global economic meltdown had begun. This was the worst case scenario, which was only thought to be true for theory.

If one were to look up the history, the global recession was not the first of its kind. It had occurred in the past. And it will occur in the future simply because the economy is a cycle which will go up and down based on the demand and many other factors. So instead of blaming the scenario one must learn to cope with the job loss and understand that good times are not far ahead. And today’s jobs available are again a clear indicator of good time ahead.

So mere understanding that bad times are as natural as good times is half the battle won in one’s career growth. The recession had its own share of fortune too. Many took this opportunity to fulfill the knowledge gap and went back to academics to improve their job performance.

As they say when the going gets tough the tough get going. Many of the corporate misfits found their ‘true calling’ and are now successful entrepreneurs and satisfied because now they are working for a reason and not just the salaries. Similarly why wait for tough times? One must always ask what is it that they truly want from life.

The recession is only one of the scenarios. We must never wait for bad times to pass or good times to arrive. Every moment of our career requires us to on the move because time and tide wait for none. So it’s our job to be moving with times!

Handling Career During Organizational Turmoil

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When faced with troubles, the obvious choice for most of us is to run away from the trouble or to dodge from them and when a similar trouble occurs in an organization most of us look for greener pastures but like pastures every organization too can face a drought run. So running from organization to organization is in turn going affect your own career progress in the long run.

Troubles are not always born out of the blue. There are instances where a small issue which was left unattended could have brewed into turmoil. So the first step in handling one’s career during organizational turmoil is to prevent it. All it requires us is to be conscious about our job and always be on the lookout for loopholes in the system because what affects the organization will invariably affect your career too. Remember nothing is perfect and there is always scope for improvement.

Troubles also have a bad knack of appearing without any notice like a physical damage, a sell out or acquisition or merger or even phasing out the existing technologies or even the recession. One cannot pre plan a solution for all these situations.

During such sudden turmoil the first thing to do is not to panic but it is easier said than done. Always look for opportunities even in such despair times. After all there should have been some value for which you were hired in the first place. This is where your experience comes in hand. In fact this could be the ideal opportunity to prove yourself and be the turning point of your career progress. This kind of attitude will always keep you ahead of the tide.

Meanwhile why is that only few face the brunt of a turmoil while the rest are safe. It could be because of your soft skills like your communication skills, professional relationship with your colleagues etc. Probably you had the talent but never revealed it your superiors or never performed at your full potential because of your shyness. Thus a good career is not always about good job performance but a few words of warmth also helps. So the next time you get up from your seat to have some water make sure you have a nice topic for discussion at the water coolant.

Then there are situations when you are faced against the wall. There is no other option but to quit. All this while life was smooth but now what next? Very rarely do we plan for such worst case scenario. Remember turmoil is a parcel of one’s career. Therefore take it in the right stride like the happy times and act with same attitude and confidence as you would do in the good old times.

Feed Thy Man to Service Thy Mankind

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The solution to any problem is simply to find the cause of the problem in the first place. And today if man is called the pinnacle of evolution; it is because of his hunger to survive. But unfortunately, though we are of the highest order in creation it is a pity that millions of our human race still dies due to hunger and malnutrition. In fact, on an average 36 million people die each year due to malnutrition which is more than one death per second. More than half of these deaths unfortunately include children. And as per the WHO, malnutrition and hunger is the biggest killer compared to any contagious disease.

To satisfy this hunger millions of children drop out from schools to feed themselves and their families. Thus, a low literate society invariably affects the overall quality of life.

I have realized the source of the problem and have thus taken to a food initiative. As a proof of this today it has evolved into the biggest-largest contribution from my pocket. Yes, I don’t teach, I don’t give charity but the initiative is now a daily chore spread over the day and the food given is the same that is prepared for my family.

Hopefully you too have realized how this problem of hunger thus leads to low literacy rate and which in turn affects the entire society that is including you. So, the contribution you make is not just for charity but also for your own self interest.

Doing social service is actually for your own self interest

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All of us have come across situations in life where some or the other time we have been at the receiving end due to the discrepancy in the society. Due to someone else’s selfish motives or vested interest we had to bear the sacrifice. No matter how powerful you might have been but there are situations where you had to depend on others for your work to be done.  And at the end of the day we say it is not our mistake.

Firstly one must understand the basic purpose of society. Did man start to live in groups and formed civilizations as soon as he had been born? It was only later on that man realized that living together as a society gave us more leverage where everyone is responsible for the each other. So how can we say that just because that person is starving why should I do charity. If I am rich it is my hard work. You must realize that whatever you are today is influenced by others, either directly or indirectly. It could be your teachers, your neighbors the government. All of them impact the way our lives shape up.

So when we get a raw deal from the society we must take an initiative to correct it.

I have realized this very motive that feeding someone else’s child is invariably going to affect my life too. So forget about doing social service but even in my own self interest I am doing it.

Logic is simple, imagine that I am the only home in the area whilst everyone around me is hungry and has no shelter,clothing etc. Need i say further what is going to happen...

Is Employee Loyalty a Myth?

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Everyone in the corporate world wants to be successful. In the melee we push each other and today looking at the overall picture no matter however valuable you might be to your office there is still no job guarantee. On the other hand why do companies have annual appraisal irrespective of your job performance. It shows that though you might the best performer there is no guarantee that you will be rewarded but if you are honest and stayed with organization irrespective of your personal goals there is reward for your loyalty.

