One cause of thyroid disease is autoimmune disorder. Antibodies present in the body itself attack the thyroid glands resulting in a condition named autoimmune thyroiditis which eventually destroys the thyroid gland.
Another reason is physical and mental stress. Physical stress can be defined as stress on the physical body where it is not able to accommodate a lifestyle such as fast food, disturbed sleep patterns and environmental risk factors. Mental stress can arise from work pressure, emotional weakness, grief or family disputes.
All of these factors result in the secretion of cortisol, the hormone which acts as a protective mechanism to stress. Originally developed as a response to physical threat, when the duration of stress increases too much cortisol causes the tissues to no longer respond to the thyroid hormone signal. This is known as thyroid resistance. It can cause thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels to be elevated while T4 and T3 are within the normal range.
Ayurvedic View
The main causes of thyroid disease are diet and lifestyle factors that imbalance the digestive fire or agniand metabolism. Stress and overwork also play an important part as this causes imbalanced agni and vitiation of the dosha. In thyroid disorders kapha dosha is vitiated which can cause a depletion of ojas. Once the ojas is affected then the immune system begins to act improperly, attacking the thyroid gland and resulting in depletion of thyroid functions and body metabolism.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Thyroid Conditions
Kapha dosha has the property of guru which means heaviness. It also has the property of manda or dullness. Treatment should focus on reducing manda guna of Kapha dosha.
Ayurvedic herbal formulas for thyroid include Vaisvanara curnam for Agni Dipana, Varunadi Kasayam, Punarnavadi kasayam and Kancanara guggulu. The practice of nasya is also beneficial.
Recommended Foods
Foods high in iodine like shellfish should be included in the diet. High selenium foods such as Brazil nuts, oysters, tuna, sunflower seeds, whole wheat bread, pork, chicken, mushrooms, whole grains and milk are also beneficial.
Foods To Avoid: alcohol, coffee, cabbage and cauliflower.
The practice of yoga and meditation everyday can reduce stress significantly. Pratimarshya Nasya with appropriate medication can control kapha vitiation. Exercise for half an hour daily can be very beneficial. People with thyroid diseases who regularly exercise for half an hour stimulate the thyroid gland and increase body metabolic function thereby reducing excess weight gain.
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