Monday 27 August 2018

Is there any ayurvedic treatment available for gastric problem?

First know how you got gas.

First reason is your eating habits are not on time. Stomach forms gas so that the stomach walls dont stick to each other. Offcourse, if you dont eat regularly on time, you will get anorexic and your stomach walls (walls are like flexible pouch) contract, and lead to further complications.

Gas is formed as a defence mechanism, body is telling eat on time and fill your stomach. If no gas was formed, an empty stomach will contract itself and end of story.

So eat on time.

Next could be poor digestion. Digestive acids in stomach are not strong to fully dissolve food. So undigested food can cause gas or loose stools or vomit. Gas is one of them.

So eat lots of fruits and raw vegetables. Atleast have a banana every meal. It is good to always have fruits and veggies. They have fibre, easily digest, increase digestion fire. We always get more hungry when we just eat fruits, veggies did you notice…

Third your gas is now a serious problem and just diet is not working. See gas is caused by a whole lot of small factors like i said poor diet, no fruits, no digestive fire. However these sometimes put together are enough to cause permanent gas.

In this case, in fact every weekend or at least mandatory once a month i suggest you take adequate quantity of edible castor oil in a spoon and drink milk.

Before you try this read:

How to Relieve Constipation With Castor Oil

Do this on a friday night, drink a 100 ml of milk after taking oil. Start with one spoon. If you find no difference go for 2 spoon and increase accordingly till get loose motion or freely pass stools. If you get loose motion or you get free motion, then that is the Right quantity.


Loose motion should stop after few hours next day. If you get motion even after stomach is empty, then drink hot water till motion stops.

How it helps gas, castor oil by now you would have seen would have made you hungry because all food remains in your entire digestive system has been removed. Yes even food, worms if any, stuck in your intestine from last few days will also be cleaned. This means even gas will be passed out. Plus no side effects.

Trust me, no matter how severe your gastritis was, it will be gone in one day.

Now from next day onwards you just need to take care not to get gas.

If castor oil is not possible for you try Psyllium Husk or Isaab Gol. Buy good brands.

well. So you need drink more water COMPULSORILY. Then it will clean your guts, and your gas problem is gone. But if you just take Psyllium husk and drink water as usual, your gas will increase further. So DRINK PLENTY, PLENTY OF WATER. YOU can drink it with milk, curd and many other tasty items. Just choose right quantity, start gradually and increase or decrease accordingly.

There will be no loose motion, but you will get clear easy smooth motion.

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