Honestly not many of us are born with great talents but to be loyal one need not be great. Anyone with normal psyche can become honest. The point is though you are talented it does not guarantee a successful career but if you honestly utilize your talent at work it will surely be rewarded. So if you can hack any system in the world then why do it just for fun or revenge? The same would be rewarded if you work for an intelligence agency. So loyalty does pay.

Only if you love something will you be brutally honest towards it. So in testing times it is this honesty that will make you stand up to any challenge irrespective of the consequences.  The recession saw many corporate shifts from one job to another for immediate gains but what is the guarantee that there will no problems in their new ventures. So running from pillar to post is not the way to go about your career. Be honest towards your work so you will never shy away from any challenge.

How many of us have been asked by a prospective employer the reason for quitting our present job.  This question only stresses on the fact that employee loyalty is a preferred quality in the industry.  So if your answer shows a lack of accountability towards your present employer and you are looking for a job change just for personal gains you will never land yourself in a job no matter however talented you may be.

This is where professional career counselling centers and resume counselling centers come into the picture. With a professional CV writer / Resume writer you will be able to show case the right information. With the expertise of a professional resume writer you will not only gain preference over other candidates but also show you in good light to prospective employers.

Resume counselling centers not only help in your resume analysis but also do job interview analysis. Since your resume and job interview is the first point of contact towards a prospective employer these resume writing services will give you a jump start in your job hunt.

Finally looking at the larger picture your association with a career counselling center will not only guide you towards a successful career but also in the right path with their industry expertise counselors.

Adapting to Change

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Change in one’s career could be of various forms. It could be in the form of a new technology. Changes also occur due to market demands like the recession or your organization could have undergone a complete over haul. Sometimes it could be in your favour like a promotion or handling a new team. Therefore the best way to adapt to change is to anticipate it.


A huge part in adapting to change depends on how you look at it. It is absolutely normal if you feel a bit anxious. It is in the human tendency to feel anxious towards a change, but to survive is also a human nature. So, one has to overcome the initial anxiety to adapt to change.


Change is a problem when we are accustomed to certain factors. The best way to adapt to change in one’s career is to have a neutral attitude and not have too many expectations. With a global job market, change is inevitable because what happens in the United States will affect the way business happens in India. Therefore learn to deal with the global work culture, ethics and working ways.


The main hindrance in adapting to change is the fear of failure. Agreed it is difficult to accept something overnight, but that is the way our entire life has been. Are things the same from the time we were born? Therefore why this indifferent attitude towards our careers? How can we expect our careers to remain constant, which is nothing but an integral part of our ever changing lives?


The fear of adapting to change is caused due to lack of something. It could be a gap in the knowledge, personal skills or lacking a positive attitude. So always be alert and keep yourself abreast of the all the relevant information in your job domain. Never wait for things to happen. Thus you will always be ready for change. Remember change is the only constant thing in this universe.


Now that you are personally ready for change you must ensure that same is conveyed in your professional profile as well. Ensure that your resume is always up to date. It is always not possible to keep your resume abreast with the latest industry standards. For this very purpose there are professional resume writing/ CV writing services. A professional resume writer/ CV writer would be able to give your resume that extra edge over other candidates. These resume writing services are very cost effective and also save up a lot of your precious time. You can also take the help of career counselling services which will help you in the over all growth of your career.

Never Compromise Your Integrity in the Workplace

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In spite of the stringent measures, sophisticated technology and even with high turnovers there have always been issues with professional integrity. So then why is it that people put their integrity at stake in the workplace.

The main reason people compromise their integrity is to gain something which is not possible to achieve in the natural scheme of things. One must always realize that nothing is permanent and rewards are no exception. Comprising your integrity just to get a promotion or a hike is only temporary. Ultimately only if you have got the skills and the determination to work will lead to your career progress.

Most of us compromise our professional integrity thinking that one small crime would do no harm to anyone and it would be the end of all our problems. If it was so then with the number of mistakes we all do should have solved all our problems and we should have returned to the right path. So then what is it that is delaying us from joining the path of integrity? The problem is one lie leads to another. Similarly to cover up one mistake we go on doing more mistakes. And we have been invariably doing mistakes just to cover up that one single mistake.

Sometimes we compromise our workplace integrity because there is no sense of belonging towards the organization. Hence we don’t think twice before committing any mistakes for our own benefits. So even on the slightest opportunity we compromise on our workplace integrity. This clearly shows that loss of attachment towards our organization also leads to loss of professional integrity. Remember nobody forced you to join the job in the first place.  So there are no excuses for even a small compromise on your integrity at the workplace.

All of us like to be respected and liked. But conflicts are inevitable when dealing with people, especially in a pressure situation which is the norm in a corporate world. So just to teach a lesson for that one small altercation we do things that are against the norms of work ethics in a fit of rage, but in the process of vengeance we should not forgot that we could always get it back. Revenge has strange ways of getting back.

In most cases after comprising integrity at the work place people always repent their decision, clearly showing that though their intention to achieve the goal was right, the chosen path was not right. So if you are anyway going repent your decision then why do it in the first place.

The bottom line is there is always a way – a good way and a bad way. So make the right choice and looking at the larger picture it always better to follow the right option. So do you still want to compromise?


Can classroom training replace on the job training?

