Tuesday 28 August 2018

How is that so many people are fully cured with homeopathic medicine, and with practically no side effects?

No medicine will work for all patients, for all diseases.

Yes, homeopathy concept is to cure anything without side effects. But its like, does everyone who get wet in rain get cold?

Same in homeopathy though it cures anything because of a patient’s age, condition, doctor expertise, patient's following treatment correctly, environment etc. make a impact.

For eg: Can any doctor guarantee every one given anti rabies will not die of rabies. So no point blaming homepathy. Nothing is perfect, and no point looking at negatives of homeopathy.

Then what about side effects of chemotherapy, pencillin etc. This blame game will go nowhere.

So inspite of some defects in homeopathy how does it work?

Try taking a glass of water, mix a spoon of sugar in it and drink. It will be sweet.

Now do the same thing but this time stir the water for 30 minutes. Water will be more SWEET.

unfortunately, everything cannot be explained in life. Something's have to be experienced.

Anyway, here goes my explaination. Water is more sweet because now the stirring has made the water atoms and sugar atoms mix even more.

Can you detect the percentage of atoms now mixed sugar (atoms) in water (atoms).

But we all know 30 mins of stirring of sugar in water, more sugar atoms and water atoms have mixed.

Still dint get it, try stirring any sludge in water for 5 min and 30 min. The sludge mixed for 30 min will be more effectively mixed. But is there any difference in quantity of sludge or water. Now take a drop from both the mix. Which is more mixed?

Same here in homeopathy, we mix medicine in such small quantity that it gets mixed in every atom making it unnoticeable but truth, it is now more potent.

Off course, we call it memory effect and other explanations. But as i said, words, seeing, sometimes even experience are enough not to understand everything.

There are people who dont believe Allopathy as well, but fact is modern medicine too doesnt work for all diseases, all people at all time. People dont believe in placebo, but fact is placebo in itself works but not for everyone, all time, all place. Same with homepathy.

I know people will tell about success rate. But there are countless people who have been cured with placebo a.k.a homeopathy, heavy metal a.k.a ayurveda where modern medicine has failed. Now you say that is fake, luck..as i said everyone cant understand everything.

Why no side effects? As you said side effects are almost ‘practically' nothing only. Side effects are there but since medicine is given in very, very low doses, based on one patient's nature, side effects will be like either medicine does not work or symptoms can increase slightly. But again in homeopathy, since medicine makes the immune system cure the disease, increase in symptoms is considered as normal effect. So homeopathic can increase or decrease or even stop the medicine based on diagnosis. It is expected in homeopathy - increase, decrease or no response to medicine. So we dont call it as side effects plus as i said medicine is usually started in very, very low doses.

Rare cases, only if doctor is sure, we will give high doses but again in homepathy high dose means even less medicine but remember atom (see sludge example) wise the mixture of the medicine is more potent.

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