Monday 27 August 2018

Is pimple and acne a normal thing at 22?

Actually its not about at which age you get pimples.

Pimple - is one pimple.

Acne - is a skin condition if you have more pimples. So if you are having too many pimples, cluster of pimples, suddenly get a few pimples, you say i have acne.

Like your nose is blocked(pimple), but we say cold(acne).

There is no age for pimple/acne.

Google baby acne, old age acne, adult acne. Its skin condition or disease that can happen anytime.

Its normal if it goes off after treatment, if it doesnt go after thats when its not normal.

So you have to see if your pimples why they are coming and the duration and severity.

Not everyone gets acne, they have same food, no diet, same hormones, same age.

So in short some people are prone to acne, you have to see if your prone to acne.

If not prone, occasionally pimples will come and go, if your prone, thats when its not normal.

Best thing is to take action in the beginning itself.

Hope this helps, I have had over 18 years of struggle with acne and sharing the same with you, tried everything creams, yoga, Ayurveda, homeopathy, OTC products, international products, everything. Hope this helps.

Now i almost controlled it and know everything that triggers my acne. Only almost controlled because its just my skin is prone to acne. So in some cases you have to understand you can’t completely eliminate but surely you can get 90 percent control, even if its severe acne and whoever it is. Best part, no monies involved. Lots of patience, bit of common sense and huge calmness.

Just Pure Natural Acne Treatment. No Chemicals Included

Even if you don’t find this answer helpful, the thing you need to know is learn everything about acne, if you know about acne, then you yourself will know what to do. SO GET TO KNOW ABOUT ACNE IN YOUR CASE AND YOUR SKIN. It’s like you know to ride the bike, you can ride, fast, slow or rash. Got it.

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