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Every year companies spend a fortune on training their staff. If companies hire people based on their competency to perform the job for them, then why do they spend fortunes on training their staff? This clearly shows that there is a need for training.

Unlike ‘On the job training’, classroom training (Off the job training) helps us to move to the next level, acquire new skills. This is not possible during your actual job performance. Also one cannot expect to have ‘On the job training’ in all the circumstances like if you enroll into a job during an ongoing project where your team’s first priority is to meet deadlines or during times of crisis in your organization, an on the job training is not viable.

This is where class room training comes in, especially fresher’s who cannot be put directly into the actual job. They have to be given prior job advice. This also gives them a chance to ask questions, give feedback, which is not possible during the actual job performance.

Meanwhile current industry standards are always on the change. This requires a constant up gradation of one’s skills, which again is not possible during the work hours. Thus many employees take a break from their career for learning and undergo career coaching in their job domains and upgrade their skills. Also a higher qualification always goes a long way in helping one’s career growth.

A fresher into the job domain, no matter however brilliant will face some problems while performing the job. This is due to the gap in the educational qualification and the job market requirements. Therefore, a hands on experience aka ‘on the job training’ will go a long way in improving the self confidence and the career growth of the new job entrant.

Classroom sessions can also be used as an informal way of career coaching where one can include many methods like career coaching, networking activities, online sessions, Q&A sessions, encourage feedbacks and also give job tips. All these are not possible during the job, where the focus is only on doing the job.

Therefore while ‘On the job training’ focuses on doing the job, ‘Class room training’ focuses on the finer aspects like performance management, career improvement, career progress, career growth, career guidance, career coaching, job advice and job tips etc.

Choosing a totally different career

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Career decisions have undergone a radical change in the recent past, unlike in the past where the options were limited. In the past the brighter ones took to medicine and engineering and the rest turned towards to government jobs.

Today due to globalization the economy has opened up a wealth of career opportunities. Today one can find a job tailor made to one’s potential. The flip side however is the problem of plenty. Youngsters today are spoilt for choice. An engineering student today joins a call centre and the reason most of them give is the financial independence and the vibrant culture and the exposure to a MNC culture.

There has to be a certain responsibility and maturity when you make a career decision, especially if the choice is not you what had planned on doing or what you had studied for. You need to make sure that you know the consequences of your decision, weigh both pros and cons of your decision.

When choosing a career understand what you are about to do. Your decision should not be a spur of the moment choice or a moment of epiphany. It should be a well thought out decision over time. Once you really feel you the need for a radical change in your job, it is time to do some soul searching. Do some self introspection.
Ask yourself –

• what are my abilities?
• What are my values and morals?
• Finally what is that spurs you? What motivates you?

Consult your mentor, teacher, well wisher or visit your near career counselor. If possible take a few tests on your aptitude. There are tests available on the net also.

Once you know your strengths and weakness, now gather information about the types of careers available. What is the salary, the future scope and your compatibility and your survival factor in the job? Once you gathered the information about yourself and the career options available to you- finalize the choice for which you are willing to go to any lengths.

Finally, as humans it is only natural to have a multitude of interests, so your decision to become a music composer from a civil engineer is very much a possibility. Just ensure you have valid reason or justification to look upon to when you are in doubt or down in the dumps. And finally to end on a philosophical not – it is better not to be in the rat race, because even if you win, you are still a rat. So just do not be different for the sake of it. Just BE YOURSELF!!!


Embracing organizational values

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Why is there a system in place for everything? Governments for nations, schools for education, defence for security. In fact our own planet is a part of the universe called solar system. In simple terms there is a way things work. Similarly only passion and hard work will not put you on the track towards a successful career.

To have a successful career you must also be aware of what your organization stands for in the society. You have to know what are the motto, vision, and mission of your organization apart from the quarterly results. One might be excellent at his work and has very authoritative style of work but still finds no respect among his colleagues because the organization needs the employees to be empathetic and requires participative attitude towards all the co-workers including the subordinates. For example in the case advertising agencies or media houses one never knows what is coming next. These organizations can never set routine procedures to accomplish their daily tasks due to the nature of their work. They require one to be ever alert and keep all the options till the last moment. So they might be more liberal in their rules and not have a formal way of functioning.

In the case of educational institutions most of the work is predictable and a standard protocol can be established and put in place for all the employees to work with. The odd occasional change can brought in place as a scope for improvement or for just innovation. So this clearly shows us how embracing organizational values along with our work style is a vital factor in our career growth.

Generally organizations are considered a serious place where one has to just do his job at any cost and always have a formal demeanor but today’s unpredictable, turbulent and tough competition needs the employees to be sensitive to the cultural background of his colleagues. In case of MNCs based outside one has to be aware of what is culturally accepted in that part of the world. As each organization has their own values as per their business and environment they are established.

Organizations not only hire people to work for them. Work can be taught to any person who has a basic education. What an organization really looks into when you knock at the interview door is – Will you fit in the organization, will you be able to imbibe their values and then work accordingly to their core values, which is nothing but their vision, mission or motto.

Always ensure that you are never in the organization for its reputation or pay package they offer. That will never satisfy you completely, as humans we also seek mutual respect from other people. This is possible only if we share similar values. Make sure you do a reality check whether your personal values, morals allow you to do the job whole heartedly; mere qualification should not be the only yardstick to join an organization. This will enable to you to do the job without any internal conflicts. End of the day being an excellent player is not enough; you need to know the rules of the game to survive in the first place.

