Monday 6 August 2018

How can we reduce a fresh pimple spot quickly and permanently in one day only?

Lot of options you have to know what is the pimple that is coming up.

Yesterday you had oil food, then:

Just have plenty of water, fruits and vegetables Only. Preferrably half boiled greens. Cleaning your tummy.

It should go off in one day. But for one full day, three times a day just water, fruits and vegetables - RAW.

If its because of stress, travel or pollution.

Tough One. Firstly, avoid further damage. Take B-complex capsules for 3 times a day. It should suppress off.

If its because of heat:

Then most will be against it but have a tummy full beer & pork. I hope your social surroundings, culture and personally you are fine with it.

Personally, i am against alcohol and non-veg. Because killing a creature for my food is somehow not upto the mark for me.

Offcourse, when its a matter of survival and no other option, then i would think about it.

It’s like just imagine if pig was with brains and man was filthy four legged animal. So, just because we have the brains and power, i don’t feel we have the right to kill an other creature.

Or just have plain barley juice three times a day. This is what beer is made of.

So choice is yours, there is always a better way, no matter what.

But B-complex capsules, Beer or only fruits and Vegetables for 24 hours seems to always do the trick.

You can take a cotton swab and also dab the pimple gently and surrounding areas to stop further infection. You can use tincture, alcohol or any other antiseptic solution.

I have seen that pimple dries out very fast, at least it doesn’t grow.

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