Tuesday 28 August 2018

Why can't AIDS be cured?

Here is something i found:

The treatment looks less painful, rejuvenative right from onset and most importantly seem more like a health regime. Off course, results are mixed but the effectiveness seems to be no less compared to Modern Medicine, especially if detected early and treated early, these methods seem to be more effective and most comfortable to the patient.



Ayurvedic cure for AIDS? Monday, November 20, 2000

Dr. Nagananda Bhat, an ayurvedic doctor, said here on Saturday that it was possible to cure AIDS using ayurvedic medicines prepared by him. They were cost-effective and did not have side effects.

He told press persons that at present, he was treating 75 AIDS patients using these medicines. The HIV virus had been ``eradicated'' from one of the three patients treated by him earlier. The viral counts had come down by 92 and 93 per cent, respectively, in the other two.

Dr. Bhat, who runs Durga Clinic at Mandarti, said that the viral count of the first patient was 42,217 per ml. of blood when he came for treatment. His weight was 60 kg. After five months of treatment, the count was less than 20 per ml. of blood (which is considered as complete eradication) and the weight increased to 64 kg. The second patient had a viral count of 2,32,322 per ml. of blood and was weighing 39 kg., but after five months of treatment, the count went down to 18,983 per ml. of blood and the weight increased to 42 kg. The third one had a viral count of 2,00,318 per ml. of blood and his weight was 48 kg. After treatment, the count came down to 14,217 and his weight had increased to 52 kg. The two patients were still HIV positive and the treatment would continue, he added.

He would keep the patient ``cured'' of the disease under observation and treatment for one more year as there was a possibility that the virus would still be present in the white blood corpuscles of his blood. There was no facility in the country to detect it. If the disease did not recur, he would claim to have found a total cure for it.

He refused to divulge the details of the medicines, but said that 30 herbs were used in them. They were prepared in the ayurvedic forms of ``kashaya, churna and lehya'' and were non-toxic. The duration of treatment was normally six months, but it varied depending on the viral count.

Dr. Bhat said that he was ready to submit the medicines for modern laboratory tests. The cost of treatment using them was Rs. 600 per month, while it was Rs. 7 lakh per annum for the three- drug combination and Rs. 70,000 per year for the two-drug combination under the allopathic system of medicine.

Treatment of HIV/ AIDS in Ayurveda Dr Ram Mani Bhandari on April 3, 2011

According to the literary text of Ayurveda the term ‘Rajyakshma’ is said to be ‘king of all disease’. It can be correlated with the modern HIV/AIDS. The symptoms and signs are identical in both of disease as described in text of Ayurveda , Astanga Hridaya (Chikitsa Sthan), Astanga Sangraha as well as Charaka Samhita(Nidan Sthan). The treatment of Rajyakhsma can be adopted for the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

The Symptoms include

1. Excess loss of weight

2. Fatigue and Lethargy

3. Suseptible for Contagious and Allergic disease

4. Irritation in skin

5. Bronchial disease, often leading to TB

6. Intestinal flora disorder, result in diarrhea, Dysentery, gastritis

7. Fluctuation in bodily temperature

Root Causes of diseases are

1. Unprotected sexual practice as Anal sex

2. Unprotected intercourse with multiple partners

3. Not cleaning genitals area after coitus

4. Washing body with dirty, contaminated water

5. Contaminated foods

Although AIDS and Rajyakshma both are due to contagious issue. The symptoms and root cause are identical. The treatment line of Rajyakshma can be applied for modern war against HIV/AIDS. As described in Ayurveda treatment include immnunity build up using tonics and Rasayans(rejuvenators) and then selected medicines to counter the virus are used. Some text describe AJA MAMSA Rasayan (Prepared from Cow’s milk, ghee, and an extract of goats meat) and Indukanta Gritham are given for better stimulate appetite and strengthen the body. The medicine described in Ayurveda for building immunity are used.

Rasasindoor preparation( Prepared with purified mercuty) is applied along with some medicines are used for impart strength. This regimes are followed for some months for 6 month atleast and usually shows good results, depending upon the stage of disease and parameters. The virus may be continue to lurk in body but further damage in the body can be prevented and immune response can be enhanced. Then individual can live his normal life span. After the therapy if the patient begins to recover then Sodhana ( Elimination) technique is adopted to expel toxins from the body through Enemas, Purgation and Emesis process.