Why is there a system in place for everything? Governments for nations, schools for education, defence for security. In fact our own planet is a part of the universe called solar system. In simple terms there is a way things work. Similarly only passion and hard work will not put you on the track towards a successful career.

To have a successful career you must also be aware of what your organization stands for in the society. You have to know what are the motto, vision, and mission of your organization apart from the quarterly results. One might be excellent at his work and has very authoritative style of work but still finds no respect among his colleagues because the organization needs the employees to be empathetic and requires participative attitude towards all the co-workers including the subordinates. For example in the case advertising agencies or media houses one never knows what is coming next. These organizations can never set routine procedures to accomplish their daily tasks due to the nature of their work. They require one to be ever alert and keep all the options till the last moment. So they might be more liberal in their rules and not have a formal way of functioning.

In the case of educational institutions most of the work is predictable and a standard protocol can be established and put in place for all the employees to work with. The odd occasional change can brought in place as a scope for improvement or for just innovation. So this clearly shows us how embracing organizational values along with our work style is a vital factor in our career growth.

Generally organizations are considered a serious place where one has to just do his job at any cost and always have a formal demeanor but today’s unpredictable, turbulent and tough competition needs the employees to be sensitive to the cultural background of his colleagues. In case of MNCs based outside one has to be aware of what is culturally accepted in that part of the world. As each organization has their own values as per their business and environment they are established.

Organizations not only hire people to work for them. Work can be taught to any person who has a basic education. What an organization really looks into when you knock at the interview door is – Will you fit in the organization, will you be able to imbibe their values and then work accordingly to their core values, which is nothing but their vision, mission or motto.

Always ensure that you are never in the organization for its reputation or pay package they offer. That will never satisfy you completely, as humans we also seek mutual respect from other people. This is possible only if we share similar values. Make sure you do a reality check whether your personal values, morals allow you to do the job whole heartedly; mere qualification should not be the only yardstick to join an organization. This will enable to you to do the job without any internal conflicts. End of the day being an excellent player is not enough; you need to know the rules of the game to survive in the first place.

Managing Office Conflicts

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Today’s world is highly competitive and the corporate world can be called as the APEX of the existing competition. Perhaps no other sphere is as tough as compared to the corporate world.

What makes the competition at the corporate world even tougher is the fact that, unlike our school, family or friends or any other personal relationships corporate office is the place where we spend a major chunk of our lives. And so when considering we have conflicts with our classmates, family members or even our friends, where there is no mutual competition, conflicts are inevitable in the corporate world where our careers are at stake.

Everyone in the corporate world needs to be on their toes, else it is game over. In a relationship you can mend your ways, after all they are your family and friends, but in the corporate world one small conflict could cost us our entire career. So never be in the pre assumption that you are in the good books of every one at the office though you are an asset to your company, a good team leader and are always there when it comes to any problems at the office. In fact your success could easily have been the success of your nearest co -worker. So being competitive is good, but a little bit of consideration could go a long way in managing any conflicts because of your success. Never show off your talents and rub someone up the wrong way. In fact such instigation could bring out the best in your competitor.

In a corporate world you are dealing with the most diverse people possible, especially in a MNC where each branch has its own demographic culture. So understand their background including their culture, language, ideals and then deal accordingly. Remember ‘One man's meat is another man's poison’. Something that one person likes may be distasteful to someone else.

Meanwhile some people are always too tough to get along with. They are always on the boil; they think they are always right. The best thing would be to simply avoid them but what if they are in a superior position and directly supervise your department.
In such cases do not get passive and take whatever is thrown at you. You are appointed for the job because of your talent but giving back would also put you in trouble. This is where the middle path comes in – be assertive.

You can go to that person during a suitable time like a water coolant moment, strike a casual conversation and then see how it goes along. If it is going as you intended then slowly say you would like resolve the conflict that happened between the two of you. Never email or write anything regarding conflicts. If the person has really taken it to heart then he could use it against you.

The best way to cure a disease is to identify the cause, similarly the main reason conflicts arise is because of our pre-conceived notions that an office should be like this, a colleague should be like this or the boss should be like this. In fact we all have an image of our own self. So the moment when something happens that goes against our notions, a conflict arises.

The best thing to do is have no pre assumptions about our self. Do not have any expectations from others to react in a certain way. Accept things as they are and then try to manage them with a ‘Neutral Attitude’ and finally the usual advice - just let go that ego.

Work life Balance

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Today work is a necessity because nothing comes for free and not to mention the high cost of living. So it is almost a necessity for both the man and the woman in the family to go to a job. And with MNCs having multiple shifts, even if the couple works in the same organization they hardly get to see each other.

With their weekly off also varying as per their shifts even the possibilities of catching up on the holidays are also a rarity. And with concept of joint families vanishing and nuclear families on the rise, one does not have the option to rely on someone else for support or company. So then how do we achieve this feat in the present scenario?

Luckily with technology like the – mobile phones and social networking sites one can always catch up with those daily wishes and sooth sayings by just sending a text message or make a call whenever possible. And friends can get hooked on orkut, facebook, twitter.

Then you can also make get away plans with your own colleagues. This not only reduces all the hassles like getting everyone together as all are from the same organization, it will also not hamper your work schedule when you get back to work. And also the bonus of bonding with your colleagues helps create a good work environment.

