Friday 3 August 2018

How bad is deviated septum surgery?

deviated septum surgery story
It depends on your condition, doctor and post surgery care.
Now firstly you should know how much it is deviated, if it mild deviation and are not facing any difficulties like sinus, regular on set of cold, feeling tired and you have enough time and discipline to take care, then avoid surgery.

Take some time out and read to know completely about deviated nasal septum.

Like my case, i have deviated nasal septum and was suffering for 8 years and badly wanted surgery.

Then somehow i came across natural methods to get better. Today, i am 98 percent able to manage my deviated nasal septum.
If you are really busy or already running short of time then go for surgery. Enquire about balloon surgery, don’t go for cutting your nasal bones.

But here’s the reality after surgery:
You will have pain, varies from person to person. But cutting nasal bone will give you pain. Most doctors don’t say about this. Offcourse, any surgery has pain so don’t blame doctor.
But they will give pain colour.
They would have stuffed cotton inside your nose after surgery.

This is so that blood doesnt flow down through nostril, till the surgery heals.
In some cases you can start to bleed once you go back home. If its light then its okay. Else get back to your doctor immediately.
Then yes, now your breathing is to be really taken care.

No sneezing, no dust, no cold, no cough, no allergy.
You have to breathe like a baby till your fine.

Not to scare you but yes the degree of post surgical pain will vary on how serious the surgery was, how strong you are and how well you take care.
Main thing if doctor assures you full confidence go ahead that too only if you are willing to take all the post surgery care.

Remember to ask what are the chances of reocurrence. Yes, nasal bones are fragile and there cases where the deviation reoccurs. Also some times the surgery can itself fail.
So know all and then dive in.

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