Tuesday 28 August 2018

What are the main draw backs of our health care system?

Earlier in villages, everyone in the village had a role. Milkman, Cobbler, Potter, Sculpture, Goldsmith, Priest, Doctor etc like this everyone had a role.

No one interfered in other's business. Simply because everyone had a role and no one felt insecure. Plus food was there for everyone as they grew it themselves.

This is how our ancestors lived and this is what they meant by caste. Citizens were classified by their occupation and not religion.

By default, almost everyone did farming as well to get food as there was no grocery stores back then. Yes, we were growing our own food.

So this means, everyone used to grow most of their share of not only food, but other groceries etc.

In between due to huge and hundreds of years of foreign invasion, our history was changed.

So in the old system there was no insecurity. I dint have to worry making more money than the other doctor, other cobbler, other trader.

I need not worry about not getting food as i could grow them. Most of things were under my control. Had very little dependency on government or ruling society.

But yes, it was tough for a cobbler son to become trader, blacksmith son to become a artisian. Overall society was balanced as there was no conglomerates. It was a decentralized society.

But exceptions were there and the scholars, kings as well, ministers, gurus, literates in those society ensured that the talented came up through ranks.

Unfortunately due to western attacks, foreign invaders, we lost this wonderful community village society.

Things completely got out of meaning, everything was rewritten, we were mind washed.

Now we have funnel system in the name of open market economy, where everyone is competing for a few jobs, opportunities. I mean no matter how many opportunities are there, it is never enough.

Unlike the old system there was a place for what everyone wanted to be or just be themselves.

Yes now opportunities are there for everyone to see. We know how to land a job in MNC, earn more.

But lets be practical, we all know if you are not fiercly competitive where you will end up, even if you get the job.

I mean invariably when i get a job, someone has lost their chance of getting that job. Off course, population is a reason but it shouldn't be at cost of every man for himself.

I mean why we humans the pinnacle evolution could not find something better way of living where every man cared for people around him.

I know about survival of fittest but then why are we humans (best of all species) and having established civilization.

It can be as in wild only right. Now that would be true survival of fittest right.

Animals still move in herds, care for each other in the pack, they don’t eat others share unecessarily.

Yes, environment has changed but they somehow seem to manage. It’s a bit tough for them, they are mostly going extinct as well, at least they are at peace and will long go before we humans are left to suffer the mishaps we have caused on our environment.

At this rate sooner or later, it will be every man for himself. See where it is getting.

In short today 90 percent of world’s wealth is with less than 10 percent of the population. This tells a story.

Yes, today a cobbler son can become a investment banker but nobody is interested in becoming a cobbler or a farmer or weaver.

Everyone wants to get a white collar job, engineer. People want machines for everything is adding to the problem. Because only if you are earning and in a better strata of society you have more chances of survival.

That's what it has come to getting more money, higher job etc…mostly connected to just survival for self, next generation and their next blood relations.

Yes, today also exceptions are there but the balance is far tilted in favour earning money, automation, than to maintain a balance with people of all occupations.

Where are our handlooms, where are our ayurvedic doctors etc. I mean what if someone wants just live a content life, like a hermit.

Taxes, inflation, cut throat competition just doesnt allow it.

In the olden days, we dint need money for most things. Cobbler shared his works with a milkman, milkman got his requirement from someone else and so on. Barter system anyone…remember..

Nature gives everything for free and we just have to sustain and harness. We get water, air everything free but due to rampant abuse, today we have to pay. Future even paying wont help.

Most of things were give and take. Money dint matter. Yes, people with higher privilege like a priest, minister had some advantage but the exploitation was less.

Because, most people dint need the help of goverment, hospitals, schools, shopping malls, grocery store, petrol pumps. Do you get it…n today all of these need Money…big time

Wealth is not trickling down. The service motive and overall welfare of society is not thought about.

The development programs are hardly reaching to all the people.

Worse is law and order, environment is just about running in good shape. It is just a matter of few more centuries.

I mean what do we have worth showing our next generation in nature.

So coming to your question, Health care system is just one aspect which can be set right only if whole society is working in good condition.

We have to decentralize everything and if possible get back to the village way of living but slightly adjust to today's time.

Then it will be easy to implement development projects. It has its drawbacks but chances for large scale mishandling will be zero.

Say entire country is divided as just 5 km area each, and if everyone has a role in that 5km.

The peessure to survive will be less. Everyone in the 5 km has to help each other because that is all they have.

This is just example but it has to be decentralised and the local people know whom to get hold of whom if things not done.

Plus today information is easily available and people are far more aware nowadays.

There are already certain examples like the Govardhan Eco Village, search for eco villages as well.

See the Auroville (City of Dawn) an experimental township in Viluppuram.

Yes, i repeat system has drawbacks but it is mostly related to coordination and once it is up and running, it is a very simple way of runming things.

Nothing will become business. See the main point, Man is the best of all creatures but he forgot that he is also part of a system.

Everything is already available in nature, we just to had to maintain, harness and preserve what we had.

But in the name of inventions, discoveries, business, technology we have found MOSTLY useless things.

Animals are also living in the same planet as us, how come they have not complicated their survival.

I know we cant compare humans to animals. But Most of humans are upto what, just surviving or growing their own business. Think…

Again forgetting the fact that we can never supersede nature. Its a pity even geniuses of this world today more focussed on inventing things to escape from earth..that tells the story where things are wrong.

Now that you got the concept of entire society you yourself know what are the drawbacks of health system…

It is because of money,

It is because of technology,

It is because high input costs,

It is because of less number of health care facilities…go on like these and dwelve deep into each drawback. Think..why today hospitals are a necessity… most of our ancestors had local ayurveda practioners.

Apart from severe trauma say like a head injury, huge accident everything else was treated those days.

Sushruta an Indian ayurvedic doctor is known father of surgery. He conducted plastic surgery in those days.

He could cut a strand of hair in two, such was the advancement in those days itself. He could set a nose back to normal whic was damaged or cut or wounded in war.

This is how it was in ancient days, natural ingredients used, hardly any money involved.

Mostly it was preventive system as the medicines and lifestyle was healthy during those days.

My point is today most things are done out of the dire need to survive. Health care is a business whic gives income to someone whose survival or greed depends on it.

If a system is created where humans need to things without having to worry about their basic needs, trust me most things will be good.

Yes greed, power hunget can be a issue but at least those who are living can fight against it as they need not worry about their food, survival needs etc.

It is in this kind of a system the health industry exists, yes today health care can be proudly (disappointing) given industry tag. Do you still need me to give the drawbacks….

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