Then develop a hobby, in fact use the in house Gym, reading place etc to build you physically and mentally. This way you not only improve yourself but it also helps you to break the monotonous work routine.

Doing something you like is a great of beating stress and also catching up on the finer aspects of life. If possible form a gang of similar colleagues whose interests are the same as yours and you never know; you could be the next rock band in the city.

Meanwhile not to forget the family – Never take your office tensions to the home. They are in no way responsible for what happens to you at the office. Whoever you may be, wherever you work, you are always a mom’s child, a family’s future, a friend’s trust and someone’s life. So be the best of everything.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) seems to be the austerity mantra of the corporate world and their way of giving something back to the society. And the corporate world has taken huge initiatives like education drives, awareness campaigns, health camps etc.

These are good opportunities for the socially inclined employees who always wanted to do something for their society but could not do so for various constraints. By participating in these initiatives you not only get the unexplained feel good factor, but also you do not put any holes in your pocket.

Take it for granted that work is something that we will be doing for the rest of our life. So just remember that work is just a part of life and life is not all about work. Life will still be there after you retire from your work.

And all you need to do is to take a few seconds off to make that call, send a text, post a scrap or write on the wall, the options are innumerable, else it is your life that will be hanging in the balance.

Do we overvalue education?

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Firstly find the reason for studying. Once you know why you are studying then you will be in a position to know how motivated you are to face the challenges during your studies. Also understand that education is only essential for ‘entry’ into a profession of your desired choice.

So if you want to move higher up the ladder in your career or look for greener pastures, it depends on a lot of factors like the experience you gain during your job and most importantly your passion towards the job.

Having a qualification will give you the theoretical know how that is needed to gain insight into your job and so will reduce any chances of error during your actual job performance.

Also what good is knowledge if you cannot put it to use. To succeed in your career along with your education you will need to develop the skills required for performing the job, the ability to learn fast in new situations and also learn any other applicable activity that is required by the current industry standards.

Education has its own significance and gives a jump start if you have the right qualification, but to sustain your head start in the career, you need to be pragmatic that is be action oriented.

Never choose an educational course for its promises or the pay package it gives. Yes successfully completing the course might give you the salary, but what if there is a radical change in the industry, or some untoward incident like the recession?

Only the people who have the zeal for the career will sail through. The rest will be history. Therefore your decision towards education is very important because it can change the way your career will progress. Also speak to the people around you whom you look up to and use the information in your decision making.

Your decision to join a course, especially during your mid career should be given a serious thought, as education involves your time, money, energy and also your present job is at stake. You need to ensure that you are aware of both the pros and cons of your decision.

Education is always a good option to keep your mind active and be on the learning curve. The thirst of human mind lasts as long as they live, but what use is knowledge, if it is idle. Everyone before Newton knew that apples fall down and probably said it to themselves a million times but it was Newton who applied it into his studies and came to be known as one of the father of sciences. So learn what you can apply. Education is only worth as much you apply it into your career. So never overvalue education.


How to choose your career?

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Most of us know what we want to do in life and many of us don’t. For those who don’t know, choosing a career becomes a challenge. Choosing a career seems to be more applicable for college students and job seekers who are full of enthusiasm before stepping into the working world.

However, sometimes even in mid-career state you might feel the urge to change your career. While personal experiences, skill sets and knowledge of own potential could be a help towards choosing a career, there are many other options available that can provide apt career guidance to aspirants pertaining to their interest and skill sets.

The primary step in choosing a career would involve knowing yourself. It means what kind of job you would enjoy doing, what skills you possess and what new you can learn, what kind of work environment you would be comfortable in, how your values would help you adjust in a particular job and the like.

You can take personality analysis tests and self-assessment tests to understand your suitability for a job better. These tests are available on a lot of career websites or else, you can consult a career coaching center.
Once you know well about your comfort level for a job, job search is the next step towards choosing your career. Exploring jobs in market is the most vital step. You can do this with the help of job sites or getting in touch with job consultants. If your school or college has career centre, then it would be great way to know about available jobs in market.

On a more proactive front, you may try for internships in your field of interest as it gives weight to your resume and makes you a strong contender in this competitive age. Also, learning as many skills as possible also increases chances of a career in many fields so that if one doesn’t work for you, you can always look for another career option without wasting much time.

If at college or high school, join centers where you can learn working on different software and if you are already working, part time learning of new skills won’t do any harm to your career but rather it would expose you to new opportunities in future.

Besides, a lot of career coaching services are out there to help students and job seekers find suitable career and thereby work towards it. Career coaching services are mainly provided by career counselors and career coaching institutes that have undoubtedly mushroomed everywhere.

All you need to do is search for them in newspapers, internet or through word of mouth and get in touch with them to get career guidance. More to your comfort the modern technology and internet revolution has also made this possible online. You can get online career coaching too to choose your career.

Handling Work Place Stress

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Close your eyes, take a deep breath and try holding your breath, after a while you let go. Why did you do so? Is it just the lack of oxygen or the pain of your lungs bursting? Similarly what makes you eat? Is it just the hunger or the pain of an empty stomach? Like this there are many stresses that make us wake up in the morning to sleeping in the night and to do everything in between. So one or the other kind of stress is what makes us live.

