Tuesday 28 August 2018

I suffer from a deviated nasal septum, sinusitis and tinnitus which is getting worse day by day lately. Will Jala Neti help relieve the suffering?

Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don’t give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.

Always use absolutely clean mineral water quality water.

Salt should be free of dirt.

Amount of salt can be decided by you. If you feel very salty and water irritates your nostrils, reduce the salt.

But remember use salt in water, as it is heavier than mucus density in sinus, and salt water as its heavy compared to your mucus density will help you cleanse your sinus.

If possible meet a ayurveda doctor and ask what is right quantity for your body - Mixing salt with lukewarm water.

However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.

See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.

Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to DNS.

So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.

Some of them are alternative nostril breathing (AnilomVilom) and Kapalabhati. With these techniques you can surely get cured of your DNS but it will take around 6 months to 1 year.

But life long you will be cured. You just have to find a right Yoga Guru and you have to increase the intensity of the breathing excercise as you start.

Nasya or Oil drops in Nostril (easiest method, in a very short (might vary from person to person), time you will get cured)-.

Nasya (Just read up on it) – usage of nasal drops to relieve nasal congestion.

Nasya – I would actually suggest you consult an ayurvedic doctor.

Else you should fully be aware of all the things before you administer the Nasya yourself.

Try Sinol – (Brand – Kumar Ayurved Ashrama), Shadbindu Tel ( I use Baidyanath).

Administer nasya on an empty stomach an hour before or after a shower or exercise to get maximum results.

However, you can do whenever you want. Lie down with the head tilted back and put 5 drops of nasya in each nostril. Sniff deeply but slowly, it should not be forced or hurt your insides of the nostrils, then remain lying for a minute or so, to allow the drops to penetrate.

It should come out of your throat from the back of your nose with practice. NO problem if initially it goes into your head. A little ghee or sesame oil is dropped into the nostrils with the little finger, dropper or filler. It should be preferably warm, if not warm, at least not cold.

This, along with gentle massage, helps to relieve blockage and opens the deep tissues. It can be done on a regular basis or occasionally as desired. Hardly takes two minutes.

Initially, the oil might just get blocked, your nose might start running more as the blockage is getting released, you might sneeze more. You might even find the method useless as symptoms might get worse. But see the below diagram of our sinus cavities.

They are all connected. If you drop oil in ears, it comes out from your mouth or nose. If you drop oil in nose, it come through ears or mouth. Google, you have seen people do squirt milk from eyes etc(Guinness even has a record for it) . Its not magic. Its human anatomy.

Yes, hard to believe. So what you are doing is you are directly ensuring that you remove the blockage. Just imagine, if all your sinus cavities are cleared from blockage, So let it be sinus, deviated nasal septum, dust allergy, or whatever, if no blockage, where is the problem. The methods told by me or no magic or psuedo science.

Yes, modern medicines are good with anesthesia, emergency care, artificial life support system but in this case, i feel these natural methods are better. These are from ayurveda, (Google about ayurveda, offcourse you find a lot negatives but are you trying to say allopathy or anything for that matter in the world is perfect..no right.

So be smart, see if the good outweighs the negatives and you choice is yours) and i am personally benefited with these. Offcourse just took a bit of time and bit of understanding but the cure was permanent.

This is my experience. Now I am just doing Neti Poti or Nasya (Nasya is easiest of all)I am fine but I have to do it religiously without missing. After doing Neti Pot or Nasya just kneel down.

Just bow down on the ground (like namaz posture). Move to the kneeling position. Prostrate and touch your head to the floor with your palms, forehead, nose, knees, and toes only on the floor.

And keep your forehead on a solid surface (not a bed or pillow), If possible keep your forehead on the hard surface or floor and wait for the feel of your blood slightly pushing downwards and feeling the heat on the forehead. Dont breathe hard.

For a few seconds relax and let the air enter deep inside your head, you will feel the block. Slowly breathe SMOOTHLY in such a way that when you breathe out the water should come out and when you breathe in the water does not further go back into your nose or head.

It should be like, build enough pressure in the nostrils and when you breathe out the water should come out.

Your focus should be on the stomach expanding and contracting. Do not focus on your head or nose, water will enter back into your nose.

In short, the position itself is enough to REMOVE ALL THE WATER. Just BOW DOWN with your knees on a flat and hard surface on the floor.

Feel the heat or flow down sensation on your forehead (which is on the floor) and breathe normally (like you breathe in sleep without any efforts) without any force. Surely water will come out.

You can tilt your sideways and do also.

Off late i also found something called Salt room therapy. While relaxing in one of treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing.

The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.

Dry salt air is more powerful than moist air. The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood. Inhaling particles may reduce inflammation and mucus in the lungs, improving most respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinus congestion and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).


In all spend few minutes in a day and you will be fine.

As i said, my solutions for Sinusitis treatment without surgery might work or not work. But be cool, calm, be reasonable and keep finding the solution.

You will find some solution suited to you, but just be careful about what solution you are doing. If possible consult and then proceed, be it natural or medical etc.

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