Tuesday 28 August 2018

What is the best home remedy for sinus issues?

Easiest way to solve any problem is first understanding it fully. So if you know about use of sinus. You can know what to do.

However, since its related to your health always be SURE of what you are doing. You can consult a medical expert as well. So let us start to know about Sinus.

Sinus cavities are like small water pockets in the head. Any air, dirt or dust is not inhaled directly by us.

The dirt sticks in this mucus, hair in nostrils and only fresh oxygen goes into your body and lungs and so on. The water or liquid that gets accumulated or blocked, the dust in the air entering your nasal-sinus area is what leads to growth of germs or fungus or inflammation.

So you need to clean or maintain the health of your sinus cavities.

This is just one of uses of sinus. So as i said, these sinus cavities or water pockets gets inflamed or blocked when there is too much dust, allergy, due to cold or sinus then you will start breathing less oxygen (you wont notice the difference but you are breathing less).

In most cases, after sometime it should become normal, however, if nasal area is blocked due to deviated nasal septum and for a long time, you get less oxygen, less breathing, So the tiredness, more complications.

Doctor usually suggest antibiotics. If it does not work they suggest surgery and straighten the bone but since bones are flexible, as you sneeze, sleep, blow your nose, there are chances it will bend again. That is why lot of people get back the symptoms.

However, on a serious note for the solution the best person to get cured is you yourself. Yes, don’t stop till you find the solution but again be calm and confident and don’t get frustrated.

Meanwhile hope I can help you with the answer.

You have to find out why your getting cold, sinusitis, rhinitis etc . Once you find it, then its easier to get cured.

So sometimes just taking care for your symptoms should solve your problem.

For eg: If sinus is because of the weather then you just need to keep your self warm.

If sinus is because of your lifestyle like late eating, late waking, lot of dairy products then you have to change your lifestyle.

While these are mostly acute or common problems, sooner or later your headache should go.

However, If sinus has been there for quite a few months and in case it is because of a underlying medical condition like deviated nasal septum, weak immune system, then you have take it a little bit seriously and get rid of the problem.

Try taking some basil leaves on daily basis. Its the best antiviral you will not get cold. Simple remedy – Just chew basil leaves (keep bunch of leaves and chew whenever possible) or drink amla juice (do not drink more than what your body can take, else you might puke, start with limited quantity. Once you feel better you can stop.

Also try Neti Pot ( Please Google -Nasal irrigation), is excellent. It hardly takes 5 minutes everyday. It might be hard in the beginning but don’t give up. Surely, if you get a Good Yoga Teacher he can help you in 3-6 months time.

It’s an innate reaction akin to sneezing and coughing. It is something even newborn humans posses. But its continuous without stopping in between and allows all mucus dirt to drain out.

Eg: Which one feels better, a big sneeze or small sneeze. But in Neti the effect is same without sneezing. Its like mimicing the effects of sneeze, that's all.

Always use absolutely clean mineral water quality water.

Salt should be free of dirt.

Amount of salt can be decided by you. If you feel very salty and water irritates your nostrils, reduce the salt.

But remember use salt in water, as it is heavier than mucus density in sinus, and salt water as its heavy compared to your mucus density will help you cleanse your sinus.

Science gave us over the counter nasal decongestants.

Nature, on the other hand, gave us the nasal cavity (above), which allows liquids to flow, like magic, into one nostril and out the other (any excess liquid caught in the back of the throat can be spit out).

Neti Pots use the presence of the latter to allow pharma-weary consumers to avoid the former. Call it cleansing, irrigating or “douching”, as Oprah did, Neti use – formally Jala Neti – is a practice that takes a bit of getting used to.

Take turmeric – add pinch of turmeric in milk, or water and drink 2–3 times a day. Turmeric is one of best anti inflammatory ingredient and keeps your immune on high score.

Drink Amla juice – take one amla (Indian gooseberry), cut it boil it in water (Ideally 350 ml water, after boil, water quanity would have reduced) and drink after cooling it.

You might puke or feel uneasy and get runny nose but don’t worry. Your body has started to remove the infection from your body. Do it continuously for 10 days.

It will be gone and took you just five minutes everyday without any injections, antibiotics etc.

Amla Juice should not be taken more than reqired. Start with one spoon, if you find improvement, use one spoon only.

If no improvement, try two spoons, but never take if you are not able to handle it or feel puky, acidity or uncomfortable. Once you feel better you can stop.

If possible meet a ayurveda doctor and ask what is right quantity for your body. Mix with lukewarm water and drink.

Dilution should be 1 spoon amla juice mixed in 50 ml water. No cold or very hot water. Preferrably drink on empty stomach or one after food or 2 hour before food.

Check if its severe deviated nasal septum.

With Balloon Sinuplasty, there is no cutting of nasal bone or tissue. With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty.

The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis.

Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose.

And, Balloon Sinuplasty is now offered by some doctors in their office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.

While recovery time varies with each patient, recovery is typically fast. In a study of in-office balloon dilation, most patients returned to work and normal activity within 2 days.

However, even I am suffering the same since childhood, though in my case it is just moderate.

Again, in my experience, I have also seen patients find no relief in Sinoplasty but still its far better and you get immediate relief to a major extent in most cases.

See its like this there are chances you will get completely cured or in case the symptoms might return as well.

Its just sometimes you are body is susceptible to Sinus.

So, in the long run if you have the time and patience and believe in holistic healing, then I would suggest you go for Yoga and practice breathing excercise also called Pranayam.

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