Tuesday 28 August 2018

What causes sinusitis? Is there any relationship between sinusitis and blood pressure?

Easiest way to solve any problem is first understanding it fully. So if you know about use of sinus. You can know what to do. In fact, you can find a method that works for you. However, since its related to your health always be SURE of what you are doing. You can consult a medical expert as well.

Sinus cavities are like small water pockets in the head. Any air, dirt or dust is not inhaled directly by us. The dirt sticks in this mucus, hair in nostrils and only fresh oxygen goes into your body and lungs and so on. This is just one of uses of sinus. So as i said, these sinus cavities or water pockets gets inflamed or blocked when there is too much dust, allergy, due to cold or sinus then you will start breathing less oxygen (you wont notice the difference but you are breathing less). In most cases, after sometime it should become normal, however, if sinus is blocked and for a long time, less oxygen, less breathing, So the tiredness.

You have to find out why you have sinus problem. Once you find it, then its easier to get cured.

For eg: If sinus is because of the weather then you just need to keep your self warm.

If sinus is because of your lifestyle like late eating, late waking, lot of dairy products then you have to change your lifestyle.

While these are mostly acute or common problems, sooner or later your headache should go.

However, If sinus has been there for quite a few months and in case it is because of a underlying medical condition like deviated nasal septum, weak immune system, then you have take it a little bit seriously and get rid of the problem.

Check if its severe deviated nasal septum. However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate, leading to cold and then leading to sinus.

See the below diagram of our sinus cavities.

They are all connected. If you drop oil in ears, it comes out from your mouth or nose. If you drop oil in nose, it come through ears or mouth. Google, you have seen people do squirt milk from eyes etc(Guinness even has a record for it) . Its not magic. Its human anatomy. Yes, hard to believe. So if you get cold your sinus cavities are blocked. So let it be sinus, deviated nasal septum, dust allergy, or whatever, if no blockage, where is the problem. NO sinus.

The causes told by me or no magic or psuedo science. Yes, modern medicines are good with anesthesia, emergency care, artificial life support system but in this case, these are from ayurveda, (Google about ayurveda, offcourse you find a lot negatives but are you trying to say allopathy or anything for that matter in the world is perfect..no right. So be smart, see choice is yours.

This is my experience. Just be careful about what solution you are doing. If possible consult and then proceed, be it natural or medical etc.

No direct relation but yes, you are always tired with moderate to severe sinus, might lead to low blood pressure as you are breathing is shallow. Offcourse, lot other factors count like your overall health condition, your physical activity, diet etc.

Some one with Sinus but physically highly active engaged in sports will not face so much issues of blood pressure….

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