Similarly once we are in the work place, why do we treat it differently? The problem is our ‘attitude’ towards work place stress. One must understand that the work place is no exception. Work place is where we are going to spend the most part of our life. So the next time your boss gives you a piece of his mind or the clerk slams the door behind you, take it in the right stride and act responsibly, do not feel stressed.

You are an expert at your job but you do not get the deserved recognition. Having a good social image is helpful. So your natural inclination is to do something that might impress others. Even Gandhi’s son was not satisfied with his father. So why are you worried about getting recognized at the office? Therefore pretending to be someone else might only do more damage to your image.

Meanwhile you have a huge assignment to finish and you are being paid peanuts? Well clearly you are feeling the stress because you are getting underpaid. So what do you do? Well in the first place nobody from the company forced you to join the job unless it was your family business. So finish the assignment and then think of an alternative.

Today if God were to look at the overall condition of his creations, especially – the humans, he too must be gushing with steam in his head. In fact we ourselves have to wonder why someone as perfect as God created us humans with so many imperfections? So do not think of the work place stress as an undesirable occurrence. You never know it might just bring out the best in you.

Lastly, nothing comes for free. End of the month you do not get your salary for warming your seat. So there are no excuses for feeling sad, depressed or angry in stressful situations at the work place. You are in the job to perform or perish.

Why is career planning important?

hand glass line training brand font drawing diagram can marker control mark school shape presentation leave skills career logistics knowledge pedagogy mediation organization chart business administration work organization information logistics work process flow of information production planning organizational structure information management business informatics

Prakash Kataria (name changed) after completing his bachelor’s in commerce joined an Accounts firm. Being from a jeweler’s family - his affinity was towards business and with a suitable qualification and a job to go with it, life seemed to go pretty balanced for this balance sheet guy.

But months later he too felt the nine to five syndrome and was desperately seeking a job change. That's when he rediscovered his childhood potential of being a cricketer. And with a dose of Iqbal-the Nagesh Kukunoor movie, he knew that the Indian cricket team was his calling.

But then being the pragmatic person he was, he was not the one to jump into conclusions. He joined a cricket coaching centre after his job timings. And said to himself that if he was really committed he would quit his job and play cricket rather than end up making a spur of the moment choice.

But then the mother of all arrears happened for this balance sheet guy. It was not actually Iqbal played, but the creator - Nagesh Kukunoor.
Now reality dawned upon him. Twice bitten he didn't want to be third time shy. This time he was ready to risk it all and knew it was for sure that - he wanted to be a film maker. Now Kataria is doing his masters in communication at a reputed institute.

Life may not be so kind and forgiving to all of us. And Kataria is not the only one to be blamed for these decisions. But also his teachers and senior guides including boss, well wishers, and personal advisers. Just imagine the time and resources kataria spent in realising his potential. All of us may not be able to have the same leverage. And in most cases it would not be possible to amend the decisions taken. But why this huge nuance of finding a career in the first place? The answer is -lack of career planning.

Firstly Kataria's parents must have taken more responsibility than just getting him educated. But all the parents might not be able to do so, due to lack of education etc. This is where the teachers come in. Teachers along with the syllabus must get the larger picture of a student's life, career, his interests, talent, and then groom them and advice accordingly.

And lastly it’s our life, so we need to take complete responsibility of everything. Kataria could have done these things:

* Probably gone to the career counsellor at his college or even to an outside career counselling centers which are in plenty nowadays.
* He should have taken an aptitude test, known his strengths and weakness.
* And then finally find what his INTEREST lies in.

And of course make sure your career choice is feasible and have other options in case of some unavoidable circumstances - like a financial crisis etc. Also it is possible to have multiple interests for an individual.

Thus the word career planning would be merely an understatement. It’s about finding yourself, your true calling. So what are you doing in that course, job???


Mahindra Mini Xylo is a vehicle for all the occasions

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Every one has particular taste in life and this applies to the cars as well. Not everybody has the same requirements and choice in terms of the cars they want as well. Mahindra too is looking to cater to a particular segment of audience with the same philosophy in mind. The company is planning to come up with a car that caters to an audience who not only want to own a car but also want to have the occasional hilt with the speed. The Mahindra is about introduce a mini version of the xylo that will not only suit the family audience but also for odd off road escapades. The car is expected to create a new space in the market with its entry level price for a SUV and also give a new option for the family buyer. The car though being a trimmed down version of the Xylo will still hold the same strong and bulky nature of the standard xylo.


The car can easily seat up to five people compared to eight people in the standard xylo version. The eight seater car had five doors for an easy entry and exit while the mini version might not have the same large finesse it will still hold its stead with some compact and neat features. The car is also expected to have some of the most common features like the central locking system for safety and prevent any un warranted entry into the car.


The mini is also expected to have some comfort features like the power windows which is once again a common sight in most of the cars these days. However, what separate the mini xylo from the rest of the pack are the interior features and the build quality. The car like a typical suv will adorn a muscular and stud look to it.


Like most of the suvs, the mini xylo too can be used like a multi purpose car for the usual transportation and for any heavy load work as well. Mahindra has always been considered good for both the purposes. More so the car is specially suited for small business purposes and for the big Indian parivar during their festive purchases. The car is ever ready like your friendly neighbourhood transporter for most occasions and situations.


