This is how ur skin looks, this is how leather looks, remember animal skin. See the contours,layers, edges. Now if dirt is stuck in this uneven layer, tell me will water and soap will make it more clean or something like scrubbing action with a bit of viscosity.
Still dint understand, rub dirt or stain on leather, wipe it with water and also try wax. Which is more effective. Wax will not only clean better but also maintain the texture.
So first thing stop using all soaps, chemicals on your skin. They just scrub ur top layer. Thats it.
But skin has many layers. Like below picture.
So already ur skin is wounded due to pimples. Dont hurt it anymore. You have to make it heal from within also.
Never use HOT or COLD water for bath. Use barely lukewarm water. Just warm like the air you breathe out. Got it. Not a degree more.
Now to treat outer layer, keep yourself clean. Keep tissues, towel, and wipe or gently pat ur skin and take a bit of care to ensure to dont make pimples worse. NEVER BE HARSH, NO MATTER HOW TEMPTING TO POP OR BREAK THAT PIMPLE.
If you really get dirty, just take gentle bath again. No harsh scrubs, no hot water. Got it. Be patient.
So keep urself clean. Then drink lots of water and take fruits or veggies, atleast as one meal and whenever possible. More the better but skip one meal and take fruits or veggies once a day. Fruits n veggies due to fibre and nutrients will keep ur stomach clean, which means clean blood, which means clean skin.
Then now most important but easy thing to do but difficult to believe. Tell what people used before soaps and shampoo came. Modern Humans are 2000 year old and we have had soaps etc only from last couple of hundred years. I m not against soaps, it can cure pimples for many but its not what we are used to, will u eat even if i gav the costliest soap to you. We are not made of chemicals, that is a fact. So if soaps are working for you, go ahead but easy way is just take bath in lukewarm water and just take bath with any natural scrub like clay, soapnut powder, sandal powder, chickpea or gramflour. Take a cup, take adequate quantity and make paste and use it instead of soap. No need to use nylon scrub, these natural materials are scrub like themselves. Like these you can use natural powder of whatever is good for skin and take bath. I showed u skin image earlier. These paste will stick to every part of your skin and remove dirt. When you finally wash away with water, they will gradually improve your skin. Just be patient. Best part is these are not chemicals. Forgot the fragrance, you might not like the smell. For this you can mix rosewater in your paste or bath water itself. Again no chemicals, so like this think of all natural alternatives for soap and fragrance. These are dirt cheap remedies as well.
Compulsory take oil bath or go to massage parlour. Just light heat and apply oil (sesame, coconut, castor, or any one oil safe for skin) and massage everyweekend for 30 min. This oil will go deep in skin and clean the layers.
Doctors say oil will increase pimples. That is crap, your telling symptom, yes melanin oil block pores and pimples occur.
But Oil massage goes deep in skin and makes ur skin breathable and most importantly we are not at all killing ur skin. We are giving it power to heal. Just do this for 90 days, ur problem will be solved life long. Eat whatever, do whatever, but just follow this. I know somethings are not making sense. Trust me. I have had pimples all my body, cant even go out.
Tried all creams including benzoil peroxide ones, met skin care specialist, took full care, tried homeopathy, followed strict healthy diet, stayed indoors, still no results.
Understand how skin works, ur skin is like leather, u need to make it breathe thats all, dont strain it any further with creams, treatments, chemicals. If chemicals, things work for you, good but my methods will work for any skin acne, pimples. U just have to be patient.
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