How can I treat my acne scars? I have tried almost every product. Even benzoyl peroxide doesn't work for my skin.
How does Erytop gel work for acne?What products are there that get rid of oily skin and pimples?
And the truth behind
most skin care products. There are some good ones but its just i personally i don't recommend any of them. For my approach is to use the best of what you have? Nature has given has everything.
It's just that we need to look for it. Look at animals, they were hear before us, they are still with us but no medicines, no cosmetics, no surgeries, no healthcare as such but still a vast majority of animals are in superb health condition right.
Yes, animals do get wiped out in some cases but look at the success rate, animals are healthy overall. Get the point.
So are humans not animals, in fact we should be making better use of nature with the BRAINS we have.
Coming to the topic, I know this answer repeats a lot of things and is way too big. Trust me, its worth all the struggle reading through this answer than going through years finding the right cure. That is why I have included everything here..
No point, searching everywhere finally to find a simple solution. This is not just an answer, it is an experience i have shared. Don’t just feel you read this answer, you will find solution, take your time, but be really focused and committed when you read this answer.
Only then you will understand the acne problem completely. If you know the problem completely, then you can only find the solution.
What this answer will do is give you all the possibilities regarding acne problem and you can choose the remedy or you can even create your own remedy for your acne.
Comment or post me if you need any further information.
Trust me, its worth all the struggle you will go through for years finding the right cure for your skin problem. So anyway you have decided to find a cure for your skin care, then think reading this answer is one of those tough tasks. It is really big ..big answer. I have included everything here..and lot more.
I just wished someone had told me these when i was desperately searching for answers. So this answer is written with that in mind. If someone is really looking to get to the core of their skin problems..then here goes…
See, in case of acute or tropical pimples or acne. Say which is because you had oily food or went out in the dust, or just occasional eruptions, stress, these ointments work. In case you have a lot of pimples or acne then you are in a never ending battle.
Some days, it will work, some days it will not work. You have to change your lifestyle, have healthy food, follow natural remedies. Build your immunity over a period of time and give your skin the best chance to recover.
However, let me tell you the other side of the story with regard to Erytop Gel?
Did you know before Erytop there was something called Erythromycin in India? Yes, where is it now. You might find Okamycin from Cipla. In fact, get me one ointment with only Erythromycin as the main ingredient for pimples. Even if you find, it will be less.
Erythromycin was a good ointment and costed around 30 to 40 rupees during 2007’s in India for 20 gm. Yes, it was costly for a small tube but it was better than some costly remedies.
Then the government of India gave subsidy. One of them was the government lowered the prices of drug formulations for bacterial and fungal infections. The ointment I was using Erythromycin became as cheap as 9 rupees for a single tube. Even the medical store guy said it is because of government subsidy.
However, only after one month, entire market I could not find the medicine. The new one was Erytop and in gel form. Vow and the price was higher than erythromycin. I looked for other good acne remedies in the same price. Great, the game was now costlier. There was nothing in the same price with the same quality.
Don’t you get it. It’s a whole a trap. Forgot to mention about antibiotic drug resistance as well. The skin care specialists, nothing against them but most doctors know that acne/pimple issue will just go off if the person just takes good food, water, less stress and a healthy lifestyle and give some months time.
However, here we have micro abrasions, creams, costly treatments and so on. It’s never ending. Now coming to the point. The erythromycin cream was working but the medicine was no longer available. In fact, my acne was severe, I had them all over the body, thighs, face, back, neck.
I could not live without them. I could not go out. I had pricks even if ventured out in the sun. The tube hardly lasted a week. It was working but it never cured my acne. I always had bigger pimples or acne after few days. The medicine should have at least reduced the intensity..NO..it was not.. It was good quality but i never got cured.
One day i had no soap, had just shikakai my grandma brought. Bathed in it. No foam but i made a paste of it and applied on my body and scalp. It gave a scrubbing effect naturally, because its like rubbing mud. Felt really good. Felt all my pores breathing. then my skin din’t feel dry or oily after bath. Because it was natural ingredient.
Soaps used to remove all the oil and moisture also. Mild soap could not remove the oil. Strong soap made my skin dry. Pricking was always there with the soaps after bath. Never felt better. With Shikakai, yes, the pricking was there a few days but that’s because my skin was still sensitive and the oil secretion was more.
Now my skin started to cure itself because no more abuse with chemicals. Offcourse, diet and lifestyle played a equal role.
I always took good food, exercised, even when i was taking those other medications. However days passed, I was using soap after bathing in Shikakai. Just made some foam and wash off to take away the shikakai smell. Finally, i experimented with chicpea powder, later occassionally i used even salt but very mildly. Then moved on to sandal powder, neem powder and any safe natural ingredient.
Today i am completely managing with just bathing with any natural ingredient. Even rice powder is enough. Same is used for my hair as well. I am 98 % cured. See its like this some people are just susceptible to skin conditions.
So considering that i had a huge battle with skin problems from age of 14, now I am 32 and hardly take any extra care.
Hope you get the entire picture. Unless you have skin disease, i don’t mind taking medicines and meeting a doctor. But Acne or pimples are something related to your age, lifestyle and the way you manage it.
I have tried homeopathy including German medicines, including holistic homeopathy, classic homeopathy, remedial homeopathy, met many skin specialists, tried even imported medicines. They all work but the battle is never ending, especially as i said your pimples are anything from moderate and above..
So first learn why you are getting pimples. If there is no reason, then surely it is just that age, hormones are a factor but the acne/pimple condition can be completely controlled without much fuss. No matter how crazy your hormones, if you are male or a female and have no other major health issues, only hormones is not a thing to worry at all. No matter even if your sexually aroused.
Yes, in that case porn stars, prostitutes should have most of number acne/pimple problems. Yes, your sexual feeling do cause some amount of problem but teenage is also a time when the body is at its starting stage of peak condition physically.
So it can take some amount of erratic lifestyle, behaviour. I am not encouraging any sexual behaviour but all i am telling is you don’t have to feel guilty that pimples are because you are sexually more active.
In fact, for this i suggest something for addictions. See given a option, ask any person who is addicted to something. Give him to two buttons. One button will completely make him forget that he had the addiction and other one will ensure he can still be addicted.
Surely, most would just like to just press the button and forgot that they even had such an addiction. So, THIS MEANS YOU JUST NEED FIND SOMETHING MORE FUN, MORE ENJOYABLE, to be more direct, MORE PLEASURABLE.
However, this time, ensure that whatever you find as more pleasurable is of useful for your life. It need not make you successful. But just ensure that it improves your quality of life.
You should not regret it, like the previous one. Don’t stop till you find something pleasurable and that improves your quality of life. Remember it need not make you successful. Don’t be result oriented.