Monday 6 August 2018

What is this constant chirping sound inside my ear?

It’s called Vata Dosha or defect of Vaayu or air in body.

Yes, little strange to understand but its like some people get gas easily, even if they miss one meal. While Some people they don’t regularly still they have no gas issues.

So this is gastric, it is one form of Vata Dosha. Similary ringing or chirping, or tick-tick sound (don’t laugh) in ears are all Vata Dosha.

I think you will be able to relate better, if i say the symptoms causing the chirping sound is because of these reasons. I am sure you will be exposed to one of these factors. Read below.

I think you should be sleeping late or no fixed sleeping time.

Exposed to cold weather more like AC.

You might not feel cold but always sleeping under fan.

If you are exposed too much wind.

See if temperature is hot body will sweat, why are we averse towards sweat. Cold and Sweat are both body’s of adjusting itself. We should be just a little tolerant.

Unless cold is unbearable or sweat is drenching, we should adjust with environment. Otherwise these things will happen.

Or psychologically if you are person who worries a lot, hyperactive or anxious then Vata Dosha is common. It’s not a big deal.

All you need is to calm a bit. In your case, it should be fine with time.


Just put 2–3 drops of pure good quality edible cooking quality sesame oil, (preferably warm, don’t put too hot or cold) in your ears. Lie down on side for 2 min and then put in other ear as well.

Also you can put in your nose and eyes as well. Just do this for a few days.

Other thing is whenever you put the oil don’t put in cold weather. The sun should be out and you should be in a warm environment.

So like in Summer, i would put the oil in morning itself, because anyway sun will come out and it will be hot by 9 am.

In winter, i will wait till the weather gets warm and then put the oil.

Always put the oil before one hour food or after food.
Don’t drink cold water after putting oil.

Wait till you become normal.

You can keep tissue paper or cotton in ears for 1 hour and the oil would have got sucked by them. I usually keep it for 3 hours, and tear tissue paper, roll it and put them in ears. Excess oil is easily absorbed by tissue. And then i am fine. No cleaning mess as well.

Vata dosha is not a major problem in the starting stage but over period of time it develops into lot of complications like sinus, joint pains, gastric, laziness

So if you follow this remedy you will never get cold, sinus, hair fall, gastric problem etc. These are just some of the benefits of putting oil in ears, nose and eyes.

Yes, hair fall as well because when you put oil in nostrils, you clean your sinus passage and airways. There is increase in oxygen intake by brain.

In a matter of days, you will feel lighter, brighter, sharper. Memory will increase. These are just minor benefits. Your eye sight will be sharp, you will not get dry eyes. Hairfall will NOT be a word in your dictionary.

Once you are fine, you can just put oil twice a week in your ears, nose and eyes.

Ayurveda doesn’t mean always taking remedies as well. Your body should become strong to sustain itself. So reduce the frequency of oil drops gradually.

Winter season always reduce it, only if your nose if blocked or symptoms get aggravated put oil in ears, nose and eyes. But as i said only if the weather is warm.

Today, due to sedantory lifestyle, there is not much blood circulation to the head and so the hairfall. I mean if it was because of water, shampoo, (offcourse gels, chemicals have a impact but if you bath twice or thrice a week, you can apply shampoo, nothing will happen, even if its hard water)

If water, shampoo is the problem, then we should get hairfall on body, beard as well. Get it. Main problem is we are weak. So yes, increasing blood flow to head is enough actually for most hair fall problems.

Offcourse, its better to avoid chemicals, hard water, shampoo or just use them twice a week. Gel an all just use on very very important days. Like 10 times a year, that’s it.

This is enough, no one will get ear pain, sinus, cold, eye problem and hair fall.

This is what our ancestors used to follow.

Yes, this is not magic, this is what our ancestors used to practice and lead their life without hair fall, sinusitis, eye problems.

Just two drops of warm sesame oil in ears, eyes and nose. At least thrice or twice a week. Either one hour before food or after food. And don’t get to exposed to cold for next few minutes.

Never get exposed to cold wind or weather immediately after you put the oil. Your symptoms will get worse.

Don’t worry if your symptoms increase. It is only for a short time.
You should be fine within 10 days. Just stop it for one week, start again. Sooner or later you will be fine.

See the eyes, ears, nose are the most important sense organs.

It’s like your keeping wires(nerves) are being cleaned which leads to your eyes, ears and nose. If the nerves are clean then none of the diseases related to cold, sinusitis, tinnitus, hairfall or eyes will come. Got the logic.

Same concept with oil bath for full body. Got it.

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