The medicines administered at this stage are not hard, hot or drastic, but soft, ghee based and eco-friendly are used so that patient can withstands with ease. The build of immunity cause blood purified with Cooling medication. Blood purification technique later strengthening, non vegetarian diet along with ghee preparation and liquid soups recommended. But spicy, oily, acidic, unhygienic foods are avoided. The ayurvedic preparation of Alcohol is recommended as Anupana(Carrier)to aid the digestive process and to removes blockage in the blood vessesl. i.e Srothsodhan The patient are suggested to bath twice or thrice daily with cold water , followed by application of sandalwood paste on the body. The bathing cause cooling in the body and clean the unhealthy body, The sandalwood paste purifies body by penetrating the hair follicles of skin.

After all these therapy the heated blood in the blood vessel are said to be weaken and even destroy the virus in most of cases. In some patient if unable to exercise and incapable of running further Swedanam(Steam) is recommended.

Ayurvedic Treatment of HIV Aids

Discussion in 'Ayurveda Forum' started Dec 28, 2015.


Ayurvedic practitioner Dr G. Shanthakumar, based in Mumbai, India, claims that ayurveda identified AIDS over 2,000 years ago.

The ancient malady was termed Rajayakshma (the king of diseases) and its symptoms were identical to AIDS going by the descriptions of Vagbhata in Ashtanga Hridayam (Chikitsitam section) and its supplementary text, the Ashtanga Sangraham, as well as in another ayurvedic classic, Charaka Samhita (Nidanam section).

The major symptoms are:

(1) drastic loss of weight

(2) fatigue and lethargy

(3) susceptibility to allergies and contagious diseases

(4) skin irritations

(5) bronchial disorders, often leading to tuberculosis of the lungs

(6) damage to intestinal flora resulting in diarrhoea, dysentery, gastritis and

(7) wide fluctuations in body temperature.

Significantly, the root causes of this disease are:

(1) unhygienic sexual practices such as anal intercourse

(2) indiscriminate intercourse with multiple partners

(3) not cleaning the genitals after coitus

(4) washing the body with contaminated or dirty water

(5) bestiality

(6) contaminated blood.


Despite this, whether AIDS and Rajayakshma are the same disease is a contentious issue. Dr Shanthakumar, however, believes they are and says the treatment used for Rajayakshma can be applied fruitfully in the war against HIV/AIDS.

Initially, the patient is given tonics and rejuvenators (Rasayanams) to boost immunity levels. Subsequently, select medicines to counter the virus are administered. Ajamamsa Rasayanam (prepared from cow`s milk, ghee and an extract of goat`s meat) and Indukantham Ghritham are given to strengthen the system and stimulate appetite.

Later, Rasasindoor (prepared with purified mercury) is applied along with some medicines that impart strength. "This treatment regimen is followed for six months and usually shows good results, depending on the severity of the case and associated parameters," says Dr Shanthakumar. The success could be provisional, though. The virus may continue to lurk in the body, but it is unable to do further damage because of the bolstered immune response. The individual may then live out his normal life span.

If the patient begins to recover, shodhana (elimination) techniques are used to expel toxins from the body through enemas, purgation and emesis. The medications administered at this stage are not hard, hot or drastic, but soft, ghee-based and eco-friendly so that the patient withstands them with ease. As overall immunity improves, the blood is purified with cooling medications.

Once the blood has been purified, a strengthening, non-vegetarian diet along with ghee preparations and soups is recommended. But spicy, oily and acidic foods are to be avoided. A little alcohol is recommended as anupana (carrier) to aid the digestive process, and also remove blockages in the blood vessels, i.e. srothorodham.

The patient is bathed twice or thrice a day with cold water, followed by applications of sandalwood paste on the body. The baths cool the body and blood while sandalwood purifies by penetrating the follicles.

"Heated blood is also said to weaken, and even destroy, the virus in some cases. If the patient is incapable of exercising or running due to weakness, then steaming (swedanam) is recommended," Dr Shanthakumar discloses.

The Healed Ones

Dr Shanthakumar first treated an AIDS victim in 1992: "About eight years ago, an AIDS patient met me. I applied the ayurvedic therapy keeping his symptoms in mind. He would collapse with high temperature once a week, though he did not harbor malarial parasites. After a month`s treatment, the fever and shivering subsided. After three months, his weight increased from 43 kg to 48 kg. After ten months, he tested negative for HIV.