The complete range of the xylo variant includes the Mahindra Xylo E-4, Mahindra Mini Xylo Hatch and Mahindra Xylo mHawk, each with some specific feature. All the cars though born of the same platform are specifically built for a unique purpose. So when you are going out to buy your new xylo make sure you do some research work on the kind of Mahindra Xylo that will suit you and off course the prices as well. The car prices vary on the features, the build quality and the market positioning.


One of the hall marks of the Mahindra Xylo range has been the mileage they provide along with some raw power. The car gives a better average mileage compared to most of the suvs in the market. Truly, the mahindra mini xylo is a vehicle for all the occasions.

Honda Brio Automatic Gear Variant Ready for India

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Honda Brio just got more comfortable with the launch of an automatic gear variant of the hatchback in the coming weeks. Prospective hatchback car owners now have the luxury of choosing from three automatic gear cars with the likes of Hyundai i10 and the Maruti Suzuki A-Star as well.


The engine of the new variant of the Brio will still be the same 1.2-litre i-VTEC engine that powers the manual car. The four-speed automatic will be a rip off the highly popular Honda City five-speed torque converter. However it is highly unlikely that the five-speed gear will also be a part of the Honda Brio.


The pinch however might be that the high tech feature could only be available for the top-end variant, but going by Honda’s penchant for surprises we could get the optional AT for the mid-level variant as well. The Brio is one of the better cars in the segment and the AT will make it even more practical for urban use.


Coincidentally the launch of the auto gear will mark the first anniversary of the Brio going on sale, so it will also be the right time for Honda to introduce a few more features on the Brio.


The 1.2-litre i-VTEC from the Brio also runs on the Honda Jazz, which has already proven its might. This means Honda could double surprise us with the launch of an automatic transmission for the Jazz in the not so distant future as well. A four-speed automatic would be great for city use, although with the Jazz's extra bulk a five-speed like the one from the Honda City will make it complete. Either way, it will have to think very hard on what the Jazz's automatic variant's pricing should be.


Honda Jazz Car Is Music to Your Ears

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In one word the Jazz is astoundingly spacious for a little car. Do not let the exteriors fool you. The exteriors do not really do justice to the large interior space inside this little car. This enormous space is because of Honda’s ‘Super Forward Form’. A concept where the car’s overall packaging mainly revolves around maximum space utilization.

In the case of Jazz the bonnet is like any other MPV. You will not find any transmission tunnel to the fuel tank. The tank is mounted under the front seats which releases a massive amount of space in the car. Honda has also done a commendable job on the interiors. The materials used, the way it is put together, choice of colours and the upholstery all are very neatly tucked in.

The car has ten cup holders. There is so much space in the car that you might even a need a map to find where you put what. In fact one cannot help wonder who would need so much space. The seats themselves are comfortable; the driving controls are laid out nicely. The inside does make up for an enjoyable experience. The music system is just about ok.

The engine itself is a 16 valve, 1198 cc, four cylinder that manages to make 90 break horse power. The car also meets the Euro four norms. The car is not a power horse but it is not a dead horse either when the engine is at low. In fact the engine relishes when you throttle it a bit. Once the engine is spinning you get to see the car in its true elements. As usual the gear shifts are smooth, the suspension is well tested and with a decent wheel base the car does make it presence felt on the road. It absorbs most of the bumps. The handling quality is very likeable too. The entire car reacts well to the steering commands. The electric power assistance helps maintain fuel economy.

All the variants come with airbags, disc brakes at the front and drum brakes at the back. The car has also successfully grabbed the five star for crash safety at the Euro NCAP test. The car also worked on the eco friendliness by using fewer hazardous materials like ice cream, pork fat, cadmium etc.

The basic variant starts from a price range of Rs 6.98 lakh ex-showroom Delhi. But do not get fooled by the base variant tag, the car has all the safety elements. The next version called the Active costs 7.28 lakhs ex-showroom Delhi.

The Jazz is expensive but it offers significant value for your money. Also one must not forgot the huge warranty coverage that is up to four years or 80,000 km. With Honda’s excellent service quality levels the only thing that Honda must ensure is to get the people in the show room and try out the car. This is one area where Honda has never had any trouble getting sorted.

Honda Brio Is a Value for Money Car

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Honda Brio is ready to rule the sales charts. At least that seems to be the notion behind Honda’s new creation. The Honda Brio is the cheapest car from the company in India. It will be cheaper than the Honda Jazz. The Honda Brio is pitted against the likes of the Maruti Swift.

The Honda Brio looks a generation above than the present lot. The curves are a never seen before, the car has a stance to reckon with. Over all it is a sporty and compact car giving it an appealing nature.

Compared to the other compact cars the Honda Brio is smaller in size. This could possibly be a cause of concern which makes the car look below par its class. The most striking feature of the car is the entire packaging it comes in. It has a 1.2 litre motor, the dashboard is not very deep and most of the focus seems to have gone on the making the best space utilization.

As a compact car the Honda Brio has hit all the right nodes in the fuel, performance and stability department. The car is ultra low weight with just 925 kgs. The strength is bolstered with high quality steel and reinforcements at vulnerable areas. The suspension takes the entire load and is springy and lively even at the worst stretch of roads.

The engine is same as the Honda Jazz and delivers up to 88bhp. The interiors are not up to the likes of the Jazz or the Vista, but it does surprise you to an extent when compared to its compact exteriors.The back seats are comfortable as well. The Honda Brio has good arm and leg space for the occupants. In fact a person of even six feet height can easily sit at the back in this compact car.

