Tuesday 28 August 2018

Can you live a peaceful life and be happy when your basic life needs are not met?

Food, sleep, fear and copulation(sex/breeding/intercourse)—are common to both animals and men.

That which differentiates a man from an animal is Dharma(righteousness), Viveka ( ability to discriminate)and Vichara(reasoning). Eg: if two animals are hungry and fight for food, its acceptable but if two men fight…can't they share, can't they discuss, can't one man give up for another. These are the possibilities only human life has.

In short, what differentiates an animal and human is the human can go beyond the basic needs of food, water and shelter. He can give his food, he can share his wealth, he can share his shelter.

In these days of modern culture and new civilization, in this era of scientific advancement, these lines may not be relished by some people. They may remark that some of the terms are jarring, revolting, offending and indecent and will not suit the people of refined tastes.

But these lines will produce a very deep impression in the minds of thirsting aspirants who are longing for liberation. Their minds will be entirely changed.

So, its like we humans are ready to do anything, sacrifice anything for our near and dear ones but when it comes to others, we become animalistic.

So, we can be happy even in times of worst of conditions, that is why we are humans, no matter what, nothing should dictate a human’s happiness. It should be the choice of a human to be happy or sad irrespective of the situation. Just imagine even half of human population choose to be HAPPY irrespective of the situations. I know sounds crazy but otherwise what difference do we have from other creatures.

Yes, a human can be happy at all costs, yes its difficult but it’s a choice. Not impossible.

In short, are the people who have everything happy?

So its like this, Happiness is state of mind for which you have to be consciously always be on your toes. Choice is yours. Happiness is not a goal we reach and achieve. Now do you get it.

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