Tuesday 28 August 2018

What is the cure for 80 to 90 percentage blockage of heart without a bypass surgery?

If its one of the main arteries, then bypass surgery is needed. If its NOT the main arteries and if reports say no damage to heart muscles, u can strongly go ahead with alternative medicines.

Bypass itself is the last procedure, else your doctor would have suggested stent.

Now to your question, i know cases where people have recovered without surgery as well but chances are less.

So my suggestion is are you okay to bear the risk of surgery, (because nothing is guaranteed), are you okay with the patient admitted, are you okay for post operation situations?

Else are you okay to try out alternative methods, yes as i said there is no guarantee, as alternative medicine takes time and is usually suitable in cases of 60 percent blockage and say till age of 65 who is having no other health conditions. But here patient will not be in hospital, no surgery, just natural medicines.

Here's some successful case studies about patients who took Ayurvedic medicines.

AYURVEDIC MEDICINE FOR CORONARY ARTERY BLOCKAGE / DISEASE / heart attack/ prevention of heart attack / prevention for heart disease / prevention for coronary artery blockage

It’s detailed article and starts with explanation of heart blockages, to medicines, to case studies with results of patient. But interesting to read, especially if you are considering alternative medicines.

Case Discussion:-

CASE 1:-

Male Patient name Appaji sab, Jangali hatty, Jagalur Karnataka aged 72 Years completing of irregular heart rhythm, palpitation, difficulty in breathing and tiredness while little bit walking, chest pain, tightness or pressure in the chest since 8 months.

Previously treatment taken in Jayadeva hrudroga Hospital Bangaluru and Shree Shiradi sayibaba cordiac Hospital Bengaluru, both they are advised for Balloon Angioplastyprocedure.

On examination: -

Low built, shortness of the breath, on auscultation third heart sound, irregular heartbeat, BP-130/80mm of hg, pluse-78/min.

On Investigation:-

Angiograph results: - Right coronary artery blockage up to 76%.

Treatment given:-

corse: 1

Tab ************* 1000mg Bid before food for chewing.

Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid after food with hot water. For 21days.

Corse:- 2

After 21 days Angina, Palpitation, Shortness of Breath & other symptoms are decreased.


Tab ************* 1000mg Bid before food for chewing.

Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid after food with hot water. For 21days.


After 21 days Angina, Palpitation, Shortness of Breath completely reduced but having light palpitation.

Advice :-

Tab ************* 1000mg Bid before food for chewing.

Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid after food with hot water. For 21days.

Result:- (After a month)

Angiogram:- Result shows there is no blockage and other abnormalities are seen

Then advice to continue ************* 500mg as a preventive measure.

CASE 2:-

Male Patient name Hanumanthappa, layer, Jagalur Karnataka aged 56 Years completing of tiredness, tightness chest, palpitation since 1year. Known case of hypertension & DM. non-smoker, obese.

Previously diagnosed & treated in Jayadeva hrudroga Hospital Bangaluru.

On examination: -

On auscultation third heart sound, irregular heart-rhythm , BP-130/90mm of Hg, pluse-76/min.

On Investigation:-

TMT:- Ischemic heart disease (IHD)

Angiograph results: - Right coronary artery blockage up to 40%.

Treatment given:-

Corse:- 1

Tab *************1000mg Bid before food for chewing.

Bilwadi vati 1 gm Bid after food with water. For 21days.


After 21 days Angina, tiredness, tightness chest, palpitation and other symptoms are decreased, along with Observed gastric irritation.

Advice:- ************* 1000mg Bid before food for chewing

Balaguduchyadi Q 15ml Bid before food for 21days.

After 21 days Angina, tiredness, tightness chest, palpitation and other symptoms are decreased completely.

Result:- (After 15days)

Angiogram:- Result shows there is no blockage.

Then advice to continue ************* 500mg as a preventive measure.

CASE 3:-

Male Patient name Rudramuniyappa, musturu, Karnataka aged 80 Years, completing of difficulty in breathing, tiredness, chest pain, palpitation since 2 year. Chronic smoker.

Previously diagnosed & treated in Narayana Hrudayalaya Bengaluru.

On Examination:-

Normal built, Auscultation third heart sound, irregular heartbeat, BP-130/80mm of Hg, pluse-78/min.