"I then became confident about treating AIDS. Through my first patient, two others came to me and were both equally successful. But I never cure. I simply assure a longer lifespan with a constitution and metabolism that functions as close to normal as possible. Out of the 64 patients I have treated in the past eight years, 43 are leading healthy, normal lives. Of course, three of my patients died, possibly because they had reached the last stage."



ayurvedic medicines tat help against fighting Aids

The following are some of the ayurvedic medicines that improve and help in making progress for the AIDS patients:



◦Sookshma triphala tablets.

Raktavardhak helps in building the immunity of the patient and making it strong and resistant.

The functions of the sookshma triphala tablets are fight against the infections present in the body of the AIDS patient.

The most important, effective and popular ayurvedic remedy for AIDS is chyavanprash.

It acts as a toxin and thus makes the patients immune system strong and rejuvenate it.Chyavanprash is made of amalaki or goose berry which supplies a lot of vitamin c to the body. It also supplies anti oxidants like bioflavonoid, vitamin B complex and vitamin A.A special characteristic of this fruit, amalaki is that it is antifungal and anti bacterial, therefore it helps in digestion and also lowers the blood pressure and high cholesterol. The other useful effects of amalaki, present in chyavanprash is that it helps in repairing the muscles and improves the skin also. Apart from amalaki chyavanprash has other essential ingredients like 35 herbs. Therefore all the ingredients of chyavanprash make it a powerful remedy towards fighting a dreadful disease like Aids. It is not very difficult find chyavanprash as it is available in most local medical stores. Therefore if we sum up the qualities of chyavanprash, we see that it helps in the various systems of our body like digestive, respiratory and sexual systems.

AIDS | Natural Cure | AIDS Ayurvedic Remedies

According to the modern concept AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused the virus, Human Immune Deficiency Virus, HIV. It is a set of disease that destroys an individual immune system.

However according to the ayurvedic perspective, AIDS is related to loss of energy. This disease results in weakening of:


•Blood cells

•Muscular tissue

•Adipose tissue

•Bony tissue

•Bone marrow

•Reproductive tissue.

According to ayurvedic studies, the person suffering from AIDS is likely to have the following symptoms:

•Prolonged fever


•Skin irritations


•Contagious disease

•Loss of appetite

•Loss of weight

•Prone to allergies

Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurvedic treatment has proved to be quite beneficial without any side effects.Following are the various ayurvedic treatments against AIDS:

•To improve the patient’s immunity strength they are given toxins and rejuvenator. The toxins develop the patient’s immune systems and motivate the appetite.

•Blood is also purified in various ways, with the help of different medicines.

•Corrective measures are adopted towards improving the conditions of liver.

•Ayurveda recommends diet with ghee. It asks you to avoid food with spice and oily.

•Ghee is recommended in the diet of the AIDS patients by ayurveda because it helps to eject or drive out the toxins from the body through enemas, purgation and emesis.

•Moderate intake of alcohol is recommended since alcohol has positive effects in removing blockages and helping smooth flow of blood.

•Ayurvedic treatment asks the AIDS patients to do vigorous exercise. Heavy exercise heats up the blood and this helps in fighting against the viruses, sometimes viruses even get destroyed by the heated blood.

•Preparing herbo-minerals compounds following certain formulae can improve the conditions of AIDS patients.

some more info

Not many people prefer to use antibiotics or strong medicines for treating their ailments these days.

A more preferred way is to go in for ayurvedic treatments, which normally do not show any side effects and cure way too fast.

Some of the frequently recommended ayurvedic treatments for curing AIDS are:

The use of rejuvenators help to strengthen the immune system of the patient and also motivate their appetite.

Measures are taken to improve the condition of the lever.

AIDS patients are recommended to have more of ghee in their diet, as these help in driving away toxins of the body through enemas, purgation and emesis.

Another thing which the AIDS patients are frequently recommended to intake is alcohol. Alcohol is known to remove blockages if any and help in the smooth passage of blood.

It is advisable for the AIDS patients to practice vigorous exercise since, this causes the blood to heat up, which helps in fighting against viruses and often destroys them.

AIDS patients can also take the help of herbo-mineral compounds, prepared using special formulas.

Besides these common ayurvedic treatments, there are some medicines also that are usually recommended for the AIDS patients like, Chyavanprash, Raktavardhak, Sookshma Triphala tablets, etc.