The Honda Brio is a compact car but not a cheap car. The Honda Brio is not embedded with jewels of higher end cars but at the same time it is not stuffed with low cost materials to save costs. When compared to the low cost materials available in the Toyota Etios Liva the Honda Brio does not come with the same cheap feel to it.

The actual cost savings comes in the form of no adjustable driver’s seat, lack of parcel tray at the back, no music player options, no rear demister, which does pinch you a bit. The boot is also on the smaller side but Honda has done enough for the maximum utilization of its luggage area.

The gear transmission as usual needs no introduction from Honda. The engine too is also smooth and nice for a decent run around but it wrangles at higher engine speeds.


In short the Honda Brio is spacious for a compact car. Does not look cheap for a compact car, pretty comfortable with good looks, decent engine and a good fuel economy it has all the right nodes to become a successful compact car. The Honda Brio does look worth its price at Rs 4.3 lakh making it a value for money.

Tata Merlin Car Review Price and Specifications

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Tata Merlin India: After the huge success of the Tata Safari SUV, the company is all set to replicate the same fervor with the launch of a revamped Tata Safari renamed as the Tata Merlin. In fact the speculations regarding the car had begun doing rounds from the last two years. However until recently not much was known about the car. Recently the Tata Merlin India has been caught during several test rides and the company too has buckled under pressure to reveal the launch of the car which is expected to be in a matter of few weeks as you read this review.

Tata Merlin Exteriors:

The Tata Merlin is nothing like the old Safari. The car has a no nonsense design and has no attitude to its looks. The car has a got a studded front which is one of the most common sights these days. The L shaped projector head lights have a neat flat appearance and voluptuous at the right areas. The Tata Merlin seems to be heavily swept off by the Range Rover style and the body color bumpers give some relief from the copied look. The fog lamps are almost ready to attack situated on the bumpers. The whole appearance is carried with grace by a 5 spoke alloy wheels.

The sides have body color door knobs. The ORVMs are also attached with indicators. Power windows are a compulsion in both sides of the Tata Merlin. Remote fuel filler, keyless entry and the tinted glass all add to the gorgeous name of Merlin and off course not to forget the panoramic top for some cool breeze.

Tata Merlin Interiors:

The Tata Merlin interiors will surely stand up to its name and is also expected to outdo the outgoing Safari. The Merlin will easily carry seven people inside the cabin. The car will have complete electronic switches, new meter dials, tachometre, two trip meter and white back light dial and arm rest for the driver. The dual AC vents will come with a climate control on the dashboard. The car will also have good high quality upholstery for the interior cabin. While the footrests for the last row seats are retractable the folding options for the rear seats are absent.

The driver’s will have to make them self’s comfortable with the manual seat adjustment. The gear box will be a manual transmission with five speed options. The steering wheel will also have some mounted controls for making your driving easy. Over all the Merlin will surely be better in terms of the package and comfort compared to the Safari.

Tata Merlin Ride and Handling:

The Tata Merlin will be equipped with solid braking system to ensure total road control even during off roading escapades. The front section of the car will have the ventilated brakes while the rear wheels will be controlled by the disk brakes to decelerate the SUV in quick time during any type of emergency road situations.

Tata Merlin Specifications

The Tata Merlin Specifications come with a 2.2 litre DiCOR diesel powered engine. The engine will be of 2179cc capacity and power up to a maximum of 140 bhp at 4000 rpm. The car also delivers 320 Nm at 1700 rpm. The Tata Merlin Specifications for the tyre size dimension will be up to 235/70 R16 105S and will have a ground clearance of 195 mm. The Tata Merlin Specifications will length around 4650 mm while its width is 1918 mm with a height of 1925 mm. Tata Merlin Specifications reveal that the car would be lighter than the Tata Safari making it more fuel economic. The Tata Merlin Specifications for the fuel tank will be 65 litre and have a kerb weight of 2040 kg.

Tata Merlin Ex-showroom Price:

The Tata Merlin Price as per the variants

- Tata Merlin Price GX 4x2 - Rs. 12,00,000.00
- Tata Merlin Price GX 4x4 - Rs. 13,00,000.00
- Tata Merlin Price VX 4x2 - Rs. 14,00,000.00
- Tata Merlin Price VX 4x4 - Rs. 15,00,000.00

The Tata Merlin price will cost more than the outgoing models of Tata Safari, it will be priced between 12 lakh rupees to 15 lakh rupees.

Tata Merlin Competitors

The Tata Merlin India is expected to rub shoulders with the likes of other SUV’s like Hyundai Santa Fe, Honda CRV and the Toyota Fortuner, Mahindra xuv500, Ford Endeavour and Toyota Innova etc.

Tata Merlin Mileage

The Tata Merlin like most of its other contemporaries will drive about 11 km / litre in city while it gives 15 km / litre on highways.

Tata Merlin Safety features

The Tata Merlin India is expected to come with remote central locking system to ensure un-wanted entry into the cars. It will also have Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) with Electronic Stability Programme (ESP) and Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) technology to give you total control in case of emergency braking and helps you stay on the road. On the passive safety list the car will likely come with parking sensors to assist the parking of vehicle at the right space. The addition of fog lamps gives you good visibility even during poor light or weather conditions which are believed to be added along with traction control.