Angiogram Results:- Right Coronary Artery Blockage up to 60%.

Serological investigation:-

changes in the LDL, HDL and VLDL above the level

Treatment given:-


Tab************* 500mg Bid BF Chewing.

Balaguduchyadi Q 15 ml Bid AF Hot Water. For 21days

Corse: 2

After 21 days completing of difficulty in breathing, tiredness, chest pain, palpitation and other symptoms are decreased moderately.


Tab *************500mg Bid BF chewing.

Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid AF hot water. For 21 days.

Corse 3:-

After 21 days difficulty in breathing, tiredness, chest pain, palpitation and other symptoms are decreased.


Tab ************* 500mg Bid BF chewing.

Avipattikara churna 5gm Bid AF hot water. For 21 days.

Result:- (After a month)

Angiogram:- Result shows that there 20% 0f the blockage.

We observed 67% of the result in prescribed duration.

CASE:- 4

Pt name N.P.Nagaraj, 64years, Bank manager in SBM chitrdurga, Karnataka c/o chest pain, tiredness, palpitation. Since 9 months.

On Examination:-

Normal built, Auscultation third heart sound, irregular heartbeat, BP-130/80mm of Hg, pluse-78/min.

Angiogram Results:- Right Coronary Artery Blockage up to 20%.

Treatment given:-

Tab ************* 500mg Bid BF Chewing. For 21days

Result:- After 21 days all the symptoms are normal.

After 21 days advice Tab ************* 250 mg daily as a preventive measure.


Coronary artery Blockage is caused due to Medo Vruddi in the blood that may accumulate in the coronary artery vessels. That will cause the ischemia in the heart muscles i.e. craving of the blood supply to the heart muscles. That may produce the symptom like irregular heart rhythm, shortness of the breath, angina. After that may leads to thrombus formation it will leads to myocardial infraction.

Sometimes 100% blockage with cholesterol, fat molecules and cells i.e. pluck May not show any symptoms but some time even 20-30% of blockage will forms the thrombus that may leads to myocardial infraction. So in the higher cholesterol level or in the hyper cholestremia conditions and in the early stages of the pluck formation only everyone needs medication.

By absorbing the different scholar’s scientific study of all the ingredients of ************* with respect to regularise the cholesterol level and break down of pluck formation, We concluded that ************* is the drug of choice for the coronary artery blockages.

Through the clinical study we absorbed that at the stage of pluck formation in the coronary artery and other arteries also by advising ************* completely removes the pluck formation and clears the pathway of the blood vessels.

So, every physician must try to understand the condition of the coronary artery blockages and prevent the further complications based on the evidence.

So its like this, my choice would be if doctor says chances are very slim like 30 percent, i will not trouble my patient with the pain of surgery and all that post surgery things. I would go for Alternative treatment, atleast they will be in less stress till they live. But i suggest you give choice to patient if he is in a posistion to take the call or bold enough.

As for surgery if doctor says chances are fairly high like 60 percent and says these are the complications and he says he has it covered, my team is there, nurses are good, its like either you or doctor should own up responsibility (atleast he is 100cent sure of his part) like i know where this will end but i still give it a try.

If chances are really slim, i will avoid surgery, take alternative route (have seen patients cured with alternative medicine as well) and hope for best and avoid prolonging the suffering. But i will do this only if i am DEAD SURE.

I have nothing against Allopathy or Modern Medicine but miracles do happen.

There is a debate with Alternative medicines being voodoo and not scientific.

All i can say there are drawbacks in Modern medicine as well. Like side effects, resistance build up etc.

Similarly alternative medicines too have their drawback like mostly you will find quacks, it doesnt have a industry status like modern hospitals but it works with its drawbacks.

So dont blame the system, nothing is perfect. I hate maths, can i blame maths is boring. Similary both Alternative and Modern medicines are having their own drawbacks and plus.

So for all those who are against alternative medicines, please be objective while commenting about alternative medicines.

As far decision is concerned, Its a personal call.

Sorry but life and death are imminent, we need to understand the truth as well. So there is only so much you can do, do your best, dont worry about consequences.

I know this sounds blunt to some but these are just my views.

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