Treatment of HIV, The King of Diseases with Ayurveda

Though the phenomenon of AIDS has been recognized by modern medicine only around 20 years ago due to the discovery of a strain in a species of monkeys found in Africa; Ayurveda appears to have actually established its identity about 2000 years ago.

In Ayurveda, HIV has even been ascribed to unhygienic habits which could be due to poor personal hygiene. It is still debatable as to whether modern-day AIDS and the malady described in Ayurveda as RAJAYAKSHMA (The king of diseases) are exactly and precisely the same.

But this debate is a fruitless controversy. What is vitally important is whether the mode of treatment prescribed against RAJAYAKSHMA in ancient Ayurvedic texts can be applied successfully against HIV positive/AIDS. I am personally of the firm conviction that it can.

AIDS, that is Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome is a malady whereby the immunity level of the human body is reduced drastically due to the destructive action of a virus in the bloodstream. This virus is particularly malignant because it impairs and ultimately destroys the functioning of vital bodily organs inevitably resulting in death.

The symptoms described in ASHTANGA HRIDAYAM by VAGBHATA (section:CHIKITSITAM), and its supplementary text, the ASHTANGA SANGRAHAM, as well as another Ayurvedic classic– the CHARAKA SAMHITA (Section: NIDANAM) are:

drastic loss of weight

fatigue and lethargy

susceptibility to allergies and contagious diseases

skin irritations

bronchial disorders, often leading to tuberculosis of the lungs

Damage to intestinal flora resulting in diarrhea, dysentery, gastritis wide fluctuations in body temperature etc.

The root causes of the disease, according to the aforementioned Ayurvedic texts generally are:

unhygienic sexual indulgence such as anal intercourse

having indiscriminate intercourse with many people

not cleaning the genitals after coitus

sexual practices with animals (bestiality)

transfusion of contaminated blood

Initially, the patient has to be given tonics and rejuvenators (RASAYANAMS) to upgrade the immunity level, and subsequently specific medicines to actually counter the virus.

AJAMAMSA RASAYANAM (prepared with cow’s milk ghee and extract of goat’s meat) along with INDUKANTHAM GHRITHAM are to be given for strengthening the system and stimulating appetite. Later, RASASINDOOR (prepared with purified mercury) along with a batch of medicines which impart strength to the patient are applied. If this is done for six months (depending on the severity of the case and its associated parameters) success is usually the result. However, the sort of success to be achieved may be qualified by the possibility that the virus has not been completely destroyed or eradicated, but simply rendered ineffective.

The virus may continue to lurk in the body, but is unable to cause further damage because of enhancement of the immunity level, and strengthening of the internal organs. A situation of peaceful co-existence may be achieved, and this may actually last for the remainder of the life span of the individual.

Once the patient begins to show signs of recovery, SHODHANA (elimination)techniques may be applied to discard the vitiated toxins from the body (detoxification) through enema, purgation, emesism, etc. The medicines given at this stage to the patient should not be hard, hot or drastic. They should be soft, ghee-based, eco-friendly so that the patient may comfortably withstand the effect of the medicines.

Once the general immunity system has improved, the blood should be sought to be purified with medicines which have a cooling effect on the body. After considerable purification of blood, the patient should be put on a diet which is strengthening, and non-vegetarian food items are recommended. Spicy, oily and acidic food should be avoided, but ghee preparations and soups are recommended. The medicines which raise the immunity level should also be capable of increasing the digestion metabolism, and strengthening the intestinal movements. Only then would the overall constitution be benefited, and this benefit would reach all parts of the body.

When non-vegetarian food is taken by the patient, a little alcohol is recommended as ANUPANA (carrier) to aid the digestion process, and also help remove the blocks in the blood vessels, aka SROTHORODHAM.

A bath should be taken twice or thrice daily with cold water, and after bath, a sandalwood paste should be applied on the body. This keeps the body and blood cool, and sandalwood penetrates into the follicles and purifies. It is also advisable to take such a bath after vigorous exercise, such as jogging or running so that the blood is warmed up, and some impurities/toxins are secreted through perspiration. Heated blood can also weaken, and even destroy, the virus in certain cases e.g. we have the experience of the athlete Ben Johnson who acquired HIV. If the patient is very weak and incapable of exercising or running, then steaming, i.e. SWEDANAM is recommended.

With the above mentioned procedure, I simply assure a longer span of life (and not HIV negative reports from positive reports), with a constitution and metabolism which function as close to normal as possible.

-Dr.Hiren Parekh

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