Tuesday 28 August 2018

How does spirituality differ from any other kind of expression of credulity or servitude?

In Servitude - You do good Service you will invariably feel good at least feel some emotion as a reciprocative.

Credulity is about believing readily and this could be without verifying all the facts or without careful understanding.

Spiruality varies from one person to person.

Eg - Google - Aghoris, and we know usual sect of Saints, Sadhus, Religious activities, Rishis, Gurus (not teachers), Philosphers, and other Thinkers etc. The Aghoris especially believe God is in the faeces as well, dead corpses as well. So they eat them. Yes, they are not in servitude, they have crossed the realms of good or bad. For them everything bad is also God. Don't bother about fake Aghori Sadhus and misjudge this type of spirituality.

If you believe in God, meditation or about the power of subconcious mind, Kundalini Yoga then your moving towards spirituality.

Infact its a complicated topic..its like comparing what is difference between ice cream and a Television.

But still keeping the question in mind…Remember the human body is beyond skin, tissues, nerves, cells, molecules, atoms and sub atomic particles, all creatures have something called Life, Mind (not brain), Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, whatever you call etc.

Infact today we are able to do complex transplants and even grow body parts with stem cells.

But so far not able to create life, soul or a spirit.

End of the day when the Soul, Life, Spirit, Mind, Consciousness when it realises this reality, whic is the ultimate without expecting anything in return is Spirituality.

Now what you do with this spirituality is your choice. You can preach, choose to still go about your normal life, continue the usual way, cheat people in name of fake rituals (there are rituals for acquiring spirituality, so dont blame astrology, prayers. Sometimes they work, sometimes they dont work. Also if you have fake doctors, you will have fake astrologers, fake priests, but yes a true, priest, guru can guide you to spirituality easily), or dont care at all etc. So dont blame Spirituality, i can cook with knife or hurt with a knife.

Still din’t get it, don’t we all seek for something..Think…It’s career, money, family, good life, God, etc. Seeking is common..you see a common chain..Seeking…even a bad person is seeking after pleasure right.

I mean you, me, sun, moon, plastic, God, weapons, computers, money we are all made of the same atoms right, got it.

It’s like if i know how your atoms are arranged and the atoms of a parrot, i can just change you to a parrot.

So spirituality is beyond realms of understanding. It is a experience in itself but varies from person to person. Also you can understand only a part of it because you are also a part of a (remember atoms) system. The problem with modern science is the way it tries to analyze or thinks we can understand everything. Science is not bad or wrong, but Science is not perfect as well, and neither is Spirituality perfect, get it. But when science goes wrong, its trial and error, new technology.

But when faults happen in Spirituality, we blame religion, priests, guru, there is no spirituality, which is what i cant understand.

Scienctists also did blunders but still we have that lee way but with spirituality or methods like Astrology, yoga, bible, quran, guru, priests etc, we blame entire concept of Spirituality and everything related to it.

Servitude, varies from one person to person but the feeling of satisfaction is the same.

Spirituality varies from person to person and we should respect the other person's spirituality, not give names like religion, pagan, idol worship, while you brag about your free thinking, rationality, common sense, modern thoughts, non ritualistic ways.

I can be spiritual going to work, doing yoga, doing rituals, being broad minded, keeping people happy around me, following religion or without following religion. So please dont say your spirituality is superior to that person

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